A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends > Wind Raider update, Demo-Man shipping delays

  • NECA has posted a packaging pic of Deadite Ash, and he looks damned awesome. I’ve been waiting for this figure line since 1993. You can preorder the figures through PGPoA sponsor UrbanCollectibles.
  • Wind Raider update: as it happened, we were actually home when the UPS guy came. He took the box and gave us the tracking number. My wife then called the regular customer service number, as the Escalation Department had told her to do. The regular CS person took the information and then told DMG she would refer it to the Escalation Department with 24-72 hours.  The Escalation Dept. will then email us, presumably with the new order number. The only real question is, what will be wrong with the replacement Raider?
  • On a related note, I have yet to receive a shipping notice for my subscription Demo-Man and Battleground Evil-lyn. Some collectors are guessing that all the Demo-Mans didn’t arrive in one shipment, and Mattel/Digital River are shipping the figures out as they arrive. I suspect that’s exactly what’s going on.
  • Has everyone caught that Chevy Silverado ad with all the toys?
  • Sponsor News: BigBadToyStore has their exclusive G.I. Joe Slaughter’s Marauders and Dreadnoks in stock now. If you want to read a review first before ordering, check out GeneralsJoes. Meanwhile, Figure of the Day has the popular Marvel Select Deadpool for $20 with free shipping.


Pic of the Day > Darkness Rising by pairadocs


Identify the Toy > Smiley Allosaurus (Identified!)


  1. Valo487

    I haven’t gotten a shipping email yet either. At the rate they’re going I’ll get January’s figures before December’s.

  2. The_Fun_has_been_Doubled

    I hope that your Wind Raider Saga has a happy ending!
    Also , yes I've seen that ad… I squealed like a tween at a Bieber concert when I saw Twilight Sparkle AND The NECA Lara… I was Surprised

  3. Deja vu on the Odds & Ends image. It's also on the O&E post before this.

  4. Giantdrunkenrobot

    If it helps to validate your Demo Man theory- I ordered Battleground Evil-lyn separately and she arrived more than a week ago.

  5. Did everyone see this note from Mattel?

    MOTUC Fans, we know you're all wondering where Demo Man is and we're tracking down the shipment as you read this. The minute we have confirmation, we'll post it.

    Wow. They lost Demo-Man. Just wow.

  6. Reverend Ender

    Poe, I'm thinking that you might have had better luck had you emailed the regular CS people about your Wind Raider, instead of going to the escalation department. I've had issues I think four separate times, and every time the regular CS people have simply shipped me a new product. I bet the escalation people are making you jump through hoops because you didn't go through "proper" channels. I get the impression that the regular CS people do NOT care what is wrong, they just want to confirm that there was a problem and then they ship a new product, as this is probably the easiest thing for them, as well as us.

  7. Dark Angel

    So…Demo-Man for some, notes for others? Some folks on the org were told their Demo-Man/BG Evil-Lyn would ship with their first 2012 sub (The Sorceress)…hwo can theat be if they don't even know where the rest of the Demo-Men are? Also, is anyone else feeling insecure regarding The Sorceress this month…? Well, Poe, if you want a guest review of Demo-Man you know where I am! 😉

    • Here's what Mattel's original announcement said:

      If you are a Club Eternia subscriber, we will stand by our commitment to ship your entire order in one shipment, so subscription orders will not ship until Demo-Man™ is received at our warehouse. We expect that to happen sometime in early January. So, if you're a subscriber only to Club Eternia, both Demo-Man™ and Battleground Evil-Lyn will ship together around the beginning of January. And if you have a combo subscription with Club Ecto-1, then Demo-Man, Battleground Evil-Lyn, and the Ghostbusters 6" Vigo figure will all ship together when Demo-Man becomes available.

      So only the people with combo Ghostbusters/MOTUC subs will get both together.

      As for the Sorceress, who the %^! knows at this point?

      • Dark Angel

        I don't mean to 'carry stories', but I tend to believe it as the posters who've mentioned it on the org are long time members in good standing:

        …but seriously? Who the %^! knows anything about ANY of it…

        • It sounds like that "ship together" thing came from a Digital River rep. Not exactly a reliable source, but who knows. Anyway, Mattel has stated they don't know where the Demo-Man shipment is.

          It may turn out that the shipment is so late that they just ship it along with the Sorceress, but I don't think that was the plan from the start.

        • Dark Angel

          No arguments. But it is yet another example of the confusing, misleading and all-around poor customer service…

  8. misterbigbo

    I am seriously beginning to believe that MOTUC hangs by a thread, that it makes next to no profits, and exists merely as ato pet project. If not for Toyguru’s advocacy and helming it would simply cease.

    How else does one explain:
    1. Sub par quality control?
    2. Inability to meet promised deadlines?
    3. The use of a nearly incompetent e-tailer?
    4. The use of (very) 3rd party shipping company? (Newgistics is absolutely NOT the USPS)
    5. A total lack of advertising?

    In other words, aside from the artistic direction, which is saved only by the genius of the FHM, this line very nearly fails at every objective. A startling testament to the faith of its fan base, no matter how often it’s tested.

    The only conclusion I am left with is to be thankful the stuff exists at all. Or I am being lied to regularly and bald-facedly.

  9. Thrawn

    I still don't have my confirmation for my December sub figures either. I received my Wind Raiders a week ago.

    At this point I'd be fine if they shipped my December sub figures with January's, but really who knows?

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