A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Draego-Man, Thunder Punch He-Man, Ghostbusters Rookie, Yellow Lion & More at Mattycollector

It’s yet another Mattycollector Sale Day. (This time last year, the big sale item was Sy-Klone.)

All in One Sale Page

The new items this month include Draego-Man, Thunder Punch He-Man, the Ghostbusters Rookie, and the Voltron Yellow Lion w/ Hunk. There’s a ton of other stuff too, including Tri-Klops, Orko, Man-E-Faces, Peter Venkman, Hordak, King Hssss with his reversed shoulders and so on.

My TP He-Man and Draego-Man appear not to have shipped yet…whatever happened to sub items shipping early to subscribers? Unless they did and I didn’t get a shipping notice, I suppose. Not that it matters…somehow I accidentally seem to have chosen Newgistics instead of UPS for my sub shipping, so it will be ages before my figures arrive. If Digital River could ever fix the damn customer service subscription section of Mattycollector, I’d switch it back in a heartbeat, higher price or no.

I absolutely loved the Ghostbusters videogame, so I would have considered buying the Rookie…if Mattel had deigned to give him a proper game-based proton pack. Without a newly-sculpted, fully-loaded proton pack with all the different weapon types, this is a pass for me. Sorry, guy.


Pic of the Day > 9 in Edward Scissorhands Medicom figure close by splittyhead


Figure It Out #11


  1. Nik

    Draego Man tempts me hardcore, but I am passing. If he had the shield and the sword I'd be in I think.

    Excited for Rookie though I wish I was getting him for $20 in the sub I had paid for before it was cancelled forcing us GB fans into the $22 "day of" price bracket. I just adore the GBVG too much. Filled a childhood dream of feeling like a ghostbuster 😛

  2. Mine shipped. But like with my Subs this year, they are shipping non ups. Which sucks and wasn't anything I switched on my own. DR seemed to have switched my shipping method themselves. I'm just waiting for Draego man.

    • Did that happen? I've been wondering that myself, because I would have sworn I selected UPS…

      • I selected UPS a Long time ago. and for awhile all my subs came by UPS and the figures I bought Day off came the other shipping method. Then around that Whole December cluster my figures stopped coming UPS.

  3. clark

    I went ahead and got a TP heman off ebay, just because it was a great deal that, so much so that even if I order Draego Man I'll still come out ahead than paying for matty to ship both figures to me.

    I am very torn on Draego. He is cool looking, but I am just not really wanting to spend the money. I may just watch how quickly he sells and decide to get him from amazon or something in a few months.

  4. Mario


  5. Ares6009

    Items in cart. Not proceeding past billing though. Not even a WSOD. Just dead screen

  6. White

    When are those improvements in customer service coming?

  7. Ares6009

    OK, I stand corrected, Just a acknowledgement I have never seen before. Then smooth sailing.

  8. muldertp

    Several WSODs but I got out with Draego and (finally) a solid Orko. Couldn’t bring myself to get the Rookie without a ghost to make it worthwhile. Still bitter about the sub cancellation. I can’t bring myself to pay that $2 as a matter of principle. Still undecided what to do with TP He-Man.

  9. clark

    After much deliberation I decided to go ahead and get Draego-man, with the promise to myself that I will sell at least $50 worth of stuff on ebay this month.

  10. misterbigbo

    I pulled over on the highway on my way home from a vacay at half-past sale hour and absolutely sailed through over 3G with zero issues.

  11. Ridureyu

    That’s a real purdy stock photo of Draego-Man!

  12. carl

    I managed to score a Draego with only two WSODs over my 3G iPhone here in Spain, which is incredible as the signal is trash where i was.

    Vikor, BG Teela, and Demo Man were all enough to pull me back in after quitting years ago… Draego Man looks great and was enough to get me back at the Matty site even though i hate it so, so much.

    First time in years i wanted a figure on sale day and succeeded. Granted that the last 2 i attempted to get were Demo Man and Fisto, and before that was 2010…

  13. Harrig

    I don't quite understand the deal with Orko – I thought he was meant to be tied in with the SDCC – the colour change version for the con, and the solid one available in a limited way on Mattycollector a couple of days afterwards.

    I saw him at the clearout event, but assumed that was customer service stock – is he just a regular release who can pop up as a reissue at any point?

    Don't get me wrong, I am more than happy that this has an increased availability (Dree Elle gender swap time, pretty boy!) but I am a bit confused. (as he will be after conversion… Muyah ha ha ha!)

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