A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Sneak Peek at Jazwares’ 4″ Mortal Kombat [UPDATED]

Jazwares’ Joe Amaro sends along this sneak peek at the 4″ Klassic Ninjas and 4″ Klassic Cyber Assassins.



With the exception of Reptile, I have no idea who these guys are. The Cyber Assassins have a kind of Tron-like vibe.

On a side note, Mortal Kombat Online had a recent interview with Joe regarding the MK lines.

[Update] Joe sends along some further info regarding Jazwares’ MK figs.

Hey guys,
I wanted to clarify some of the comments I have been hearing from around the web.

1. The mask on the 4in Ninjas is accurate according to Warner Brother’s reference.
This is how WB and the game creators thought it should look.

2. The 4in and 6in figures are super articulated.
We just tried to hide as much of the articulation as possible, looks like we did a good job.
The 6in have a little more articulation than the 4in.

4in figures articulation:
• Ball joint head
• Ball joint shoulders
• Ball joint elbows
• Swivel hands
• Ball joint waist (ab crunch)
• Ball joint hips
• Ball joint knees
• Ball joint feet

6in figures articulation:
• Ball joint head
• Ball joint shoulders
• Ball joint elbows
• Ball joint hands
• Ball joint waist (ab crunch)
• Ball joint hips
• Swivel thigh
• Ball joint knees
• Ball joint feet


Pic of the Day > HE – MAN y Battlecat, bootleg 80`s- 90`s, plástico inflado. by Yayo 84


Pic of the Day > Pee Wee by the_Rundown


  1. J1h15233

    Front top left: Sektor, Reptile, Ermac and Cyrax

  2. Mike

    These looks sooo AWESOME!!! I cant wait to get them.

  3. Zach S.

    Sektor and Cyrax are awesome…we need 6" versions of them!

  4. You've never played Mortal Kombat 3?

    Cyrax was always one of my faves!

  5. Zy_jyu398

    I will def pick up the Ermac, hope to get them soon

  6. Snarf! Snarf!

    I might have to pick'em up! Like them a bit better than the 6 inch line…

  7. Snarf! Snarf!

    @ Snarf! Snarf!:Cause they're based on the Classic MK games… not too fond of the look of the characters in recent games!

  8. dayraven

    dub snarf, did you just direct a comment at yourself?

    these look decent, but i'm only in for the 6 inchers. i'm surprised that they're doing contemporary MK 6 inchers, but classic MK 4 inchers. smart move on their part i think.

  9. Thrawn

    Sektor and Cyrax look freaking cool! I love old Ketchup and Mustard. 🙂 Reptile and Ermac don't look too shabby either.


    Sektor and Cyrax were inspired by Boba Fett and the Predator. There could be some subconscious Tron elements worked into them, but not officially.

  10. Snarf! Snarf!

    @ dayraven:

    yes, yes I did. I wasn't allowed to edit my post, so I replied to myself to clarify… I would be over the 6 inchers if they looked like their classic versions.

  11. Ben

    I have high hopes for their 3-3/4" Street Fighter line, but these look pretty darned nice for the scale. And thankfully, they're all characters that have been around since at least 1995!

  12. Not too shabby. Too bad I stopped being invested in Mortal Kombat in the 90s.

  13. Mecha-Shiva

    Woohoo oldskool MK,love the robot dudes.

  14. JLUforever

    like the 6" figures, these look like really great customs, but not something I'd expect to see at retail.

    The sculpting is soft and round. It lacks the precision of professional sculpture you see in today's toys. Except for the articulation (which is the best thing about these toys)these look like they came from 1992.

  15. Ridureyu

    Ninjas, robots, and Goro, and I'll be there.

    And if they do the new Cyborg Sub-Zero, sure, I'll take that, too.

  16. Henry

    Depending on the build quality, these could potentially be quite good. In concept, they certainly seem to be on the level of Hasbro's Star wars figures at this scale. Do we have any release dates for these dudes?

  17. I SO want these to be good figures, so i can buy them all. I'm hoping for the classic look and modern look in both 4" and 6" lines.

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