This is kind of neat. One of the special events during today’s Star Wars Celebration V was one-hour interview between Daily Show host Jon Stewart and George Lucas. To honor the event, Hasbro created a one-of-a-kind Jon Stewart action figure, complete with alternate goatee head. Pretty awesome.
monkey boy
so is this like the rarest SW figure ever?
Thomas B
yup….rarest and most awesomenest
This is really cool, and due to all the frustration that mattel induces I've decided that Hasbro is awesome. I really like the new G.I. Joe and transformers that I've picked up lately.
"yup….rarest and most awesomenest "
How is this awesome? John Stewart???
Mumma Ghostal
Is this actually for sale??? I MUST HAVE!!!
I have been a devoted fan of Jon Stewart since Indecision 2000!!!
@Mumma Ghostal: No, sadly it's a one-of-a-kind made just for Stewart himself. Although if fan demand is high enough, it's possible they'll produce it–it's happened before.
Thomas B
yup which makes me think there is a good chance of it happening.
he'd go great next to my george lucas storm trooper ha
This should be mass produced. Hey Scott Neitlich is an Eternian Guard figure and is D-(F?)list celebrity. Jon Stewart is seen by millions daily.
I'd sure as hell buy one.
With some extra Star Trek bodies, Jon can also make a Mirror-Mirror version of himself, because goatees equal evil twins.
I only have about 10 Star Wars figures, but I would certainly add this one to my shelf. Too cool, hope it gets produced sometime.