Toy Aisle Trolls > “There’s Something In That Package, And It Ain’t No Spirit Iron-Knife”

Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to

Submitted by: 3B

I found this one at Ross about month ago. Went back there yesterday and needless to say, it’s still there.

Karmic Curse: May you grow two more hands to scratch all your itches.


Review > Farewell to Arms Ash & Deadite Ash (Evil Dead II, NECA)


Odds ‘n Ends > Egg Transformers, Custom Inspector Gadget, Poester Plugs


  1. Mecha-Shiva

    I'd still want that quick -Kick,tho,my Renegades Storm Shadow is Ronery.

  2. Giantdrunkenrobot

    I'm baffled by the fact that the accessories were left in.

    • Benjamin

      Likely they had a couple with loose bubbles and a kid ripped the bubble off of two, but only stole one. Then the employee taped it to the wrong card back. This isn't a "toy aisle troll" as much as it is a Ross employee that does'nt know action figures.

    • anothermanoutoftime

      Except those are Spirit’s accessories.

  3. Mecha-Shiva

    May you encounter a real Predator then it ignores you because you are pregnant!

    • 3B_

      You're thinking Aliens, but, yeah, he deserves a monster bursting out of his chest. 😉

    • clark

      No, Predator 2, left the woman alone because she had the kid in the belly.

      Like a hunter with a doe. Get it?

      He's a hunter….but still plays by some rules………like maybe he can't go over his human quota or kill the preggers otherwise his hunting license will be revoked.

    • 3B_

      Ah, I was thinking Aliens 3. Nevermind.

  4. Monte

    My understanding has always been that this Quick Kick is pretty much exactly as rare as that Spirit (they were TRU exclusives released simultaneously, and no one could find them, and now that I'm overseas they're $4 at Ross, which kills me), though I suppose Spirit is the more desirable figure for most Joe fans.

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