A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Choose Your Own Review Adventure!

So look…I have a HUGE backlog of figures to review. It’s so big, I’ve become mentally paralyzed regarding where to start. So you tell me!

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Odds ‘n Ends > July 8, 2011


Pic of the Day > Cy-Gor by Drkangeltex


  1. GalvaTRION

    Personally, I was surprised to see a Spawn toy in there and it would be a nice break from reviews of Mattel or Neca product.

    Sure, it's neat to get good pictures and eloquent writing about the 58,000th version of Batman (using the SAME MOLD for the last 20 times with variations being limited to paint and accessories). Go for something different, man.

    • I can only review the stuff I buy, and I can only buy so many toys. I'm not a rich man, I can't really take too many flyers on random toys.

      I think the appeal of the Arkham City Batman is because it IS a brand-new mold.

      Anyway, while I certainly understand your point, as Zach S. points out below, apparently people want to see the Mattel reviews.

      That said, I'm going to try to branch out a bit more, to the best of my ability.

  2. GalvaTRION

    It just sometimes seems that this place oughta be called Poe Ghostal's Mattel Bitchfest. (not that Mattel doesn't deserve the acrimony).

  3. compyrex

    Awww, too bad I'm like the only one who wants the Dead Space 2 reviews.

  4. FakeEyes22

    I think you could easily get away with combining some of these. The MOTUC TRU sets would be a really simple glance at the differences. Issac Clarke's review could have a brief mention on how necessary you feel it is to buy a Necromorph for him to fight.

    For something different, I'd be really interested to see both DCUC and Mattel's take on Arkham style Batman done in a comparison review, even though Two-Face may complicate things. It seems like DCUC is nicer looking, while Mattel's is the better action figure, but I'm not sure.

    I like the idea of retro reviewing unusual stuff like Earthworm Jim that most people aren't going to go looking for, but it's still fun to learn about and appreciate it.

  5. Zach S.

    You know, it's sort of a quandary. Every reviewer and their grandma reviews the new Mattel stuff, and more often than not most say the same thing. However, it seems that these are the only reviews people want to read, seeing as how they are so popular. That's due to the insane popularity of the lines. This is good for the site, because you get more readers.

    But then, you get stuff like Playmates Lucha Libre line, which you have the Super Nova figure as a potential review. I've never seen a single review of this guy. It seems like it'd be more of a benefit to the collector community to get well-written reviews of some of the more obscure choices out there. Especially considering most people will buy the Mattel figures regardless of review. However, almost nobody would buy Super Nova just because…but perhaps with a good review out there, they might. And therefore some smaller lines might get some more interest. I've bought several unique toys based on positive reviews…so who knows.

    • It's a neat-looking figure, and don't worry, I'll be getting to it. I'm going to review everything on this list, I was just looking for some help determining the order.

      • Mario

        Yeah, I’d love to see this review as well. I remember being pretty stoked about them when they were first shown a while back. I actually thought they were cancelled, so this is good news to me. Can’t wait for your review.

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