A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Odds ‘n Ends > Thoughts on G.I. Joe Retaliation; Demo-Man Delayed

  • A few of you have asked me what I think of the trailer for G.I. Joe: Retaliation. Let me begin with my usual caveat that I am not nor never was a Joe fan; that said, I think this movie looks a lot more like a G.I. Joe movie than Rise of Cobra did. It’s not unheard of for the first movie of a franchise to be a mess, and the second one to work–Retaliation could be The Wrath of Khan to Rise of Cobra‘s Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Lots of good things in there–the real Cobra Commander, the (apparent) death of the terrible characters (and actors) from the first film, the Rock being awesome as usual, and Bruce Willis (who looks like he’s phoning it in, but whatever, I’ll take a half-assed Bruce Willis over a whole-assed Channing Tatum any day).
  • In Mattel news, Demo-Man has been delayed–apparently for a whole month. That also means you’ll have to wait for Battleground Evil-Lyn if you’re a subscriber. There is some good news, though: “We just got in early samples of Sorceress. Her wings are AHM-Azing. Terry reengineered and improved on the concept (as shown at Power Con) and as you lift her arms, the wings really “magically” open. They are still fully articulated and you can repose as you wish. But they way the unfold as her arm is lifted is very cool. Plus he removed the need to connect at the upper arm (only the shoulder) which greatly improves the articulation.”
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Pic of the Day > Tracker Predator by magnushamar


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  1. Mecha-Shiva

    Loved the trailer,really looks like a toy commercial come to life,lol.Killing off the older cast,hah!

  2. Valo487

    I hope they didn’t kill the entire original cast, Scarlett is a worthwhile character to me, but Heavy Duty? Like the actor, the character is Roadblock-lite. Breaker was so far removed from the actual character he might as well have been created for the movie, and Channing Tatum is such a bad actor, removing him from the franchise can only be a smart move. That being said, I still suspect they’re going to end up being “almost-dead” in the end.

    • Channing Tatum is in the movie, still playing Duke. The trailer didn't specify the old cast being killed off. When Roadblock says "we're all that's left" you can infer that he means they're the only ones left on that mission. I seriously doubt there's only 6 G.I. Joes left in the entire world. It has Roadblock, Duke, Flint, Lady Jaye, Snake Eyes, and Joe Colton.

      It's possible we'll see the other characters in the next movie (if there is one), but I'm more than willing to be that there are several small Joe teams all around the world in hiding from Cobra, not that they're all dead.

  3. Dead Man Walking

    Elodie Yung as Jinx is awesome. She was so hot in District 13: Ultimatum

  4. Monkey boy

    Channing tatum is very much in the movie, by the way.

  5. For a certain sub-population of geeks, this thing is the most anticipated movie since The Phantom Menace.

    Let's hope it's better than that.

  6. The_Fun_has_been_Doubled


    On the Matty news: Sucks to be a subscriber right now… They really should just send the Evil Lyns and then send Demo-Man at no cost for the consumer, like other E-tailers do. It isn't our fault that he wasn't ready.

  7. Mark

    Duke is in the film but I beleve he is being killed off.

  8. I wasn’t excited until I saw the trailer. That two minutes and 30 seconds was already better than the entire first film.

    And that’s coming from a guy who kinda liked the accelerator suits.

  9. Newton Gimmick

    I hated the trailer, but I guess I'm the only one.

    I'm glad Demo-Man got delayed, I didn't have any scratch to spend on him. So it worked out perfectly for me.

  10. Braystreet

    Anyone else find it ironic how much hate the first film got for the fact that G.I Joe was an international taskforce instead of just being Americans, so they kill off all the people that aren't from the United States and even team up with a really old American guy to drive home the whole American thing…Then they play Seven Nation Army for the big first trailer?

    Newton, that's not even how they're doing it. You're still going to miss out on him despite the delay, he'll be up for pre-order. Mattel is like nature from Jurassic Park, it will always find a way to screw you.

    • Newton Gimmick

      Wait… Now they figure out pre-orders?


  11. Mark

    I still think the first G.I. Joe movie Rise Of Cobra was better than all three of the Michael Bay Transformers movies. The new one will be brilliant. 😀

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