A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

It’s Toys for Tots Season!

Toy for Tots season always sneaks up on me so fast. Let’s get this out of way first: the deadline to donate to Toys for Tots is THIS WEEKEND. Well, truthfully it varies by location but most places stop taking toy donations this weekend. Anyway, after that you’ll have to just donate money, which isn’t as much fun but still just as important, if not more important!

Anyway, two different toy blogs are sponsoring Toys for Tots drives.

First up is Geeks for Tots.

Win Toys For Helping Tots with Geeks for Tots!

Geeks for Tots is back once again to promote giving this holiday season. Geeks for Tots is a contest that encourages donations to the Toys for Tots.

There are far too many kids that won’t get gifts this holiday season and the Toys for Tots program is here to help. Toys for Tots takes new toys and distributes them to kids in need. To encourage donations to the Toys For Tots program, the Geeks For Tots contest is offering prizes to those who send in proof of donations to Toys for Tots.

The Prizes up for grabs are:

• Anakin Skywalker Force FX Lightsaber from Brian’s Toys
• Gift cards to Backstage Toys
• Gift cards to Luke’s Toy Store
• Gift cards to Luke’s Toy Store
• Lots of figures from Fantastic Plastic Toys
• Gift cards from 80sTees.com
• Gift certificates from Nerd Rage Toys
• New and vintage figures from Pixel Dan
• 30th Anniversary G.I. Joe Skytriker from Dinosaur Toy Vault
• And more to come!

To participate in the contest, a contestant has to either send in a picture of them donating at a Toys For Tots drop off box or by forwarding copy of a receipt from an online cash donation to the Toys For Tots website.

More details like where to send the photos and receipts, please visit GeeksForTots.com And the official rules can be found here.

…and then there’s also Infinite Toys for Tots, a drive by Infinite Hollywood, who will match every donation you make.

So, here’s the question: should you enter both? Why not? If that’s what it takes for you to get off your butt and donate, then I say, go for it!


Going Postal > Poe makes do


Pic of the Day > King Goji 3 by TaglessKaiju


  1. AmericanHyena

    My family and I always donate huge to Toys for Tots and the Los Angeles based Toys for Skid Row Kids every year. My garage currently harbors about thirty six Dark of the Moon Transformers (Target is selling taped together two packs at $10 a pop which is a great price per figure), about a hundred of the small skew Transformers Rescue Bots and Imaginext pieces, and a few dozen puzzles. Also, while I’m not sure how many teddy bears are in a gallon, I have two forty-gallon tubs of teddy bears from Kohls (they sell really nice stuffed animals for just $5 a pop AND the entire proceed of the sale goes to charity–right now they have Yorkie Terriers, Owls, Mooses and Rabbits, all great for kids). And that’s only about half of what we wind up donating.

    Please, PLEASE take a couple bucks and donate guys. You dont need to go crazy like i do but even one $5 toy will help. It’ll make a kid’s Christmas, it really will.

  2. Black Arbor

    As much as i love that Toys for tots exists, I don't think people should need incentives like gift cards and Force FX lightsabers to donate. they should want to donate because it's the right thing to do, not to get something back.

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