It’s been a long time coming, but at last, the new PGPoA has arrived. As you can see, it’s a pretty significant aesthetic change. But webmaster OB1 and I wanted to make the site a bit more modular, allowing me to make easy changes when necessary, so there are some changes behind the hood that you may not notice, but will be making your browsing experience even better.
And of course, there are some changes you will notice, like the use of IntenseDebate for comments. This is something we’re trying out; if everyone decides they hate it, we could switch back to the classic system at a later time. So comments are welcome.
One thing to mention: the old Poester Gallery is gone (technically I haven’t taken it down yet, but it will go away soon), but it will be replaced by a simpler forum that will be more incorporated into the site itself. That’ll be coming soon, but I still have some fiddling to do with that.
I’d like to give HUGE thanks to OB1 and Mecha-Shiva for all their hard work on bringing this together. The site’s new look was Mecha-Shiva’s idea and he drew the art, and of course OB1 made it all happen (including that awesome peg-hook search box).
OK, now on to the fun stuff–a contest! The guys at Spy Monkey Creations were kind enough to create a special variant of the Hammer of Chalybeous, which I’m calling The Poehammer! (Tolkien nerds may get the reference; Halo nerds, your reference is actually a reference to Tolkien.)
Cast in black with blue and red highlights, the Poehammer’s colors reflect those of the new PGPoA design.
I have three Poehammers to give away. Here’s how to win one:
- In the comments below, briefly describe one of your favorite posts from the last three-and-a-half years of PGPoA, and why. It can be a review, an interview, an Odds ‘n End, a news article, anything. You don’t have to get creative, and I won’t know if you surf to the Reviews page and choose one at random.
- I’ll pick three winners at random from the replies. One entry per person, please.
Now, on a more personal note: I know I’ve been rather remiss lately in updating this blog. A lot has been going on in my life, but the truth is I also got a little burnt out; it happens. But moving forward, you should see plenty of new content. So sit back and enjoy the new Poe Ghostal’s Points of Articulation!
Favorite posts? Mine, of course…
I kid, I kid! Although I do have to say that the round robin reviews of the Iron Man figs from the first movie were a blast both to do and to reread later (and yeah, I know I'm technically ineligible, but a chance to reminisce on a site dedicated to a hobby based in nostalgia? Irresistible!).
I love the new site design–the cool colors are easy on the eyes, and the white central block means reading's not obstructed either.
Great looking new design on the sight! It really looks great. '
I really enjoyed your review of MOTUC Battle Cat. It had some good info on the history of the original and Millennium (see what I brought back there) figures and as always, great photos of the new figure.
I always look forward to your reviews of the MOTUC figures, which is why I've been bummed about the missing reviews of the recent figures. Oh well, keep up the great job.
Echoing "Pete" from above: Favourite posts? Mine, of course… my sole DCUC Wonder Twins review that was posted here last year.
Favourite post from Poe? I've gotta say it's the Roboto review. That's still surprising memorable for me.
I know its going to sound corny but i am going to say the MOTUC He-man review because its was the first time i came to this site
I like the Geek Creek interview, not so much because I'm self-obsessed (though I am) but because my daughter is growing up too damn fast, and so whenever I revisit that page I am taken aback (in a positive manner) by how little she looks in my "file card" photo.
Matthew K
I liked that interview with Joe Amaro where he talked about action figure production. I dig the behind the scenes stuff.
That reminds me, my other favorite post might be the interview with Professor Jenkins.
I loved the new visual!! Great job!!!
Looking good Poe!
My favorite review was the one that turned me onto your great site. The review for "Stand! (in the place where your figures are)" about flying stands. I was looking for clear flying stands & when I started googling different things, your site & review came up as a result. Since then, I check out your site daily.
one of the first articles that I read in the old site was the DCUC wave 3 review..really loved the way it was written..actually after reading through that review is when I got hooked on to DCUC..till then I was only a Batman and MOTUC guy..
Also what keeps bringing me back to Poe's site is the review of Spy Monkey shields..somehow i like that article a lot..I ended up becoming a huge fan of SMC products and now keep buying every new thing that they release..
Third would be to check if the dreaded axe of darkness is back on sale or not π
NOOOO! Everything is on the other side now! You've ruined the website and the internet!
Uh, just kidding. Looks sharp. Very clean as well. Which is always a plus.
Favorite post(s) would probably be a lot of the old Odds & Ends. Those used to be a lot of fun and for whatever reason, despite being a collection of odds and ends, always seemed to make sense. Especially back in 08-09. There was a lot of guessing on what pieces were used to make the banners and such. It was a fun time more than anything.
Awesome! Gotham Knights cardback related theme!! I love the depiction of a Poe figure and his comically large accessory that launches a giant hat while he still wears a regular hat. That sums up 90s toys quite accurately.
One of my favorite posts is this…
Poe's 5 Most-Wanted Obscure He-Man Characters
I'd been reading the MOTUC reviews here for a while, to the point where I was eventually sold on the line. I hadn't explored much of the history of Masters of the Universe, so most of this list were all new to me and I was surprised at how deep and varied the brand could possibly get. So while the reviews got me interested in the toys, this list got me to explore the world of characters that I had ignored for 20+ years. Plus the list from 2009 has some fun choices and none have been made yet, so they are certainly are obscure. I think we'll see a couple of them soon enough.
Bonus Non-Poe Post!
It was surprising to check here one day and randomly see a custom figure I had at the top of the page in the old Paul's Peg feature. For one, I had no idea it got there, so that was fun. Secondly, Paul's site had stopped, so it was cool seeing a little Marvel-Team Up action from my 2 favorite toy blogs
I really enjoyed the post where you interviewed the gentleman who was a professor of pop culture studies (or something along those lines). I remember it being a really intriguing interview. I'll have to search it out.
Snarf! Snarf!
I’d say the Bio discussions.
My favorite was also the battle cat review. I remember when I was little sulking around because I didn't have the original yet either, but a couple others did. I also like the review becuase the classics Battle Cat is such a great toy and shoes just what all the figures should look like updated with articulation and size.
I also really like to toy Tolls section, just goes to show how little the stores/employees care about the toy section.
My favorite reviews were your MOTU vintage posters reviews. Preternia poster; "Hordak; fan favorite my ass" comment had me laughing. It had that stream of consciousness style critique reminiscent of MSTK only with the wonder and absurdity of MOTU thrown in. Keep up the great stuff! Also enjoyed the contest to create "Poe" which exposed me to MechaShiva's work.
The review of Spy Monkey Creation’s shields was what turned me on to SMC in the first place. I liked how they were photographed with their intended owners.
Although it's not easy to pin point a particular review in a sea of good reviews, however, the one that made me laugh was a very memorable review of the 339/1 Wrestling Champion π From a hilarious bio ("born the 339 heir in line to the throne" or "He has been known to aid He-Man … when it's convenient to him" π ) to some more funny details (Andre the Giant? π ) this review was exceptional (as it's the figure as well).
Cool new web site look.
Jack Static
Awesome job on the new layout, very nice!
As for the contest, uh… THIS POST! Why? Cause it has a contest!
Nah seriously thou, I enjoy reading any of the bio discussions, toy aisle trolls and bastards are always icing on the cake, but I believe I originally became a regular here because of the bio discussions. None in particular, they just kinda snowballed into this being of of my top visited sites in addition to all the other stuff
My favorite would have be your Tenderheart Care Bear review, the reason is two fold. 1) there is barely anyone who would review a non-male gender toy and to do it with a sense of humor was great to see and 2) you gave him a freaking sword!
Love the new design – looks clean and great.
As far as favorite? Well, the motuc reviews are what introduced me to the site. While it's hard to pick a favorite among them, I would have to say the she-ra review – particularly the wife's insight at the end. π
Love the new design, Poe!
Dan St. John
My "favorite review" (and it's hard to pick just one because all of them bring us great insight to the figures we are thinking about purchasing — and can make or break a purchase) was the Vikor review.
Sure, I liked He-Man and the bunch… but Vikor's review brought me and my imagination around to an even MORE Sword and Sorcery world that my brain was going to inhabit.
With Scarabus on the way… and BG Teela coming soon…. my S&S World is starting to come together.
For all of that, ….my imagination and "the adventurous-fun part of me" ….greatly thanks you.!!
Dan St. John
Oh, and I like the look of the new site. Nice clean look to it.!!
My fave is the interview with Penny Dreadful. I've recently started listening to all the Roast Gooble Dinners & I've enjoyed both Poe's & Penny's appearances on RGD.
Regarding seeing your favorite toys pop up on other sites: that's how I feel whenever Poe discusses G.I. Joe.
Kinda funny that Transformers aren't more of a presence here, really, considering Grimlock's your all-time favorite toy, Poe.
I'd never read (or had forgotten about) said Resolute review, so thanks for mentioning it.
Kyle F
My favorite posts of yours would have to be your MOTUC reviews in general. They were what really made me take a close look at their figure line and start collecting them.
Also you can never go wrong pointing out the horrible toy aisle trolls.
I'm liking the new design, the picture in the corner kinda gives me a gray ghost feel from Batman: TAS
my favorite poest, as it were, were your critiques of the old school He-Man advertisement paintings… they were both nostalgic and hilarious, and they got me the wallpaper I've been using on my computer for a while now (it's the one with BA He-Man and Skelly facing off) AND it inspired my choice of permanent rider of Battle Cat and Panthor…
I'm looking forward to all the good stuff coming up..
Love the new site Poe, long time reader.
BA He-Man was one of my fav reviews of yours, Always love your pics and when you add things like the old school MOTU BA He-man toy commercial its just classic.
Keep up the great work.
my favorite poest you've made recently was the discussion about your burnout and the "toy malaise" setting in due to negative fan feedback. why? because it was honest. you're only human, and it was nice getting to chat in a real way w/ one of the more famous "net geeks" and have a real exchange there. i'm not saying in any way that i had an impact on your viewpoint one way or the other, but it felt like it, and it was nice to get everything out in the open and talk in an adult way about an adult hobby. good stuff man. the new aesthetic is great and i wish you continued success and happiness.
I love the Bastards of the Universe comics, your reviews on anything MOTUC, and when ever you annouced a sale of some SMC weapons on your site, like the Original Sword of Ages and the Dread Axe of Darkness. I hope you pick me I need a Hammer for Tytus I have missed out on it the last couple of times do to computer problems.
I love the Basterds of the Universe comics, and any of your MOTUC Reviews.
American Legend
I love the collector's viewpoint on all the current news, but I gotta say I'm constantly astounded by Toy-Aisle Trolls. Your sentences to them are more than they deserve, but they always give me a good chuckle. While I enjoy seeing them, i'm conflicted because I can't stand that kind of thing when i see it in stores, but anyways…the new site looks great, keep up the masterful work! And to SMC-good on ya, once again!
Hmmm…Any review involving some sort of monkey. Also the links to Weirdo Toys are always good.
Favorite post. That's really a hard call. I always enjoy the Pics of the Day that you post. Its great to see the wide variety of different toylines out there.
My favorite post or at least most memorable was probably the news post on Roboto's shoulders. This was the first place I had read about it and I was just so dumbfounded by such a simple mistake, but that no one noticed or cared for months beforehand until someone actually pointed it out.
My favorite stuff has to be the Toy Aisle Trolls.
It makes me feel better to see fellow toy fans vent their anger at some of the bastards out there.
Aren't they all favorites? Oh, well I guess one of my favorites would have to be the King Hssss review you did, it convinced me to get him and that led to…well the thrill of the hunt. π This is the link that review was from:…
There hasn't been a particular post I can point to that says "that's the best post I've read here" because I enjoy all of the posts you make. I like the flow of your site, pics of the day, toy aisle trolls, seeing your take on breaking toy news, etc. New site looks great, and I look forward to continuing to visit your site (that sounds off).
Hey Poe, Loved your review for Battlecat. And most of your MOTUC reviews. Initially i was collecting only the NON 200X figures.. they actually mademe go back and collect the rest ofthe line. Nice colours on the new site.. All the best, hope to See more new stuff.
Ohh.. and love the Basterds of teh Universe.. awesome !
Congrats on the site! Looks great.
My favorite article was your Mezco Hellboy reviews. It was the first time I visited the site and I really enjoyed the review.
You gave the perfect information on the figure plus added in some personal info that made the review entertaining and informative. It wasn't at all "robotic" like some reviews.
There have been a great many posts I've really enjoyed, I don't know if I could say which is a favorite. I really benefited from the Hellboy reviews, some of the MOTUC posts helped me get into that line, DCUC reviews were great. Let's go with the Scareglow review.
Gratz on the new look!
My favorite was actually your recent one on The Tick figure from Indie Spotlight. I was so impressed by it, that I actually tracked one down for myself!
Thanks PG!
AWEsOme new look to the site! I like it a LOT! =)
When will you be back on Roast Gooble Jason? (though they haven’t been posting a new episode as of late… we miss you Emiliano!)
My favorite review was way back when, for the Master Sword of Empyrean and the Witching Axe! Just seeing the pictures (especially the one with Zodac holdind the sword and staff!)… I was immediately hooked on Spy Monkey Creations and the Poe Ghostal site! Which are now both “favorites” on my Facebook app!
I was a little late coming on to the scene with Matty’s Classics, but was instanly on-board when I was made aware of it! Grew up with the original toys and was glued to the TV after school for the He-man and She-ra Power Hour! So stumbling onto Poe Ghostal and being introduced to Jeremy and his creations was a double whamie for me and I have been a fan of both ever since!!
I have to say, I still love the bio discussions on this site! It keeps me coming back for MORE This is the best place to hear what other fans are feeling about this “new bio story” that they are weaving together! ^~^
Thanks for everything Poe Ghostal!!
Favorite: Onan the Barbarian Cartoon.
Zach Oat
My favorite post was the interview with me, because I got to write my own clip-n-save filecard. Man, that was fun. I put in so many references to other real Joe and Cobra filecards that reading it still makes me giggle.…
Love the new site!
I like the Wun-Dar review best. It was pretty cool to see the history behind him.