A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Vote for the Poester Award 2010!

It’s past that time of year again…yes, I’m running extremely late on my 2010 awards. Nonetheless, I’m determined to go through with them, and as always, this year there will be a Poester Award.

The idea is simple: choose your favorite figure that I reviewed this year. I did not include any guest reviews, for the simple reason that I don’t count guest reviews when writing my own awards. If I included the guest reviews, we might not get the fun of seeing you all disagree with me.

Anyway, click here to vote!

Voting will go until 11:59pm Sunday, February 6.


Bandai’s 8″ Classics Lion-O unveiled


“Badass” MOTUC?


  1. Dead Man Walking

    Tough call with Battle Cat, Gygor, and Predator leading the way, and Carnivus and Marzo just behind. In the end, I feel like Gygor gave me a tiny bit more enjoyment than BC or the Pred, so he gets my vote.

  2. barbecue17

    So this contest is for best MOTUC figure of the year, right? 😉

  3. barbecue17

    BTW, love the trophy! Is that Onan the barbarian?

  4. nerdbot

    I think I'll be the sole person voting for my choice. But it is my favorite, not the one I objectively think is best.

  5. Poe

    @barbecue17: His name's 339/1 now. But yes 🙂

  6. Mark

    You did a lot of great reviews this year Poe.

  7. I guess I never noticed the trend, but you sure do review a lot of Mattel stuff.

    I went with Buzz Off. I hadn't really seen many pictures of him before that review and I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw.

  8. Out of the figures you reviewed, if my favorite gets another vote I'll be mildly surprised; but I gotta give it to the Spongebob figures. They were cheap, they were in stores, and my Youngest loves 'em.

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