A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Any questions for Toy Fair?

Since I live to serve you, my devoted Poesters, I’m giving you a chance to submit your questions not only for Mattel, but several other toy companies. Just list your questions in the comments below (be sure to specify the company) and I’ll put them together and try to ask as many questions as I can. Here are the companies I’m scheduled to spend time with so far:

  • Hasbro
  • Mattel
  • NECA
  • Bandai
  • Mezco
  • Jazwares
  • The Four Horsemen

I’m planning to try and visit DC Direct and Diamond Select as well, though I haven’t set up a specific time with them. Feel free to submit questions for them, too.

Also, if there are any particular lines you’d like me to pay attention to (beyond the obvious like MOTUC, DCUC, Thundercats, etc.), let me know.


Pic of the Day


McFarlane Toys scores the Walking Dead


  1. barbecue17

    For Hasbro:

    Has the success of online distribution focused on collectors, such as what Mattel has done with Mattycollector.com, caused Hasbro to give any attention to perhaps releasing some of its own lines in a more collector targeted manner? It would be wonderful to give collectors the opportunity to purchase more Star Wars: Expanded Universe figures, more 25th Anniv G.I. Joes, Indiana Jones figures that were showed at previous Toyfairs but were never released, and the final waves of G.I. Joe Sigma 6/Adventure team.

    Hasbro: Iron Man 2 was a terriffic line of action figures. Unfortunately, the distribution was a little strange with characters like Black Widow and helmetless Tony Stark never showing up, and the major villian, Whiplash, not showing up until well after the movie's release. Will anything be done to try and create better character mixtures, or at least ensure that the main villian is available for purchase at the time of the film's release for films such as Captain America and Thor?

    NECA: Is there any plan to ever jump back in and produce figures from the Resident Evil license? Seeing how popular Resident Evil continues to be (4 films w/ possibly a 5th on the way, 10+ video games) it would seem that there is far more demand for more RE characters rather than for single characters from unestablished properties.

    NECA: In the last year or two, it has seemed that NECA has really focused on putting out less new figures, and then only 1 figure at a time from most of those licenses (Harry Potter only got three figures in a movie year). Fortunately, the TRU rereleases have been quite welcome, and have allowed many collectors to grab figures that we might have missed the first time around. My question is two fold: #1 What can collectors continue to expect from NECA? Will we ever see actual "lines" again, such as Cult Classics, waves of 3 and 4 figures, etc., or will singular releases be the standard method of release from now on? #2 Will we continue to see the budget friendly rereleases at TRU?

    Mezco: What is happening with the Hellboy license? Are we ever going to see anything else from this property? How about more figures from the comic universe, perhaps directly sold online?

  2. dayraven

    Hasbro: We've seen MU unleash a lot of great characters that never got translated into Marvel Legends, like the Wrecking Crew. When Marvel Legends gets going again, will we be seeing the roster in Legends rise to meet that of their tiny brethren?

    4 Horesemen: Any news on Symbiotech and or the OSM would be awesome, BUT what this dude wants to know is, when can we expect some movement on the 7TH Kingdom again?

    NECA- You guys continue to be the company most frequently pushing forward the industry as it applies to sculpt and articulation. Please keep this up! My question then is, when we get figures like the Heavenly Sword girl or Machete, that are mostly static, I feel a little let down. Can NECA establish maybe some kind of minimum PoA standard for their figs? I know there are conditions that might change what those PoA are, but like for humanoid characters, knees and hips should be pretty standard, right?

  3. misterbigbo

    Hi NECA. Any plans at releasing the second wave of TMNT figures? I am sad that I don't have a Shredder nor a Foot to face the Turtle! Those prototypes looked amazing.

  4. I'm not sure if Bandai America will be able to answer these questions, but it's worth a shot.

    Bandai: (1) Is there any chance that we'll see the Voltron Lions or even the Vehicle Voltron as part of the Soul of Chogokin line, now that Mattel has the US license? (2) What are the chances that we'll get the other Lightans to join Gold Lightan in the Soul of Chogokin line?

    Could you also keep an eye out on Mattel's other lines – Avatar, Toy Story 3, and anything possibly new that they may be announcing (BraveStarr? Computer Warriors?)

  5. barbecue17

    Here's another one for Hasbro:

    It seems about time for C.O.P.S. to make a reappearance, don't you think?

  6. Nik

    Hasbro: As time passes, it seems less and less likely, but is there still a chance that Transformers Animated Wingblade Prime, Hydrodive Bumblebee and Blackout (plus other planned repaints) appear at retail or online? Possibly an exclusive release to HasbroToyShop? TF-Animated being BotCon's theme this year is sure to drum up some hype. Why not release them at the HTS table at BotCon and sell the remainder online, like Pepsi Prime?

    Also, Thank you for Wheeljack.

    Mattel: If Vigo the Carpathian is not revealed at this Toy Fair for production within this year, do you realize that you, Mattel, are personally making Nik (T16skyhopp on the Internet) cry like a baby. It's a pretty sad thing, but you should still be ashamed of yourselves. He's lucky he has a PKE meter to cheer him up! (Thanks for that BTW, its awesome!)

  7. Scott

    Bandai: Do you have the rights to any character from the cartoon, whether or not they had a toy in the past (i.e. Luna-Taks)? If so, would it likely be awhile before we see any?

  8. Scott

    DC Direct: You originally showed a couple of White Lanterns for Brightest Day wave 3. Wiill these be showing up in a later wave, or were they cancelled?

  9. Scott

    Sorry for the multiple posts.

    Bandai: How often can we expect to see new Thundercats Classics?

  10. TripleM

    MATTEL: Batmobiles. For DCUC and Retro-Action.

    I don't belive that the figures are too large in scale, or that the cars would cost too much to manufacture because Barbie and Bratz currently have large cars (one includes a built-in AM/FM radio!), the 6" Dark Knight had a Batmobile, and that was a toyline that wasn't expected to last long, the DCSH Batman had a very large (perhaps too large) Batmobile, and Hot Wheels put out a 1:12 scale Batcycle with side car. It's definitely possible. Maybe they can partner with Hot Wheels. A Batmobile is necessary for any toyline with Batman and Robin.

  11. Jeff Cope

    BANDAI: Any chance of 4" classic Thundercats?

  12. Reverend Ender

    NECA: Do you have any plans to change the joints on your figures at all? I frequently have stuck joints that break off on many of your otherwise excellent figures. The most recent was the Predator in my Alien/Predator 2 pack; both of his legs broke off at the knee.

  13. Reverend Ender

    NECA: Any chance of getting any of the human characters from the Predator or Alien movies? They would add SO much more to the display, and since these are collector-geared, I would guess that there would be quite a market for a Dutch, Billy, Hicks, and Ripley. (AND the POWER LOADER from Aliens. It would sell SO WELL!)

  14. barbecue17

    NECA: Any chance of seeing a Sarah Conner in the Terminator line? How about any figures from Terminator 3?

  15. The Public

    A couple of years ago, the sharp increase in toy prices was attributed to the rise in petroleum costs and thereby plastic. Things have evened out more or less, yet the price of figures continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

    Explain yourself, Toy Industry.

  16. The Public

    When a figure is released of low or substandard quality, what steps can we, as consumers, take to find some kind of resolution?

  17. The Public

    What is the market strategy for DC Direct to remain viable and continue given the decline in sales brought on by Mattel and other competitors?

  18. jackstatic

    Poe, I know they aren't really action figures per se, but I would, as I am sure many others here would also love, if you grabbed photos of any new product LEGO may have out.


  19. Dead Man Walking

    Four Horseman: Did you make a bid for any Thundercats products (figures, stactions, statues) or we're you approached by the rights owners? What is your relationship with Icon Heroes? They seem to be inspired by your work. Is there any chance you might do work-for-hire with them on their Thundercats staction or statue (vehicles/larger pieces) lines?

    Also, any news on when we might be able to buy Symbiotech, or how much they might cost?

  20. DC Direct

    @The Public:

    I imagine that our marketing strategy of actually allowing people to find and purchase our figures will continue to work out well.

  21. Hasbro: Are there plans to bring prototyped G1-style Robot Heroes (Deathsaurus, Prowl, Laserbeak, Robots in Disguise Optimus and Megatron, Star Sabre, Beast Machines Optimus Primal and Jetstorm) to store shelves? Are there plans to do any more G1-style Robot Heroes (or for that matter Real American Hero-style GIJoe Combat Heroes)?

    Is Mighty Muggs dead for both classic Joes and G1 Transformers? Will we ever see the Ironhide of which pictures were released?

    Really interested in the reaction to the question from Barbecue17 regarding Hasbro's reaction to the online distribution for collectors. Hasbro made a bit of an attempt with the Generations Optimus, Megatron, Overbite and Dragstrip repaints. There is a market. Is there interest in undertaking this, or is Hasbro continuing to work its exclusives through the membership-only FunPub-run fan groups?

    Does Hasbro have any plans for the 25th anniversary of Jem?

  22. Dead Man Walking

    BTW: there are new pics of Bandai's Thundercats on TNI. After seeing bigger pics of the Classics line, I am not impressed, and Baena was right.

    The new cartoon line is just atrocious.

  23. Mark


    Hpw will the Classic Thundercats be able to be purchased? Will they be on the sheles with the other current cartoon toys.

    Will every character i the ew show like Grune, S-S-Slithe, Tygra and Cheetara also get a deluxe 6" figure as well as a 4".


    Any chance of some classic A-team figures.

  24. Snarf! Snarf!

    NECA: Where are Shredder, Foot Ninja and Elite Foot Ninja?


    The Classic Thundercats, When and how to get them? (online only, retail…)

    Hasbro: Power Pack for ML and MU?

    Mattel: Are there any plans to avoid more exploding figures like The MOTUC Goddess?

    Four Horsemen: Can I say Thank you for the marvelous toys?

  25. Zach

    MEZCO: I guess I just want more of a clarification of what horror film characters they still have the rights to do figures of in Cinema of Fear…

  26. Cythagen

    Hasbro- (Transformers) So now we have G1-style figures of characters like Darkmount (Straxus) and Thunderwing, who might be fairly obscure to those who did not read the British Marvel comics, but after 25 years, Arcee, a beloved Classic character with a much higher profile, still has no official G1-accurate toys. Peeved collectors are paying outrageous sums for third-party substitutes while Hasbro stays mum. What gives?

    (Marvel Legends) When the line is up and running again, will the initial focus be to redesign toys for characters already covered when ToyBiz held the Marvel license, or will it be on producing characters who have not previously been rendered in a highly-detailed 6" scale? Any chance of revisiting characters like Emma Frost, who were not exactly given star treatment when Hasbro first picked up the license?


    NECA- Digging up ancient history, but NECA first caught my attention with the "Hellraiser" line back in 2003. Allegedly, NECA was granted this previously unattainable license because there were plans to do it on a bigger scale than any other company could. It lasted for two years and vanished, with nothing but the occasional Pinhead re-release to be found afterward. Is there any chance of revisiting the property to give fans a complete collection? Does NECA even still hold the license?

    The Four Horsemen- Any chance of releasing generic figure stands for Seventh Kingdom or any other FANtastic Exclusive items? The Queen's Court were some amazingly beautiful figures, but keeping them standing on their own (and in one piece) is nigh impossible.

    DC Direct- Production delays on announced figures are getting longer and longer. Just curious why this is happening, especially since it's becoming more frequent for DCD to re-use previously-tooled parts on so many of its new products.

    Diamond Select- What happened to all the Star Trek lines? TNG and DS9 were bursting with beloved characters that never made it into your lines (nevermind that you never even *touched* Voyager, save for your aborted Borg series), and for the last few years all collectors have gotten are bland variants of Classic Trek characters. Even if there isn't enough distributor interest to sustain a whole line, is there any chance that certain fan-favourite characters could be released in a one-off fashion similar to your Marvel Select figures?

  27. Barbecue17

    Diamond Select: The Real Ghostbusters animated minimates look good so far. Any chance of any more movie styled Ghostbusters, or has that well pretty much run dry?

  28. uchuace

    Diamond Select: With the continued health of the quarter-scale figures becoming more questionable, will canceled/un-released characters ( such as: Darth Vader, Storm Trooper, Ep.3 Palpatine, or Classic Star Trek ) ever be given another opportunity for retail to pick these up?

  29. Kevin

    Just one

    NECA: Will the Shredder ever be released?

  30. Nicholai

    DC Direct: How about a "Best Of" line that features some of the best and most sought after figures from the history of DCD? Or sets of stands for figures? (I'd love something I could use for my DCUC that isn't the blue DCUC Mattel ones).

    Hasbro: Does a restart of Marvel Legends provide a new entry point for fans or is it more a continuation of the old line? For example, will old figures get re-released or redone or will you try to stick to new figures?

    NECA: Shredder?!?!?!

  31. dlia

    Bandai – Thundercats Classics. Does Bandai have the rights to do figures in the Thundercats Classics line on characters that appeared in the original TV show but did not have a toy in the LJN line like Snowman and Jaguara?

    And are the rights to the comic book-only characters like Tigris and Lord Cougaratha available to make figures?

  32. AJ

    1. Hasbro – Will Hasbro offer their collector-oriented action figures (including Marvel Universe, Marvel Legends and Star Wars) online to both US and international collectors in the future?

    Are there any plans for an action figure line in association with "Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" (the cartoon series)? If so, what scale will the figures be?

    Are there any plans for a 6" action figure line for "The Avengers" (the film) in 2012?

    Are there any plans for 6" action figures in association with the "Thor", "Captain America" and "Iron Man" films to be released in the future?

    2. Bandai – Will Bandai offer their collector-oriented action figures (including Thundercats Classics) online to both US and international collectors in the future?

    3. Mattel – Will Mattel offer their collector-oriented action figures (including DCUC and Young Justice) online to both US and international collectors in the future?

    If the "Wonder Woman" TV series is picked up by NBC, is there any chance that Mattel will focus on releasing "Wonder Woman" related action figures in DCUC or even creating a "Wonder Woman" themed series?

    Will Mattel be releasing any more screen-accurate figures for the "Toy Story" films and upcoming "Toy Story Toon", for example, new versions of Barbie and Ken?

    4. NECA – Will any more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures (particularly Shredder) be released?

    5. Diamond Select Toys – DST's track record with action figures has been mixed, but the Stargate and Battlestar Galactica series include some excellent figures. Will DST continue making action figures or is DST's focus now on minimates, Marvel Select and "statues" like Femme Fatales?

    What happens to your proto-type figures and what would a hardcore nutball fan have to do to obtain the D'Anna Biers/Number 3 proto-type figure that was created (but never released) for the Battlestar Galactica action figure line?

    6. Thinkway Toys – Will you be making a screen-accurate Trixie the Triceratops or Big Baby from "Toy Story 3" or a screen-accurate Stinky Pete the Prospector or Zurg from "Toy Story 2"?

    7. DC Direct – If the "Wonder Woman" TV series is picked up by NBC, is there any chance that DC Direct will release or re-release a line of "Wonder Woman" related action figures?

  33. FakeEyes22

    Okay I'll bite first for Jazwares

    Do you think you'll be able to complete the roster from one of the Street Fighter games? I'm not sure it's ever happened without the license changing hands.

    Also, with Marvel vs Capcom 3 coming soon, I'd love to know if there will be Street Fighters available in scale with some existing Marvel stuff out there. The first 3 3/4" since SF joined G.I.Joe perhaps?

    And Poe, if they have Street Fighter figures clearly on display in final production size, please vacantly stare the rep in the eye and insist he tell you what size they are and what characters will be available. They probably love that.

    NECA: How bout reissuing them Turtles? Playmates is doing nothing so they'd be the only game in town.

    Hasbro: C'mon, rerelease Sgt. Slaughter. Can't you hear FakeEyes crying?

    Mattel: If a MOTUC vehicle is wildly successful, are an Ecto-1 or DeLorean remotely possible?

  34. Frogster

    Bandai: Any chance of a large scale playset or beast for the classic Thundercats line? Such as an Astral Moat Monster, Snowmeow or Mumm-ra's tomb diorama/playset?

    Hasbro: (Hey don't shoot the messenger I love SW) Any chance we see a reissue or repaint of a Clone Wars Turbo Tank or Republic Gunship?

    Any truth to the rumors that Clone War figures will be getting the "Saga" treatment or a trilogy style version?

  35. Mark


    When are yo going to show off your Voltron Force toys


    Any chance you will pick up the TMNT license and make some decent Turtles figures since NECA and Playmates have dropped the ball.

  36. Scott


    There was a Snowman figure in the old line.

  37. Chris

    NECA: If nothing else, would you be willing to take prepaid orders for Shredder? (TMNT)

    Hasbro: Any thoughts on reviving C.O.P.S.?

    Bandai: How many figures are slated for TC classics line? Will it consist of just cats or villains as well?

    Mattel: Regarding WWE Legends, Andre the Giant – When?

  38. AJ

    Another question – this one is for every action figure manufacturer: Are you making action figures based on Starz' television series "Spartacus: Blood and Sand/Gods of the Arena"?

  39. Henry

    Hasbro: Do you currently have any plans to release the Iron man 2 Black widow figure in the Thor/Captain America lines? Would there be likeness issies for those lines, or would it it easy to find her a slot as a Shield agent? After all, Shield is a constant throughout the marvel movies.

  40. He-Dan

    Hot Toys: If there happens to be representation by Hot Toys, it would be great to hear what's up with the Christopher Reeve Superman. Or DC Direct might be carrying it?


  41. @NECA: To echo the sentiments of many other Poesters… SHREDDER!!!!

    Also @NECA: The new Rocky Horror Picture Show line was reportedly canceled due to licensing issues. Is there a snowball's chance in hell of those ever seeing the light of day? The sculpts that were revealed were BEAUTIFUL and this is one cult classic that deserves some proper figures. Rocky Horror is as vital today as it ever was and as the film just celebrated its 35th Anniversary, it shows no signs of stopping. As a Toy collector and a member of the RHPS community I would LOVE to have those figures. While no disrespect to the Vital Toys release back in 2000, they just don't cut it.

  42. George


    When is your contract over with DC so we can get another company to run DC Universe Classics, seeing how the quality control is never going to change?

    How can I get my wrongly assembled or broken action figures replaced, since customer service hot-line denies my claim?

    Are there any rules or regulations when it comes to toys promoted for children that break? Is there any recall on these disfigured figures?

  43. Jesús Santill


    Marvel Legends?

  44. David Cartoon

    Ooh! Ooh! Ask Jess Falcon of Hasbro about Darkhawk. Either Legends of Universe.

    PS – Please

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