I have no idea what made me use this pic. Other than it obviously being funny, while not obviously riffing on the usual Bow-is-gay cliche. Which I don’t buy, by the way–look at that ‘stache. Dudes with his build and facial hair hanging around extremely hot chicks all the time screams “porn star” to me.
Oh Bow. Why can’t we all just leave you alone? (BTW, in that shot above, I can hear Bow making the Peter Griffin “purring walrus” noise.)
Anyway, it’s Bow Day, though it’s also Shadow Beast Day, Keldor Reissue Day, Tytus Reissue Day and Grayskull Stands Day. No non-MOTUC items this month. Here’s the link to the all-in-one page.
And hey, to make it interesting: I’ve got a MOC WWE Mattel Randy Savage for the person who guesses closest to the exact time Bow sells out (guess a particular minute of the day). Entries must be submitted by 12pm ET. Everyone’s eligible except me and my monkey. Good luck!
Poe you should review Randy Savage.
Dead Man Walking
Actually, I'd say that pic looks like Bow broke up with his boyfriend and She-Ra is consoling him. If nothing else, he looks incredibly submissive in that pic, which is not a very masculine trait. And while his 'stache isn't quite a "John Waters," it's not really thick enough to be pornstache: http://28.media.tumblr.com/BLNEMjf18pi65tjasmyBQv…
All that's moot, though, now that Mattel has confirmed he's in love She-Ra…who's obviously a lesbian.
I guess that Bow will sell out in 5 hours, and 23 minutes.
Thomas B
i am going with 12:11 PM central time
I'm gonna guess Bow will be gone in 24 minutes. Why, I dunno.
BTW, I agree with you Poe, Bow isn't gay. With the 'stache and all the babes, he reminds me of Ron from "Parks & Recreation".
Snarf! Snarf!
1 Hour and 40 minutes Unless we get another Vikor issue
Andrew Davis
I'll guess 53 minutes.
I'll guess around 8:30 tomorrow night.
Bow is no less gay than any of the other MOTU characters. He's just not afraid to show his romantic side.
Bow sells out on Thursday 2/17 at 8:56 am EST. I guess I'm hoping the POP stuffs "fails" and less of it will be made. I really don't understand why there is a fanbase for that property.
But for all I know he'll sell out in ten minutes. I can't predict this line.
I'll guess bow sells out at 3:36 est.
I'll guess Friday 3:30 EST, but who knows? There is so much stuff on sale today.
I think She-Ra is comforting Bow becausehe's worn out from getting busy with every chick in Etheria. I say he and his porn 'stache will sell out today at 3:48pm, EST
I'll go with sell out by 1:20pm
Sellout @ 12:53PM Feb 15
Hmmm 2:47 EST
the whole "He-man iz ghey" thing is rather tired by now, at least for me. sure, the characters all look rather ridiculous but didn't everybody in the early 80s?
gotta agree with Poe here. Bow's always struck me more as a slightly-skeezy guy, charming the ladies every chance he got. even the outfit is more Jersey Shore nonsense than something any self-respecting homosexual would wear 😉
Dead Man Walking
I’ve noticed that He-fans tend to be adamant that neither Bow nor He-Man were gay, despite the fact the show never definitely established either as being heterosexual, and in spite of all the innuendo, e.g. secret identity, “special friend,” etc.
I’m not saying that either IS gay, but He-fans seem to reject the notion that it’s even possible that they were. I wonder if these people believe in “hetero until proven gay.” Or maybe they simply can’t stand the notion that one of their beloved childhood heroes was gay. It's puzzling to me.
I'm gonna guess he'll be gone @ 12:38pm (EST).
Might as well throw my name in the hat… I predict he will sell out by 2:52pm EST.
Anyone actually logging in to pick up Bow/ShadowBeast? Perhaps a reissue Keldor or Tytus?
I am pretty sure he won't be a quick sell out… hell, I think the shadow beast will go before him, if only because of the troop builder aspect.. I'll say he's gone tomorrow evening, like 5pm..
also, what happened to rtm?
wow! that was easy!!!
that was pretty quick… 10 minutes and done.. and that's only because it wouldn't give me enough time to type the captcha before putting me back in line… I still hate the site, but atleast this was relatively easy-peasy
2:25 EST.
Well – THAT was easy! Unless I just got the jump on the whole deal, I was in and out at 12:01. Something must have gone right. Or no one's interested anymore. Either way – makes up for last month with me!
Andrew Davis
So wait, when did he sell out?
@Andrew Davis: @Lazulu: I'm going with 12:54pm, which unfortunately makes both you and Lazulu the winners, since you both guessed the exact same time. What the heck! Be more attentive, people.
Anyway, since AD guessed first, he gets the Macho Man figure, but Lazulu, I also have a Shawn Michaels MOC figure if you want that. Let me know.
I apologize for not seeing the previous guess. However, I would love the Shawn Micheals. Let me know where to send my address and any shipping I may need to cover. Thanks a bunch.
Andrew Davis
Hey, I totally guessed first! 😛
@Andrew Davis: I said you guessed the same time, not at the same time. And anyway, you won 🙂