A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Poe’s Review > is at ItsAllTrue? Wha-huh?

That’s right! Rather than rewarding my loyal readers who have been patiently waiting for new reviews here at PGPoA, I have posted my latest review over at IAT! This is mainly just a way to help NoisyDvL5 out. But I think it’s definitely worth a read, particularly because it’s a review of a line I don’t often collect:

PoeGhostal.com Review: G.I. Joe Zombie Viper

The review is important for a couple reasons:

1.) I reveal one of my new contributing photographers – none other than the great Ed Speir IV! Ed will also be doing the photos for my MOTUC reviews moving forward.

2.) I also reveal my big plan for October – and it’s reviews, reviews, reviews in what I’m calling, in honor of my childhood love of WLVI 56’s Creature Double Feature, Creature Feature Month!

Speaking of Creature Double Feature, New England residents should definitely check out the Creature Double Feature Round Up 3 on in Norwood, MA on September 29. The show will feature Power Pal Penny Dreadful and even our own PrfktTear as part of the RKO Army, performing “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” live!


Pic of the Day > Spiral Heat Ray! by Jova Cheung


Sightings > My Pet (Badass) Monster


  1. Monte

    Nice review! And it's hard to find a better choice than Ed. Dude's photos are badass!

  2. Thanks for the plug! =)

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