A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Golden Age Batman revealed at C2E2

(Image from Toy News International)

There wasn’t a whole lot of new stuff at C2E2, but one thing we did see was the prototype for the Golden Age Batman, a figure in the upcoming Batman: Legacy sub-line by Mattel.

Looks great–and I’ll be getting it–but what I really want is that same figure with the yellow oval, to truly match Super Powers Batman. I prefer the lighter gray with the blue, rather than the darker gray used on the DCUC1 figure. Oh, and double-articulated knees and elbows, please.


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  1. Snarf! Snarf!

    Blue/Gray without the Oval!? Oh well! Personally I prefer the Oval…

  2. "Oh, and double-articulated knees and elbows, please"

    Do you really think Mattel could pull that off without it being a complete QC nightmare?

  3. blue/grey needs the oval as much as black/grey needs the solo bat

  4. Nik

    They're gonna make both eventually, don't you worry. And in the most annoying "you have to buy something twice or buy something really dumb as well just to get it" kinda way.

  5. ero

    I believe it's comic-accurate, though.

    I, too, would prefer to have this guy with the oval. I can live with Wave 1 Bats for my Super Friends shelf, but this one looks so, so close to the Batman: The Brave and the Bold version, I'd love to have it!

  6. clark

    I will skip this one, just because I have too many batmen (of course, if it's in a 2-pack with that Joker then I guess I'll be getting this guy). This does give me hope that we might get a golden age Superman though (if he looks just like the Fleischer cartoons then that would be awesome).

  7. Josh

    that isn't the figure that Mattel is calling GA Batman, is it? bats looks awful Silver Age-y to me in that pic.

  8. FakeEyes22

    I really like that. It somehow looks cool and not very goofy. I think the black on the face works much better with a dark blue.

    I think I'd prefer Crimestopper Batman without the black face for Super Powers. Crimestopper hasn't got much purpose now that this one takes the style a bit further.

  9. misterbigbo

    ero wrote:

    I believe it’s comic-accurate, though.

    Looks to me like an odd amalgamation of GA and SA. How come all the Batmen shown in this line have different head sculpts? Couldn't the "flavor" of the different styles of Batman be captured with a consistent-looking Bruce Wayne?

    I'm a little disinclined to get more than just the modern Batman because of this discontinuity.

  10. Nik

    misterbigbo wrote:

    ero wrote:

    I believe it’s comic-accurate, though.

    Looks to me like an odd amalgamation of GA and SA. How come all the Batmen shown in this line have different head sculpts? Couldn’t the “flavor” of the different styles of Batman be captured with a consistent-looking Bruce Wayne?

    I’m a little disinclined to get more than just the modern Batman because of this discontinuity.

    lol most complaints were that they kept using the same headsculpt.

  11. carlos

    @ Josh:
    The Golden Age Batman didn't have the oval. This is what he looked like in the 1940s:

  12. Kevin

    Batman looks good, absolutely cannot wait to get ahold of that Joker.

  13. nerdbot

    The shape of the cowl – particularly the ears – and cape, and the shade of blue used sure make it look Silver Age to me. Well- mostly Silver Age; I agree that it looks like a mash-up of styles.

  14. Barbecue17

    " Love that Joker!"

    Seriously, that looks like a really nice retool. The coat looks perfect. He just needs a cane and a hat.

  15. George

    Yea even though I have 13 different (mostly the same just different colors) Batmen I love every single Batman they've taken out. So I love the Bat-man, sue me. Except Mud-Splattered Batman, I mean really?

    (Sorry Michael Scott moment there.)

  16. dayraven

    ok, i have to ask poe, if you would prefer a batman w/ the gold oval, and with double knees and elbows (all of which are features this figure clearly does not have) why would you buy this figure? he's not the figure you want. i don't understand.

  17. Poe

    @ dayraven: He's not my ideal Batman, but he still looks great.

    We're all a complete mark for something (or somethings), and mine are 6" Batman figures and MOTU.

    And to be clear, while I do want a Super Powers-colored Batman with double-jointed elbows and knees, my true ideal Batman would have:

    A gray/black color scheme

    the more slender Nightwing torso

    the black bat symbol

    the DCSH8 pouch belt

    a newly-sculpted head that resembles the Sinestro Corps Bats but without the snarl

    double-jointed elbows and knees

    Interchangeable fists with hands for holding batarangs

  18. Snarf! Snarf!

    Poe wrote:

    @ dayraven: He’s not my ideal Batman, but he still looks great.
    We’re all a complete mark for something (or somethings), and mine are 6″ Batman figures and MOTU.
    And to be clear, while I do want a Super Powers-colored Batman with double-jointed elbows and knees, my true ideal Batman would have:
    A gray/black color scheme
    the more slender Nightwing torso
    the black bat symbol
    the DCSH8 pouch belt
    a newly-sculpted head that resembles the Sinestro Corps Bats but without the snarl
    double-jointed elbows and knees
    Interchangeable fists with hands for holding batarangs

    Mine would be pretty much that but with interchangeable capes as well.Standard Plastic Cape, "closed cape" for "brooding pose", Fully extended cape for aerial poses, and Cloth cape for Batmobile possibility… (I hate cloth, but)
    Judging Mattel's prices this sucker would be almost $30… which would suck

  19. dayraven

    strange man… why not hold out for something that satisfies more of your wants?

    this is proving one of the great sticking points between me and my fellow collectors, i don't get the impulse to buy when your needs aren't being met. like, to give you a good example, i don't own a marvel legends magneto. i wasn't satisfied with the iron man repaint that was the only entrance in marvel legends, and the couple we got from the x-men line either weren't his comic uniform, or had tiny heads… not my bag. now that said, mags is my absolute favorite marvel villain, has been for decades. but i'm not compromising my wants… honestly, that marvel select one comes damned close, but i want better articulation and perhaps a more apropo scale.

  20. Bigbot


    What would be an example of a figure that has been released that you feel satisfies your needs? I understand the negatives against ML Magneto, but I'm sure there are some figures that come real close to what you would expect.

  21. scott metzger

    The only thing off is the belt, which should have the old fashioned buckle. The head is pretty good for this, as are the black with the blue highlight trunks.

    Thing is, it is both a Golden Age and Silver Age Batman. He appeared this way in both eras; the updated costume (what most refer to as the Silver Age version) with the yellow oval didn't come in until the 60's, well into the Silver Age itself.

    An early Bob Kane Batman, with the longer ears angled outward and the short gloves, would have been a more definite, never to be confused with another period, Golden Age version, but this figure's costume was actually his look for the vast majority of that era.

  22. The Flash III

    Don't worry, Poe, I'm sure they'll re-release it with the oval and no black on the mask. If there's one thing Mattel knows, it's that Batman sells. As for me, I'm quite happy with wave 1 Batman.

  23. Poe

    dayraven wrote:

    strange man… why not hold out for something that satisfies more of your wants?

    Because then I might never buy anything…I mean, how far do you take that?

    Also, just because they haven't made my ideal Batman doesn't mean I don't like all the other ones. I do–quite a bit. I love all of Batman's looks–hell, I wish Mattel would make a Zur-En-Arrh Batman.

  24. Megatherium

    That Batman shall go mighty well with My DCUC 16 Robin, now, hopefully Batman will get "accessory holding" hands, instead of fists…Cos the world's greatest detective needs to examine things as well and punch people…

  25. sdooner

    The belt is the only real problem. In the 40s and 50s, Batman was drawn with a belt that was always wider than the canisters on the belt.

    The "new look" Batman circa 1964 changed all that by adding the yellow oval to the chest insignia and by drawing the canisters wider than the belt. This would be such an easy fix, since the belt is not part of the buck, but it does not seem very likely.

  26. dayraven

    @ Bigbot:

    as an example, the bioshock figs from NECA looked pretty much precisely how i envisioned them in 3D, and had articulation i was happy with, so i eagerly pulled the trigger and enjoyed what i got. the MU galactus is another example of a fig that pretty much did exactly what i was hoping for in a galactus, plus the light and sounds. the BAF was fun but to me, the scale was not quite galactus… so i waited. and i eventually got one that fit the scale better, and upped the sculpt detail, so, it worked. and i was eager to reward hasbro w/ my cash.

    the above is not to say i don't make regrettable purchases, but i try my best to find reviews and such for product i'm interested in to see if it's worth investing in. (hence, why i'm a thrice a day poester) sometimes, i pull the trigger and the product ends up sucking, or not living up to expectation, but if i know ahead of time that the fig has something to it that i don't like, or not enough that i do, i pass.

  27. DavetheBrave

    Why does everyone love that sculpt so much? He looks like he's been pumping 'roids since he started walking. His biceps look as big as his head, which is both a knock on his huge arms and his tiny, tiny head.

  28. Captain Zero

    The closer to a "Dick Sprang" BATMAN is "just O.K. by me".!!

    I WANT a Sprang BATMAN,…and I really like the G.A./S.A. Robin.

    THE JOKER looks great…and a Fleisher SUPERMAN and a Silver Age LUTHOR would be just GREAT!!

    "MAKE MY DAY!!"

  29. Captain Zero

    Sure, …I would LOVE a Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Perry White, Alfred, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Clark Kent, and Vicki Vale (Silver Age) would be "swell", too!!

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