A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy Aisle Trolls > 2-Pack Shaker

Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to poe AT poeghostal.com. Also, please note: I’m deliberately being over-the-top with my condemnation of these people–I don’t actually wish bodily harm upon them. Just severe mental anguish.

Poester MysteryD8 isn’t gonna let them cover this one up:

This was on the shelf of the west Knoxville TRU in TN. It was after I snapped the picture that I saw a SECOND swapped set. This one had the purple half of the 200x sword, while the other one had the maroon half. I figure it was the same scammer, so he gave up two 200x figures and one full sword for two of the MOTUC TRU Skeletors. Lame.

I’m tempted to suggest this might be intended as some form of commentary on how the Millennium line is supposedly superior to MOTUC, but I’m sure the guy is just a common thief. No, not an exceptional thief, just a common thief.

On a side note, my puns in these things’ titles are getting worse.


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  1. Too-Man-E-Faces

    Now, that's a good one. *laugh*

  2. Snarf! Snarf!

    oh darn it! If it had the FULL 200X sword I might've bought it. (assuming if it a TaT 2pack like that appeared in my area.) Mostly cause of the Luthor, and having a replacement 200X Skeletor. Mine died recently… (bought'im at a garage sale he had no sword.)

  3. JediCreeper

    what's sad is, that skeletor is still one of the best MOTU figures done, from ANY era.

  4. Dead Man Walking

    200X and DCUC integrate much better anyways, due to the more similar physiques of the figures.

  5. I was at that TRU not long ago and didn't find any of these…not even bastardized ones like the two-pack pictured. šŸ™

  6. tool486

    @JediCreeper: I agree!!

  7. dayraven

    @JediCreeper: were it better articulated, sure… and if it didn't have a pin head. but as far as sculpt and paint, you're on the money.

  8. Mose


    Tell me about it. Up here in Canada, the only mattel lines you can find up here are Barbie, Batman the Brave and the Bold, and Cars. The 2-packs and DCUC are pretty much none existent. If I never found out about them online, I wouldn’t have known they even existed.

    I found out about DCUC at a local Comic store. The sad part is that they charge the best price ($22+tax). My local TRU started to bring some in but they’re charging $26+tax for them. I thought the American and Canadian dollar’s where fairly close as of right now?

  9. Mose


    I forgot to mention the overabundance of Toy Story stuff clogging the shelves.

  10. Scott

    I saw one just like that a couple of months ago, except in that case they put in Disco Skeletor and also took the kryptonite. He was also missing the vest. I think they put the purple MOTUC sword in there too.

  11. Reverend Ender

    Why can't the MOTUC Skeletor cowl look like that? WHY!?!?!?!

  12. Mose

    @Reverend Ender:

    Because the high-ups would considered it to be hyper-anime detail and that look is retired.

    But in all honesty, I wished it would have looked like that too.

  13. CompyRex

    2-Pack Shaker hahahahahahahaha. Good one, Poe.

  14. man this makes me wish I'd taken a pic of the McQuarrie set I saw at TRUS- every figure was taken and replaced! To top it off the guy did his best to hit it with horrible 'custom' jobs with old figures and accessories.

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