Pic of the Day > Ghost in the Machine by Jii Dee By Poe On June 20, 2012 In Photos Doctor WhoMasters of the UniverseMattelMOTUC Previous Odds ‘n Ends > New Review Archive, Reviewing Samples Update Next Reviewing Samples, Part 8: Josh Bernard of CollectionDX.com 2 Comments Ridureyu Okay, Mattel, your parts reuse is getting a little to obvious. That looks nothing like Tom Baker! June 20, 2012 Poe Ghostal Sonic Screwdriver = whatever the hell that thing on his wrist is? June 20, 2012
Okay, Mattel, your parts reuse is getting a little to obvious. That looks nothing like Tom Baker!
Poe Ghostal
Sonic Screwdriver = whatever the hell that thing on his wrist is?