Hey Toy Fans! Nate here, in some circles, I’m better known as JediCreeper, on Twitter I’m JediN8 and to a tiny number of you, I’m the weird guy who won’t shut up on the Average Intelligence Podcast. I had the good fortune of attending the 2012 Toy Fair and Poe was kind enough to send me to both the Hasbro and Mattel fan appreciation events, to cover them for him. It is there I learned that even a native New Yorker is not nearly as pushy and shove-y as geeks with new toys. Here are some of my thoughts on the stuff I got to see.
Poe’s note: you can check out a gallery of Nate’s pics from TF2012 here.
I’ll start with the property I love so much I used it in my name. Hasbro is doing pretty much exactly what you’d expect–they’re continually churning out Star Wars figures from both their Vintage and Clone Wars lines. The quality seems to be continuing and while I don’t love every character they’ve announced, they’ve got a nice mix coming out. I was especially happy to see Vintage style figures of characters who had only been in the animated Clone Wars line previously, like Asoka. There is a Return of the Jedi Darth Vader that is especially cool. The SDCC exclusive is also cool, I can see a lot of people wanting the Jar Jar in Carbonite that is exclusive to the set. I also dig the “lost” packaging–this is the packaging design that George Lucas originally rejected in favor of the now-iconic silver and black design. This will be used in a similar way as the Revenge of the Jedi packaging that was used last year.
G.I. Joe is, naturally, going to be Retaliation-heavy. These figures look much much better than the ROC figures, much better head sculpts and character designs. (I’m thrilled Cobra Commander looks like Cobra Commander instead of… well… whatever they had him wearing in the first movie) There will be much talk about the SDCC exclusives, since I’m sure a lot of people won’t be happy about missing out on a proper red costume Jinx. I will say that the Shockwave-painted HISS tank has become a must buy, in my eyes, thanks to the Energon cubes and the 3 3/4″ scale Soundwave.
Transformers Prime is rolling out some nice new figures. I haven’t watched more than a few minutes of the show, but what I’ve seen isn’t as bad as some have said. The figures match the show pretty well, well… to my eyes at least. There was news of the Generations line coming back, but not until next year.
I’m most excited about the upcoming Marvel lines. Both Universe and Legends promise some amazing, fan requested figures, like Death’s Head, Hyperion, Puck (with Snowbird in bird form… and he can actually balance on one hand!) and a figure I’ve wanted for a long time… Bag-head Spidey… it’s just so goofy, how could you not want it… though, you need to DIY the Kick Me sign.
Mattel also had a nice showing of MOTU, DC and Ghostbusters. The Ghostbusters reveals were light, but Dana looked nice, though I fear that her arms aren’t articulated… I realize her dress makes it difficult, but I’d prefer some sort of movement
DC had a few nice things, like Black Mask, Platinum and Tin 2-pack and the Dark Knight Rises figures. Batman looks like a reissue, but Bane was nicely done (even though I dislike the design), I thought the Catwoman was great and I really want the Bat-Signal, and I know I’m not the only one. There is also an Action League Larfleeze that I really love.
Oh, I forgot, the reason Mattel got the Back to the Future license was revealed… so they could do a prop replica of the hoverboard, something only they could do, thanks to the HUGE Mattel logos on it…Â It’s cool… but silly and I don’t know if silly is worth $120, especially without actually hovering…
And now MOTU… easily the most divisive line in the history of collector toys. With the 30th anniversary slowly on it’s way, the ever-hated Geoff Johns figure was revealed.. Sir Lazer-lot.. and I know people are going to flame me for this, but I sort of dig it. He becomes a MOTU Superhero, even more so than the Deadpool-like Specktor… I actually think he fits fine in the line. Do NOT say anything about his name.. especially you fans of Stinkor, Fisto, Extendar and Clamp Champ…honestly…!
The Snake-men 2 Pack is really really nice, I’m happy to see Frosta, ok, her face is… unsetting… but I’ll deal. I’m indifferent to Spikor, though I’m not upset we’re getting him, since he’s a cool, weird character, it’s just that he was a later character and my attention had shifted at that point. I’m oddly most excited about the Keldor swords… but there is no word on where they are going to go
I’m going back today and all through Wednesday, so I hope to have more tweets, pictures, news and thoughts… thanks Poesters!
Gawd,my EYES!Why take pics of Laser lot and spektor when there's that sexy Black and red Horde guy behind Frosta not getting mentioned.
Also,Id rather have a MOTUC if Captain Laser.. .http://www.big-jim.eu/gallery/space/SPACE21.JPG
I love Sir Laser Lot. He is goofy 80s perfection. He really looks like something a kid from that time period would have come up with. I was all set to hate him but damn, I love that figure. My kid thinks Laser Lot is goofy awesome as well.
Spector looks like something a 90s Liefield comic book fan would have come up with, and in this humble collector's opinion, sucks.
Sorry, had to get that dig in. 🙂
Bring on Sir Laser Lot!
I'm reallye xcited about Bag-On_head SPidey. It'll be so easy to make a Dr. Faust custom, finally.
and clearly, I am so excited that I cannot type.
Yeah id probably warm up to laser lot if he did came with the awesome spymonkey clear weapons but his chest design just gives me horrific flashbacks of shelfwarming ironmans.
Retaliation toys are amazing. Of all the toys showed G.I. Joe and TMNT are the only things I am interested in.
Anybody know what that coil at SMAA's feet is? A crown of thorns?
It's some mystical object from the 200X cartoon that King Hsss used to turn humans into Snake-Men.
The name completely escapes me, but it is screen-accurate and ties into the Snake MAA figure.
I believe it is called 'the serpent ring'
Frosta was apparently a rush job by the Four Horsemen to get her ready for NYTF.
The "face" will hopefully be improved and the figure will also come with a re-coloured version of She-Ra's shield. It doesn't sound like Frosta will come with any other accessories though – just the HUGE fan and the shield.
Also, I say no Lazer-Lot before Extendor!
Wow that Snake Men two pack is actually awesome. I love the heads and the color schemes. Looks much more appealing than the Eternian guard two pack.