Pic of the Day > Vikor of the North by rodpowley952 By Poe On April 3, 2012 In Photos Masters of the UniverseMattelMOTUC Previous Toy Aisle Trolls > Lion No Next Figure It Out #9 3 Comments Mecha-Shiva I smelll…FRAY! April 3, 2012 ridureyu I swear, Vikor is the best of th "original" MOTU figured in the new line. Also, great use of perspective in this one! April 3, 2012 racevedo VIKOR…Drinks Blood Slushies and murders evil….And he's all outta Blood Slushies. April 3, 2012
I smelll…FRAY!
I swear, Vikor is the best of th "original" MOTU figured in the new line.
Also, great use of perspective in this one!
VIKOR…Drinks Blood Slushies and murders evil….And he's all outta Blood Slushies.