A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Sightings > My Pet (Badass) Monster

While trawling Google Images for My Pet Monster pics, I came across this awesome take:

Someone get the license, contact this artist, and make this action figure for me RIGHT NOW.

I should do a whole write-up on MPM sometime…


Poe’s Review > is at ItsAllTrue? Wha-huh?


Pic of the Day > AX-41 AcroHidou (Microman Acroyear XADO) by chogokinjawa


  1. That is phenomenal! This may be a "controversial" thing to suggest but Mezco should entirely do what you propose. This would fit well with their "cartoony" exaggerated style PLUS potentially be the break through they've been struggling with for over a decade of doing "horror plush". I would certainly buy figure/s of this and probably even a plush of it too!

    Can't wait for your MPM feature! (god I need to see that movie again)

  2. "I should do a whole write-up on MPM sometime…"



    I always wanted a My Pet Monster growing up but I never got one until my wife tracked one down, in England of all places, for me for my birthday 4 years ago…one of the best days of my life and one of my prized gifts

  4. Monte

    This is indeed awesome, but where toys are concerned, I'd prefer that post-apocalyptic Velma or the badass horror Disney Princesses.

  5. That drawing's by James Groman – the guy who illustrated/designed the modern Madball stuff. He also had a hand in vintage Madballs and Blurpballs.

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