Last time, 339/1 got back his gem, in what was less a political maneuver than a straightforward robbery. The Bastards were cheesed with Battlecat for getting them involved, and Valkyrie was let down by her dad; probably not for the first time.
We aren’t done with 339/1’s story by a long shot, partly because I forgot a chapter, in which he lays down a quality beating on some beloved cartoon characters. Also, I thought someone guessed Valkyrie’s mom, or pretty close: McFarlane’s Valkyrie, but I forget from what series.
Valkyrie’s Bastards team looks just as dysfunctional as Bill’s crew: Raziel from Soul Reaver, a Clank PVC, replacement Wonder Woman Artemis (a Four Horseman sculpt) and Ryu Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden. Man, I buy more videogame action figures than I do games. While I played the old NES Ninja Gaiden, I haven’t played Soul Reaver; but he looks like Nightcrawler’s corpse, minus a tail!
the alternate team looks excellent… i hope this isn't the last time we see them.
Bastards East or West Coast Bastards… maybe even Bastards Europe 😉