A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day > Blue Two Headed Bemon by Rudebeast

Blue Two Headed Bemon


Pic of the Day > Cicero… by Clarkent78


Odds ‘n Ends + Big Mattel SDCC Reveal tonight (maybe) + contest


  1. dayraven

    what the hell is this thing? it's fantastic!

  2. @dayraven – Careful, that's pretty much how you get tricked into buying kaiju. And trust me, once you go into it you start spending some cash on real monsters. For example, this Dorol that I reviewed was pricey but awesome as all hell:


  3. Poe

    I would love to own the creature in the pic, from the little research I've done it sounds like it's basically not even available anywhere, not even eBay, and even if it were it would cost a fortune. So…ah well.

  4. @ Poe:

    I know how you feel. I often find kaiju toys that look amazing but are completely unavailable.

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