A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day > #10 Super Deformed Sunshine – SD Kinkeshi Series 1 by chogokinjawa

#10 Super Deformed Sunshine - SD Kinkeshi Series 1


MOTUC Bio Discussion #52 > Hurricane Hordak


Pic of the Day > Thundarr8 by Reis O’Brien


  1. Ridureyu

    Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna swallow mypride and sign up for a new flickr account.

      • Ridureyu

        The name difference is STILL INFURIATING GRARGH!

        but hey, I'll use photobucket for everything, and flickr for professional-wuality (or as close as I can get) stuff. I'm… always taking pictures. My facebook gets them almost daily.

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