A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

McFarlane´s Military, Redeployed 2

McFarlane´s Military, Redeployed 2 by magnushamar


MOTUC Bio Discussion #15 > Scareglow


Toy Aisle Trolls > Bait ‘n No-Switch


  1. RM

    That is an EXTREMELY impressive photograph.


  2. Barbecue17

    Very nice picture. This really makes me miss the Plan B Special Forces line. Those figures were fantastic! They're so hard to find anywhere. I never see them at Toy shows, comic shops, or on ebay.

  3. Magnus

    Thanks alot guys!

  4. PrfktTear

    Great photo! Its so life-like. It looks like it was shot out on the field.

  5. Young Richard

    "Pull my finger, dammit!!"

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