Pic of the Day > Lion-O by Inanimate Life By Poe On August 15, 2011 In Photos MezcoThundercats Previous Odds ‘n Ends > 8/12/2011 Next Feliz Maskor Dia! 2 Comments Zach S. I saw this guy at Toys R Us the other day, for only $24.99. Isn't he around $40 at most online retailers? What happened? Unless I'm just confused.. He's a cool figure either way… August 15, 2011 Mecha-Shiva Bandai Happened. August 15, 2011
Zach S.
I saw this guy at Toys R Us the other day, for only $24.99. Isn't he around $40 at most online retailers? What happened? Unless I'm just confused..
He's a cool figure either way…
Bandai Happened.