A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Thwipster & Figure of the Day: the Geeks’ Groupon

I’ve noticed quite a bit of chatter in the toy Twitter circles about Thwipster and Figure of the Day, two websites that offer daily deals on geek-related items such as comics and collectibles.

Thwipster has already found success with its great deals on comics (I would already have made taken advantage of them multiple times if I didn’t have Amazon Prime). But now they’re expanding into the collectibles market, with deals on statues, toys, and other geek-oriented merchandise.

Figure of the Day doesn’t have quite the profile of Thwipster yet, but they have had some excellent deals. They’ve also had a few “theme days,” when they sell a number of figures from the same franchise–e.g., Predators or G.I. Joe–over the course of a day. Thwipster charges $3 for shipping while FOTD’s shipping is free.

In general, Thwipster appears to have slightly higher-end/higher quality merchandise on the whole, while FOTD tends to be a bit more of a crapshoot from day to day–sometimes the figure is awesome, sometimes it’s obviously a retailer trying to unload remainder stock.

However, they’re both worth checking up on every day, because you never know what you’re goind to find.

On a side note, the Groupon comparison isn’t quite accurate, as Groupon deals represent an assurance contract whereby if enough people sign up, then the sale goes through; but if too few people sign up, it doesn’t happen. That doesn’t seem to be how Thwipster and FOTD work–they seem to offer straight daily deals on a particular collectible.


Poe & the Four Horsemen: How It All Began


Pic of the Day > The Merciless Patriot by Ross Acevedo


  1. fengschwing

    I'll take a look…but I'm betting those of us across the pond may miss out.
    Still, nice to know about.

    • With the super hit of Groupon in the western world, many businessman have started the daily deal site for their own markets. Only the products varies. But the formula is one. Give discount, brand products, get commission. Like Troopswap site gives deals for military personals, this Thwipster site is for comics and geek culture.

  2. They're more like Woot than Groupon.

  3. So kinda like tee fury… interesting.

    On a side note I've sworn never to use Groupon after their especially tasteless superbowl ads. I'm not one in particular to get offended or pissed off about stuff like that, but they bothered me even. That said, if they post another $40 Newbury Comics Gift Card for $20, I might have to take 'em up on it.

    • dayraven

      wait, they were the folks that did the "save the rainforest… but first, go to rainforest cafe using groupon" ads, right? what was offensive about that? they were a little confusing, but i don't recall anything offensive.

  4. I picked up the latest Walking Dead TPB from Thwipster a little while back for roughly 11 bucks shipped. Can't beat that at all. I was a little upset I missed out on the Absolute Long Halloween they had not too long ago.

  5. Mohammad

    Groupon deals are always highly profitable. There is no doubt that it is possible to get the most out of group discounts.

    People purchase a product if there is quality and assurance. Nowadays, they also expect bargains and money back guarantee when there is no quality.

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