Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to poe AT
Nerdbot sends in this fine example of human behavior.
Writes Nerdbot:
I found this gem at a Toys R Us in Queens, New York. It was, as you can see, a Marvel Legends two-pack that was supposed to contain the stealth Iron Man. In its place is… well, I have no idea. Maybe a bootleg Iron Man? Or knock-off Power Ranger? For all I know it could be a cool Japanese import. (With some of the strange swaps we’ve seen lately, anything is possible.) I like that the troll inserted the mystery figure’s throwing star accessories, too. A real mensch.
I shudder to think I may have been within a few miles of this travesty this weekend. What the hell is that thing?
Note the bastard swiped the alternate Tony Stark and Sharon Carter heads, too–it seems all he was willing to leave was Sharon herself. And consider this: slime molds are better practitioners of a moral existence than this petty thief.
that is seriously low… i think i'd like to crap down the back of his neck.
the real low blow is the heads… the figure is one thing, but making sure to snag the heads… that's just the straw that breaks the camel's back.
The Troll's who swap out an OK toy for a really good toy kind of make me laugh. (They probably do it out of guilt) I don't think this is very funny though. Some kid is going to get stuck with this POS. This kind of thing gives collectors a bad name.
Anyone know what the heck that thing is?
I'll tell you what my gold mine TAT would be–a story about a kid actually receiving one as a gift. We'd have to find a way to get the kid a nice toy to make up for it, though.
Its just a repainted Knock off Power ranger,funny that the troll has painting skills to repaint him in ironman stealth colors and the prerequisite red eyes and mouth done cleanly states that the troll is a customizer.
Mysterious Stranger
What I don't get is why leave the Sharon Carter figure? Its the most desirable part of that set.
LOL, that thing looks like an NFL SuperPro Variant figure!