A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Bastards of the Universe > “Bazaar, part two”

There was a throwaway line in an old ToyFare issue, where someone mishears the description of Man-E-Faces as “attorney and actor,” and for some weird reason, that’s how I think of him now.

Since I’m not a big MOTUC collector, I didn’t get the Palace Guard two-pack, although they look cool. So, the bazaar has non-union guards: Dirk from Dragon’s Lair, and a spare He-Man wearing Ares’ helmet from Marvel Legends. Figure there’s a lot of scab labor in Eternia…

If you recognized, or didn’t recognize anyone, let me know! More next week!


Toy Aisle Trolls > Gone-E Chavo


The King Hssss Shoulder Swap


  1. Cade

    Oh 339/1! always making friends…..

  2. Scissors

    Who be the blonde chick with the staff in the first panel?

  3. @ Scissors:

    Hmm. That's the elf girl from Everquest…which I've never played, so I'm not sure how I got this. Probably eBay. She's completely unarticulated, though.

  4. BumblebeeZ3

    Who is the lady in purple in the background, most visible in the last panel of the 3rd page?

    Looking back at the first part of Bazaar, it looks like she has light blue hair.

    Among other things, I like the makeshift stage that uses the Hero Factory crates.

  5. @ BumblebeeZ3: I think that's Leen, from Dark Angel. (An anime, not the old James Cameron show!) Dark, from the same thing, is next to her.

    Never saw the show. I used to work next to a game store that had them on sale forever, but never picked them up, so when I saw them on eBay on the cheap I got 'em.

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