A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends

  • Happy birthday to The Fwoosh, who are celebrating their 10th birthday this month. Early on the Fwoosh established itself as the place to discuss Marvel Legends, and later Marvel Universe and DC Universe Classics. I’ve met some of the folks behind the Fwoosh at conventions and Toy Fair and they’ve always been great. They’ve got all sorts of events going on, including a giveaway, so if you’re a superhero toy fan be sure to stop by.
  • Pixel Dan has a review of Diamond Select’s exclusive Battle Beast figure from C2E2.
  • The first Fall of Cybertron toys are available for preorder at BBTS. They look cool, and it’s possible these may be the first Transformers toys I buy since Masterpiece Grimlock, but can someone please, PLEASE explain to me why Hasbro prefers to give us yet another Optimus BEFORE giving us FoC Grimlock?!? I just don’t understand the thinking here. I really, really don’t. And yeah, I’m just impatient for a FoC Grimlock toy. I admit it. I hope it’s Voyager class…the Classics Grimlock disappointed me only in that it was so small. We need a big, updated-for-current-science Grimlock.


Quick Review > Audrey II Candy Dispenser (Little Shop of Horrors)


Figure It Out #13


  1. Nik

    The Optimus/Bumblee overload is due to retailer request.

    • Ah. Of course. I can't imagine Grimlock is a hard sell, though. Hasbro: "It's a robot that turns into a Tyrannosaurus!" Retailer: "Please. Little boys don't want that. Give me another yellow sports car robot. Kids don't have enough of those."

  2. Thebloodyawfulpoet

    There was an article (over at topless robot, I think) that indicated that hasbro is very anti-dinobot for their movie and vg lines right now.

    Poe, if you have the budget, I'd highly recommend mp-10 Optimus prime. That really is a great figure. The whole kit is supposed to be coming to tru for $100 sometime this year, trailer and all. That's about $75 less than I paid for the imported version.

    • I can't wait — I'm sure it won't be as nice as the Takara version, but that just didn't figure into my budget. I think I will be very happy with this one.

  3. I started with teh TFP figures and said that was it for me then I saw the FoC figures and I'm hooked. When I saw the Dinobot game play footage I drooled at the thought of what the figures would look like. I'd rather have them than Bruticus.

  4. 3B_

    Regarding FoC Grimlock, he may not be too far off. At BotCon they revealed that Generations will have Voyager-size figures, the first will be a WFC Soundwave with transforming "data discs". I'm surprised that they didn't go with Grimlock as their first choice, but I can't imagine he'd be too far behind.

    • I gotta say I'm slightly underwhelmed by that WFC Soundwave… he looks so much like the Voyager, just more detailed and whatnot. The "data discs" are a cool addition though. I can't make up my mind about him though.

  5. It's the same reason Star Wars lines always have a Luke and a Vader, gotta offer kids those identifiable core characters! I'm more annoyed by the fact that FOC Prime barely looks any different from WFC Prime, except maybe less involved transformation-wise. Hasbro's answer to whether or not FOC Grimlock was coming was useless as well "Can't deny Grimlock will be awesome in the game"? Thanks for the clear, concise answer there. And on another note, I was excited at first when I heard Voyager Soundwave but looks crappy. He's fat, under-armed and again looks less involved and less interesting than his WFC counterpart.

  6. Reverend Ender

    The real question for me is why is it yet another SHITTY looking Optimus. I'm still waiting for a good-scale G1 style Optimus of some sort; Thebloodyawfulpoet's suggestion is intriguing.

  7. It's almost a given that FOC Grimlock is on the way. My assumption is he'll be announced at SDCC just in time for the release of the Voyager Soundwave. Hasbro has never shipped solid cases of any Voyager so Soundwave will need a case/assortment mate.

    MP-10 is the best G1 Prime ever released in my opinion. Glad I waited for the a US release.

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