Last time, the Bastards met 339/1, royalty of…whatever the hell he is. Battlecat wanted the guys to help him out, and predictably, they aren’t really having it; since in large portions of Eternia there are more kings than subjects. Why is that? I guess because, ‘King of the Bee People’ or whatever looks better on a package than ‘Noble Drone!’ or ‘Mighty Serf!’ Although, I guess I don’t know every Masters of the Universe bio, so if there’s one for Eternia’s Toughest Peasant or something, please tell me.
Valkyrie is the first new Marvel Legends I’ve bought in years; somewhat ironically since she was originally intended for the 2008 Hulk/Fin Fang Foom wave. She’s not perfect–the leg articulation may be a little outdated–but she’s not bad at all.
Haha,I hope Valkyrie and 339/1 become regulars to counter the Basterds demeanor.I bet her mother is the Mcfarlane Conan Svadun figure!This quest looks promising…Is there any chance 339/1copies gets sold on Poe's Ecrater store?
Sweet! I'm really getting into this now. About time someone broke up the sausagefest…
I really wanna see her mother now.
"In Classics with da Bastards of da universe Classics" – Scott N.