A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Sponsor News: New DCUC Pre-orders

Enchanted Toy Chest and Entertainment Earth have some new pre-orders up for the upcoming DCUC and Green Lantern Classics lines.

Enchanted Toy Chest:

Entertainment Earth:


Spy Monkey Creations & AFI Toast a New Accessory


Pic of the Day


  1. PrfktTear

    Feel free to call my a hypocrite when I post reviews on figures from Waves 14 and 15, but I plan on skipping those (except for Manhunter) but I'm very tempted to pre-order Wave 16 so I don't have to be bothered with the hunt for that, but since its a way's away, I'll wait a bit.

  2. Tom-Tom

    Finally an All-Star Deathstroke!

  3. Dlia

    Just make these subscription exclusive to Entertainment Earth.

  4. The Flash III


    No way! I've ordered every wave since six (minus 10 of course) from Enchanted Toy Chest, never had a problem, got them quickly, and got great customer service. I did order a few Lantern singles from EE, though. The more competition, the better!

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