A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy Aisle Trolls > Pirates of the Target Store

Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to poe AT poeghostal.com.

Submitted by: Monkey Boy

Monkey Boy writes:

Hey Poe, Monkey Boy here, thought I’d send over this Toy Aisle Trolls as a warning. Unlike your average figure swap, the Lego swap is extra crappy, because you buy most Lego sets sight unseen. So I picked up this Pirates set at Target, only to get home and open it to find what you see in the second photo…nothing but a random pile of decidedly un-piratey Legos. No instructions, no free poster, and none of the right figures or parts. Just a sampling of someone’s Lego junk drawer. I hope Target lets me exchange it.


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  1. Zach S.

    At least with normal toy aisle troll activity, you can see that the figures have been stolen, so you won't buy it. This is downright heinous…imagine if it was one of those $100+ LEGO sets, and they wouldn't let you return it? That would suck hardcore. It'll be a pain trying to convince them that the bootleg LEGOs were in the package when you bought it….good luck.

  2. misterbigbo

    As a lego fan this has made me nervous in the past. The few sets I’ve bought at retail have gotten such a thorough going-over that I’ve gotten looks by employees.

    And on the subject, Target is having a sale on SW Legos now. If you want to take your chances!

  3. Snarf! Snarf!

    I hope that whoever did the switch gets a lego enema…

  4. T.Hawk

    Oh, great scott, that's heinous. I've kind of grown numb to all the trolling of action figures, but trolling legos? That's a shadier brand of creep.

  5. Thomas b

    Yeah this sucks worse than a normal troll since you can't easily avoid it or spot it like others.

  6. JediCreeper

    I hate to say it, but just seal it back up and return it like the asshole who did it in the first place… then, if you see it reshelved, mention it to a manager.

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