A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

MOTUC Reveals Reax

Photos: TNI, Mattycollector

The general consensus in this thread at He-Man.org seems to be this was a disappointing set of reveals.

Spikor – Looks very similar to vintage figure; some think his head is too big. Comes with his mace and an interchangeable hand/trident.

Snake Man-At-Arms – Appears now to be some sort of Frankensteinian creation with parts from Roboto and Trap-Jaw. Most people seem to think he looks even worse, and I have to agree–he’s like some cobbled-together custom. Terrible figure, even if he does end up coming with the arm-cannon (a sculpted version of which can be seen on the Mattycollector pics page, along with a sculpted pair of Keldor swords).

Generic Snake Men Army Builder 2-Pack – They look great, and everyone agrees they do. We need more of this and less of Snake Man At Arms.

Frosta – I was never a POP fan, so I’m already disposed to be indifferent toward this figure, but POP fans appear to be going ape-poopie over her face, which they think looks terrible. Some of that may be due to the hand-painting of the prototype. The sculpt and paint makes it look very cartoonish to me (not necessarily Filmation, though), with too much eyeliner, but I just don’t like the character enough to get worked up about it.

Sir Laser-Lot – Hoo boy. This is Geoff Johns’s 30th Anniversary figure, and most people seem very unhappy with him as well. I think he looks kind of neat–certainly better than Spector–though he is a bit too blue. He looks very much like a Filmation character. The fan dislike for this figure and Spector and their fondness for Draego-Man adds credence to my idea that MOTUC fans greatly prefer the fantasy over the science fiction elements of MOTU.* Still, unlike Spector, I think if Sir Laser Lot had been part of the vintage line, nostalgia would have made him as popular as most any other character. And I reject the idea that his name is bad–Clawful, Two-Bad, and Ninjor are just as bad or worse.

The Griffin has also been cleaned up paint-wise and looks much better.

Here’s the release info:

Masters of the Universe® Classics at MattyCollector.com

  • Temple of Darkness Sorceress®: Available at NYCC, Power Con and on Mattycollector.com in late 2012
  • Fistoâ„¢: Available 2/15 only at MattyCollector.com
  • Shadow Weaverâ„¢: Available 2/15 only to subscribers of 2012 Club Eternia®
  • Kobra Kahnâ„¢: Available 3/15 at MattyCollector.com
  • Thunder Punchâ„¢ He-Man®: Available 4/16 at MattyCollector.com, includes Issue 1 of the all-new 30th Anniversary mini-comic!
  • Stinkor®: Available 5/15 at MattyCollector.com
  • Snake Mountainâ„¢ Stands: Available 5/15 at MattyCollector.com
  • Slush Headâ„¢: Available 5/15 at MattyCollector.com
  • Griffin: Available 6/15 at MattyCollector.com (note revised avail date)
  • Horde Prime: Available 6/15 at MattyCollector.com
  • Snake Man-at-Arms®: Available 6/15 at MattyCollector.com, includes Issue 2 of the all-new 30th Anniversary mini-comic!
  • Spikorâ„¢: Available 7/16 at MattyCollector.com
  • Snake Menâ„¢ 2-Pack: Available 7/16 at MattyCollector.com
  • Frostaâ„¢: Available 9/15 at MattyCollector.com (NOTE: Frosta is running late so there will be no August 2012 Club Eternia® “basic” figure. Instead, much like February, there will be two figures in September. The second September figure will be revealed at a later date.

MOTU 30th Anniversary Series at MattyCollector.com

  • Draego-Manâ„¢: Available 4/16 only at MattyCollector.com
  • The Mighty Spectorâ„¢: Available 5/15 only at MattyCollector.com (note revised avail date)
  • Sir Laser Lot: Available 8/15 only at MattyCollector.com

*My other bits of evidence for this include the inability of any non-Seventh Kingdom property to come even close to winning the Horsemen’s FANtastic Exclusive votes, which are generally voted upon by people who found the Horsemen’s site via MOTU. Eventually they removed it from the vote, at which point the next-most fantasy-like property, Gothitropolis, won. In addition, there is fans’ general dislike or indifference to New Adventures characters like Icarius and Optikk, the latter of whom actually seemed more popular with non-fans.


Toy Fair 2012 Updates, Part II


Pic of the Day > this thing I saw! how can I describe it? A monstrous tripod, higher than many houses. by Johnson Cameraface, on Flickr


  1. The Mattel schedule is wrong. They left out Sorceress for February. We double up in February, May and September now.

    I'm fairly indifferent to all of the reveals except the Snakeman 2 pack. I love them. More please.

  2. stack32

    Sir Laser-Lot definitely needs more red to balance all that blue. And a better shield. I do think he captures more of a vintage feel than the other 30th anniversary figures, but I suspect Johns would have had to knock it out of the park for this figure to get a positive response.

    • I just don't know what fans want or are expecting. I'm 100% certain they would have hated Fearless Photog if he were introduced this year instead of the history he has–perhaps more than they hate Spector or Sir Laser Lot.

      But they like Draego-Man, who, honestly, has little or no gimmick at all–he's just a half-man, half-dragon. I agree the fans seem predisposed to dislike pretty much whatever is shown; Draego-Man has the advantage of being both fantasy-themed and created by the Horsemen, whose respect at He-Man.org (and here, frankly) is unquestioned.

      • Dark Angel

        I can only speak for myself (Repeat: I. Can. Only. Speak. For. Myself.), but as a fan, I like the idea of finally making the Fearless Photog if for no other reason than that the character has some history, and its manufacture and release does right one of life's (minor) wrongs. As for what else the 30th should have been? I think I would rather they had used these addtional slots for long-desired but not otherwise available characters with an established history and ties the the original lines. No new characters at all – its hardly worth making new characters when logic (and current attitudes) dictate this line will be lucky to survive through 2013, and plenty of established characters waiting in the wings to be made.

      • Dark Angel

        So, per my idea of the what the 30th should have been: Shadow Weaver would have made an excellent 30th celebration figure, instead of an extremely limited sub figure. She has a history, the fan desire is there, and she has never been manufactured or sold through official channels. It would also be nice to try to celebrate all the various forms the mythology has taken, thus a Filmation style He-Man would have been another solid idea that fits my parameters. The Hordesman made of rock who got like one line in the MYP cartoon? He would be a solid entry, and one I think even the 80's purists could bring themselves to support (anything to bulk up the Horde forces, after all. Even the POP haters embraced Catra).

        As for what we are getting…I think if we can take one thing from this, it is that it is really hard to recreate the combination of "cool" and "cheesy" that MOTU did so well 30 years ago, and none of us are kids anymore. How many of the characters we love are coasting on goodwill established when we were in grade school? Lets face it, most of these characters are fucking ridiculous on some level…

        • I think you're probably right, DA. A good line-up for the 30th might have been:

          1. Fearless Photog
          2. Shadow Weaver
          3. Draego-Man (because the Horsemen deserve to create a character)
          4. The Create-a-Character contest

          …and for the last two slots, two long-desired fan favorite characters like Shadow Weaver. Maybe Lizard Man or Octavia or something?

        • Dark Angel

          OK, agreed on the Horsemen. They should have their shot, they've certainly earned it. That was an oversight on my part, not an intentional slight.

      • Dark Angel

        Me? I despise Specter for what it is: The obnoxious brand manager forcibly stroking his ego at the expense of the fans who keep the line afloat. Draego-Man is cool to look at, but doesn't really fit into my vision of MOTU at all, and Sir laserwhateverthehell is just…boring. And while a lot of things in this line might be fucking ridiculous, almost none of them are boring. Its a cardinal sin, as far as I am concerned.

        (sorry for the multiple replies, the commenting software feels I talk too much. It is not alone in this opinion.)

        • What's the commenting software doing? Let me know…you should be able to write as long a note as you want.

          And yeah, sadly, Sir Laser Lot is boring. I think he could be greatly improved simply by a better color scheme, though.

        • Dark Angel

          It told me my "comment was a little too long". The three chunksabove are the (approximate) max length it would accept from me. :-/ Its all good, hiccups happen.

  3. Thebloodyawfulpoet

    I didnt see anything from matty that blew me away. I was already down for draego, fisto and the griffin. So, nothing's changed there. I may pick up soceress since I like the coloring and I don't already have a version of her. I'll have to see more of the lazernaut before I decide. He's somewhat interesting, but something about him is a little 'meh'. I agree with you, Poe, about the line's strongest characteristic being the fantasy aspect. I'm a casual motuc collector and I've bought very few figs from motuc this past year: demo man, bg Evilynn, vikor, shadow beast. The common theme there is definitely swordnsorcery.

    And, then theres snakemanatarms: A variant figure that no one ever wanted, cheaply crammed together from existing parts. The inclusion of the keldor sword (an item very much in demand) is the real kicker. Matty is hoping to force people to buy what they know is a complete piece of trash just to get that damn sword. There's going to be a lot of loose smaa's on eBay a couple weeks after that sale day. The best part is how after this figure never sells out on matty.com, matty is going to pawn of its failure on the 2000x motif not being popular enough to support future inclusion in the line. Their unyielding ability to never accept responsibility for poor management choices never ceases to impress me.

    The best thing they can do at this point is to just scrap the figure altogether and throw the sword in with some future ultimate skeletor figure (w/ alt keldor head & boots, cape, etc). Or, save it for that son of skeletor they've been hyping. There's a lot of potential there and the swords would make sense with that one.

  4. The_Fun_has_been_Doubled

    To be honest aside Photog and Draego-Man, the 30th sub has been a dud.
    Photog's history is what saves him from being a bit of a dud.
    Now on the "Great" Geoff Johns' Figure:

    He has a connection between his name look and possible action feature if he was an 80s fig… (something battery powered so his weapons and head feathers could have a laser glow) Something that Spector lacks.
    Other than that his color scheme is very similar to Cobra Commander. Like Spector his design is a bit on the bland side… All this "importance of Geoff Johns doing a MOTUC figure cause of his huge fan base" seems like it might have backfired…

    Frosta has a bit of a female rapist look going on… Hide your He-Men!!

    SMAA looks better now.

    Spikor looks OK, but his face seems a bit like Nelson Muntz…

  5. Kevin

    I kinda like the new SMAA, not sure about the Trap Jaw legs though.

    Spikor looks great, Love the head.

    Other than that eh. I'll keep hoping for a Blade or Saurod one of these reveals.

  6. Pete

    As someone who has exactly one MOTUC figure–that Sir Laser-Lot looks like Cobra Commander traveled back to Arthurian times.

    And that? Would be an awesome story.

  7. misterbigbo

    You can't tell me that the FHM cobbled that SMAA together. That MUST have been a Mattel design team job. Jeebus that figure makes no sense at all.

    I haven't any interest in the Snake Men, but they look fantastic. Sir Laser Lot suffers from an absolutely unremarkable generic head. Too bad.

    And it is interesting that Mattel already knows Frosta is behind schedule this far ahead, and they don't have anything to slide into her slot. ( I apologize for that previous sentence) I'm gonna get conspiratorial here and proffer that Mattel will have enough difficulty with SDCC and their convention Sorceress that month and just don't want the headache.

    • I don't think the Horsemen had anything to do with Snake MAA except for the head sculpt, and the Keldor swords and/or the arm cannon if he comes with those.

  8. Rich

    I don’t hate Sir Lazer-lot. I think the concept is good! It’s been done before, albeit just a little bit better.

    What he needs is a holographic bear on his chest, instead of that prism! 😉

    Visionaries, anyone? Poe, you love old toy lines!


    If he could be a little more like Cryotek here, I’d be crazy about this figure. Like I said, not bad, but it just misses the mark by a little, bear hologram aside.

    I think Spector and Lazerlot are hurt by their heads, more than anything. I don’t feel like Heroic Masters should hide their faces, but so far, all three are faceless. If Sir Lazer wore Cryotek’s hat, or had a wicked mustache like Leoric here (http://cdn.toyark.com/news/attach/2/3/1/8/leoric_1287712176.jpg), I’d be pretty pumped right now!

    Speaking of faces, Frosta’s makeup will change in the factory (and maybe her hair will be better-seated), but the bit that bothers me is her toothy grin. I think the girls with closed mouths have turned out prettier than those sculpted with them open.

    • I agree that some lenticulars would greatly improve the figure. I'm actually wondering if the shield will have one, as the paint work on that looks kind of odd.

  9. Mario

    I pretty much liked every new thing I saw, & am pleasantly surprised at how much I'm really digging Sir Laser-Lot. However, I was quite bummed that the "big reveal" was Frosta, & not Ram Man. You'd think that that's what the 30th anniversary would have been about; Releasing Ram Man.

  10. MrGinghamShirts

    I actually felt all of the reveals were pretty amazing. Sir Laser Lot (why can't it be Laser-a-lot?) is very much something that would've been marketed to kids in the heyday of 80s toy properties. While I dislike Geoff Johns, I do like what he's added to the MOTUC line.

    Snake-Man-at-Arms looks fierce. Love it.

    Frosta and Spikor look great (love that Spikor's getting 2 versions of his trident arm). Horde Prime doesn't come with the staff he was shown with when he was first revealed. Does this mean that's been scrapped? I hope not!

    The 200X Skeletor swords are finally here, as are the 200X Man-At-Arms blaster. Hooray!

    No Granamyr pictures yet! Bummer.

    The only thing I've ever felt lackluster thus far from 2012's lineup are Spector (who looks like Deadpool, I mean c'mon) and Draego-Man (who I feel is just boring conceptually).

    The line just keeps getting better and better. Now if they could just have a better e-merchant solution, it'd be one sweet ride.

    • Interesting that you don't like Draego-Man, as so many people do.

      I'll go into this more in the eventual review, but my own feeling is that Draego-Man seems more like a character from one of the vintage MOTU knock-off lines like Warrior Beasts but that may have been exactly what the Horsemen were going for.

  11. jackstatic

    Im a fan of the Spikor and Snake Men 2 pack. Frosta… the paint is KILLING her, i mean, shes a simple figure I don't think theres much way to mess her up UNLESS the face paint is off (and on the proto its awful)
    smaa is just….. yea…. i don't like em, never have, probably never will…. hes just one of those, that i got a sub, and i want the probably cool accessories… so.. he'll be in the bin.

    Sir Lancelot…. I mean Laserlot….. wow…. just wow….

    Also, Poe, I totally agree on your comment about Photog… if he was new and JUST introduced this year, very few would like him.

  12. Valo487

    I like almost everything that was revealed this time. I love the Snake Men, I think Spikor could have been updated a bit to really pop but I have no problem with the way he looks. Frosts looks good, I’m not very familiar with her but she looks nice to me. Laser Lot or whatever he’s called doesn’t wow me much, but I agree completely that his only flaw is his newness, if he was a preexisting character who looked that ridiculous no one would mind.

    I think my only critique with the 30th line is that there’s not as much effort being made to tie the characters in with what already exists. If it were me running the line, the 30th line would be to create figures of characters we haven’t really seen but who must exist, like the Gar woman who is Skeletor’s mother, but that’s just me. I think people love Draego-Man because he looks awesome, but also because he looks like a character that belongs in MOTUC, while Spector and Laser Lot look like figures from other lines that were eventually shoehorned into MOTUC. I know there are canon MOTU figures that are equally bizarre, but I don’t think designing figures that lean towards that end of the line is the best idea.

    • "I think my only critique with the 30th line is that there's not as much effort being made to tie the characters in with what already exists."

      Agreed…this is another direction they could have taken the 30th Anniv. line, filling in some of the gaps. I seem to recall Horde Prime was originally scheduled to be an Anniversary figure, and doesn't that make a lot more sense, given how much he's an interpretation by the Horsemen?

  13. André

    I need to disagree with the topic, I have loved the new figures… the snake man pack and spickor are impressive. Thanks Motuc!

  14. there is only one figure i dislike : it's sir laser lot knight . i think that figure is just lame … i'm not a "fan " of motu but i love that line . for exemple i don't like icarius, but i love optikk , i can't stand fear less photog , i love draego man , the mighty spector is a lame figure too i think, but the worst figure i saw, (in my humble opinion ) so far in that line, is the laser knight. (he looks like superman with a stupid helmet….. pouha ! 😛

    about the snake MAA: i really like all the roboto and trap jaw part + the armors parts i think he looks terrific. the two snakemen are sooo cool as well , love the designes, the armors and weapons . that's 2 really cool figures.

    ho well it just my advice but the worst figures are in the 30 th anniversary sub , i'm really happy i didn't get that one. but i will cherry pick draego man , maybe 2 of him .
    but anyway what is cool whith the motuc line there is figures for every taste, only for that i think taht's an amazing line. if i don't like something i just don't buy it , or sell it …(because of the sub) hahaha!

  15. dean

    I hate to admit it, but Sir Laser Lot is so perfectly awful and goofy that I love him. I will purchase him. Curse you Johns. 🙂

    Even my child thinks Spector is boring (without any prompting, "Who's that boring guy?")

    Frosta looks a little off but for us she is a must have.

    Spikor…squeeee! Yes.

    SMAA sucks the big one…that is all.

  16. ero

    I like Sir Laser Lot, but I hate his name. The other examples you mentioned are ridiculous, sure, but they're not trying to make a lame joke about a rapper who was popular in the '90s. I'm kind of embarrassed, actually. It's like watching grandpa make a sexist joke at your feminist girlfriend's birthday party.

    • Battle Catman

      It's not a Sir Mix-a-Lot joke. "Laser-Lot" is a play on the name "Lancelot."

    • I'm assuming you're talking about Sir Mix-A-Lot, right?

      That is now what the name Sir Laserlot is a parody of. Think about it.

      It's Sir Lancelot. You know, from King Arthur?

      • ero

        Ohhhhhhhhhh. Now who's embarrassed! 🙂

        (I think had they spelled is the way you do, Harmon, then it would have been more clear, at least to my eye. 🙂 "Sir Laser Lot," in print, looks to my eye like Sir-Mix-A-Lot. Innocent mistake.)

    • …aaaand deleting the rest of this discussion. You can say whatever you want about the toys, but no getting personal about people or their nations of origin.

  17. Mecha-Shiva

    Spektor and Laser lot stinks like bootleg toys.

  18. Pablo Estrada

    He decidido este año ser un cherry picker con esto de MOTUC, las horrendas hermanas estrellas decantaron la balanza, aunque me toque cazar a Granamyr con un poco (o mucho de épica y sacrificio)…

    Ahora, sobre las revelaciones:
    Spikor – me gustó, como me gustaba hace veinte años el spikor original, me crea algo de duda como se aplicará el tridente sobre el brazo, que en la figura vintage se retraía, imagino que a lo roboto u hordak, en cuyo caso, abre la puerta a interesantes intercambios, pero las fotos no me lo dejaron claro.

    Snake Man-At-Arms – no tengo al primer man-at-arms, por lo que trataré de conseguir a este, aunque no sé si incluirá una cabeza humana, me gusta el aspecto general de la figura, pero entiendo que alguien que YA tiene a duncan no se encuentre emocionado por esta figura.

    Generic Snake Men Army Builder 2-Pack – Me gustaron, mucho, creo que tendré que comprar un par para hacerle compañía a mi solitario King Hssssssss.

    Frosta – No me gusta POP, es para niñas y desviados. La figura me resulta intrascendente. Si pretenden profundizar la aceptación de las figuras de POP dentro del mercado de MOTUC, deberían hacer escotes más generosos, a la Power Girl.

    Sir Laser-Lot – Contrario a los lloricas que andan por allí despotricando, creo que es un diseño muy acorde al espíritu de las línea vintage, concuerdo en que un poco más de rojo le ayudaría, y una mejor espada, añadiría (a la spy monkey creations).

    Griffin – me gusta el grifo, cada vez que lo veo, me gusta más, mi Beast Man está ansioso por montarlo (en el buen sentido de la palabra)…


    I decided this year to be a cherry picker with MOTUC, the horrendous star sisters star opted the balance, although I will hunt Granamyr a little (or a lot, with epic and sacrifice) …

    Now, about the revelations:
    Spikor – I liked, as I liked twenty years ago the original one, I have some doubt as how the trident on the arm is gonna work, as in the vintage withdraw, I imagine that will be a la roboto or Hordak, in which case opens the door to interesting exchanges, but the photos dont made ​​it clear.

    Snake Man-At-Arms – I havent the first man-at-arms, so I will try to get this, I do not know whether to include a human head, I like the overall look of the figure, but I understand that someone who ALREADY has Duncan is not excited about this figure.

    Generic Snake Men Army Builder 2-Pack – I liked very much, I'll have to buy a pair to make company to my lonely King Hssssssss.

    Frosta – I do not like POP, is for girls and devious. The Figure is inconsequential to me. If you intend to further the acceptance of the POP figures in MOTUC market, you should make a more generous cleavage, like the one in Power Girl.

    Laser-Lot Sir – Contrary to the whiners that are out there ranting, I think it is a design very much in keeping with the spirit of the vintage line, I agree that a little more red would help, and better sword, (a la spy monkey creations).

    Griffin – I like it since I first see it, my Beast Man is eager to ride in (in a good sense of the word) …

    • Again, I agree Sir Laser Lot fits in pretty well with the vintage figure, his only real problem is all that blue. It really needs to be broken up a bit. I'm not sure who makes that decision, though–Mattel? Geoff Johns? The Horsemen?

    • I've cleaned up this comment thread. Let's stick to toy-related talk, please. Any more crap and I'm hauling out the banhammer.

  19. ridureyu

    I would like to see a general Rattlor who resembles his appearance in the MYP cartoon. The 200X toy really doesn't count for that.

  20. God. The only thing more annoying than collecting MOTUC is listening to the fanbase whining. When, ever, in history, has any toy company had constant 1:1 interaction with the fans in coming up with a toyline?
    If I had the disposable income I'd buy the entire line right now, and army build Spector just out of spite. I know he's not out yet but I'd talk him into time traveling into the past. I love these figures – they're easily some of the best action figures made in the early 2000s. Every single figure has something to love.
    Anyway this makes me feel like toy companies should just go back to releasing whatever the hell they want and not listening to the fans at all.
    Although I will agree that Snake Man-At-Arms is a headscratcher.

    • By the way Poe, I feel I should clarify that I'm not accusing you of whining. I read your blog because I think you're a rare collector that actually has fun with his toys, unlike, apparently, 80 percent of the people who collect MOTUC figures.

      • antoine

        well it's fun to complain about crappy toy designs, that's part of the game , but it's fun to talk about great toys too . i don't think that will ever change . how boring if we were happy about all the toys all the time don't you think ?

        and which is cool with the motuc : there is figures for every tastes, and i love this line but sometimes there is a big ugly surprise like laser lot knight. he makes me laugh a lot . but some other people love hm i'm fine with that and i won't buy it anyway .

        but i don't think that the good attitude to complain about the complainers , this is just more complaints in the end . ^^

        • I don't think there would be as much complaining if the toys were easy to obtain and so many people weren't forced into buying toys they didn't want via the subscription. I think that's what tends to drive so many people crazy.

          Of course, you could tell them just not to get a sub, but then they've got to fight for the limited amount on Mattycollector (and deal with Mattel threatening to cancel the line due to the lack of subs).

      • Thank you…I try to remain as objective as possible (within reason, and keeping in mind true objectivity is impossible).

        And I do try to have fun with my toys…for example, right now I've got Man-At-Arms and Roboto working on the Wind Raider (MAA's using Mo-Larr's drill, while Roboto has a laser torch constructed of Spy Monkey Armory parts) while Cringer and Orko look on–and Prince Adam snoozes in the cockpit.

    • Newton Gimmick

      While I agree there is a lot of complaining with MOTUC in general, most of it is warranted. Also, this is NOT a normal toy line. Many of these fans are BLIND subscribers. Which means they feel as though they have a say so in the line and by all means, they should. Do they nitpick everything? Yes. Should they choose their battles more wisely? Absolutely.

      However, there are plenty of legit reasons people complain about MOTUC. Mattel has given dozens, if not hundreds of reasons since the line started for people to gripe about.

      That said, I like all the reveals, even Snake MAA (I don't want the character, but I prefer this version to the first draft) except Laser Knight dude. Thankfully I'm not tied to the sub that's he's in. If more pics come out and he looks cooler, maybe I'll change my mind.

  21. Mysterious Stranger

    I don't really get all the hate for Snake Man-At-Arms. Aside from the not wanting him to begin with I think they've done a good job trying to answer fans complaints. When we first saw him he was just a regular Man-At-Arms with a snake man head. Now they've given him some different arms and legs and a few additional accessories that people have asked for and still he's a shitty figure. I don't get it. Personally I think if they were going to use different arms and legs I'd have opted for King Hssss limbs as they fit the snake theme of the figure better. But the Trap-Jaw limbs work for MAA just as well. In fact I think I'll be picking up an extra of this guy to customize a more armored up MAA.

    • I would still much rather have a green minicomic Trap Jaw than Snake MAA. And heck, he'd be even cheaper to produce!

      • Mysterious Stranger

        See that's the thing. I can understand the anger at the character selection. But take that out of the equation and I have to ask… is Snake Man-At-Arms really that horrible of a figure?

  22. toyman

    I still think Snake MAA is worthless but I love Spikor and Frosta, and I think Sir Laser-Lot is kinda cool too, although I agree he needs less blue. Not getting all the hate on Frosta's face…..I'm diggin it, very unique.

  23. Looks like the 4H have confirmed that Frosta's paint job was rushed to get her to the show in time and the final paint job will be better. I think the sculpt itself is great, but the eyes could be a little tighter.

  24. Mysterious Stranger

    After seeing Photog, Spector and Laser Lot all together I think I'm starting to see a theme. These 30th figures look like a MOTU version of a superhero team. You've got Photog who is the techie/smart one, Spector as the mysterious one, Laser Lot as the leader and Draegoman as the monster/strong guy. Laser Lot definitely has that superhero feel with the cape. Just a thought I had while perusing the Toy Fair pics.

    • caaarrrllll

      Interesting. Draego-Man is an evil character though… i think all of these would have gone down better if they were evil or monsters, as long time MOTU fans seem to be fans of the bad guys more than the good guys. Even in the 90s, when no one cared about MOTU, the bad guys were always a little more expensive on the secondary market.

  25. caaarrrllll

    Spikor: This looks great, and is exactly what everyone asked for.

    SMAA: This looks better, and is exactly what everyone asked Mattel to do, a semi 200x version for those who want to swap a MAA head.

    Snake Men 2-pack: Looks great, it is what everyone asked for in Snake Men. Rattlor and the others who use the mold will be other colors.

    Laser-Lot: Wow, horrible, needs more different colors. Too plain/boring head. I could see myself buying this guy for a custom or something for $5 tops. But then again it's from Geoff Johns who isn't exactly the most original guy in the world. I mean he got "famous" for simply re-doing old 60s-70s stories~ badly! His big move is to bring dead, boring characters back to life, so they can continue to be boring. Big surprise he makes a boring figure. The real surprise is that it's not rainbow colored, or a redo of an old MOTU character!

    Frosta: Looks great and is what everyone asked for. Obviously this and LaserLot were rushed for the show to "make up" for all the bad press Matty has had over the last few weeks especially. The head looks fine. It's a paint issue, and a very slight one at that, and it's really just complaining to complain beyond that (which MOTU fans are good at it seems)

    200x Sword & MAA cannon: This looks great and is what everyone is asking for. Shown to further placate the angry masses.

    So 5 out of 6 of what you asked for is not bad. It won't make me or others forget all the problems with the line (that STILL aren't fixed) which I think has a lot to do with all the complaining. And Spektor is still horrible and is still obviously Deadpool. There's no way TG made that up years before, if you disagree, it's time to get clean from the drugs.

    I watched that He-Man.org thread as the reveals came and wow. I can't believe that in just under two years that site went from lips planted firmly to Mattel's butt, to such vitriol and hate. And even when the ORGers get what they want, they still hate. Everyone so worked up over Frosta's paint. It's almost like the whole site reverted 30 years into the past to their 5-year old selves! But then again, the Matty burn still stings, and their latest news of more delays is even more ridiculous. And I would be angry too if I signed up for the 30th sub, Spektor and Laser-Lot is $60 completely down the drain.

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