A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day > Wedding Barbie Dolls in the “Barbie – Simply Fabulous at 50” Exhibit by joanna8555

Wedding Barbie Dolls in the "Barbie - Simply Fabulous at 50" Exhibit


Toy Aisle Trolls > Mini…Mortal…Bat…Star…man ah forget it.


Show and Tell > Forest Ghosts versus Arçelik the Turkish Robot! by Monte


  1. Dark Angel

    Nice choice, Poe. I hope all the action figure fans out there realize that without Barbie, there would be no G.I. Joe, and without G.I. Joe, we'd be short a lot if not most male-oriented action figure lines of our youths and today…

  2. Sweet! I like the one with the dark hair! My daughter however prefers the oldest version seen there!

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