A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day > Ghost Beholder by ridureyu1

Ghost Beholder


Odds ‘n Ends > Glyos Drop Tonight, Free Universal Construction Kit, Blank Bodies, & Weekly Roundup


Poe’s Point > Teenage Alien Ninja Turtles


  1. ridureyu

    Psssst… it's me, just Ridureyu. My old flickr account is kind of inaccessible since I missed out on the transition to yahoo, and the e-mail tied to that account is also gone.

    • Haha…I know. What you need to realize is I just cut and paste the titles from the HTML code 🙂 I'll correct it in the future.

      • ridureyu

        Hey, it's cool!
        This was actually a repaint of a Beholder Lich from a few years earlier – that one was kinda zombielike and fleshy.

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