A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

And Man-E-Faces’s secret accessory is…

“Spoilers” after the jump.

As revealed by He-Man.org user jaybee76, Man-E-Faces’s secret accessory is a second revolving head featuring He-Man, Skeletor and Orko.

The Skeletor head looks kinda awesome…like one of those skull-in-the-astronaut-outfit posters.


Ask Mattel > Answers for Mid-August


Pic of the Day > Knoxville toy show finds and LOD 037 by Richard Grayson


  1. Fengschwing

    I was hoping it was going to be a Club Infinite Earths sub.

  2. Fengschwing

    Actually, it's kind of fitting and ridiculous all at once.
    Let's face it, if he turned up at the gates of Castle Greyskull rotated to He-Man, the Sorceress is going to say, "Man-E-Faces, why are you wearing a He-Man mask?"
    Even as a kid, I doubted his powers of disguise, but then I'm a non-MOTUC type, so what do I know?

  3. ero

    Aww, that's fun. No doubt we can assume people will protest, but I think it's cute.

  4. Thomas b

    I figured this is what it would be. However I thought they would do a beast man face rather than orko.

    Man the skeletor face makes MEF look more like a zombie.

  5. JediCreeper

    there we are… hey! orko looks better than I originally figured! I thought it would just be eyes on black… I would ALMOST be willing to buy a second to keep with skeletor's head on it… but I would have preferred beast man too… or trap jaw

  6. Snarf! Snarf!

    Extra head… Quite Obvious… Looks like I’ll have to repaint the skeletor head… too much green!!

  7. Dead Man Walking

    Kind of neat, but as pointed out it doesn't make much sense. I would have preferred a cool weapon or relic.

    • Shawn

      MOTU is nonsensical. It is the outlandishness of it all it what makes it so great.
      It's like Adam Wests/Brave and the Bold Batman and Lady Gaga. Your either a fan or you are not.

  8. wonder if they'll do a repaint for a weapons pack? Like… black he-man, bone skeletor and …. different orko

  9. Newton Gimmick

    See if they'd revealed that, nobody would have ordered an extra for it.

  10. dean

    The Orko face gave me a chuckle.


  11. Gruntos

    love it!

  12. Barbecue17

    The Man-E-Faces with Skeletor head reminda me of the Vashta Nerada from Series 4 of Doctor Who.

    • Heli

      I knew I couldn't be the only one thinking that.

      PS I called two out of the three, but I really thought the third would be Hordak.

    • Yep! That was the first thing that I thought as well.

      "Hey, who turned out the lights?"

  13. Southzen

    I think it is neat idea. But if I had a choice, I'd rather another weapon.

  14. That's fantastic! The Skeletor face looks awesome in the Man-e-Faces helmet!

  15. Did this come from an episode of he cartoon I don't remember? Seems like a pretty stupid un-needed accessory.

    • It was actully used in the origin episode for Man-E-Faces: He Mimicked Skeletor, Beast-Man, and Orko's Faces before they did a flash back were Orko explained hw they met Man-E-Faces at the Widget Village and saved them both from old skull face. As for Orko's Face though in the episode a big "blanket" like mask covered Man-E-Faces head, it wasn't just Orko's face in the square.

      I myself was expecting He-Man, Skeletor, and Beast-Man, but for me this is just as good. I figure he can use the Skeletor face over the com screen to confuse Skeletor's henchmen with conflicting order's. As for the He-Man and Orko faces he probably uses those in his act, or to scare the bad guys(and yes I mean Orkos facenot He-Man) 😉

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