A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Mini-Review > Hawkgirl/Gentleman Ghost, Superman/Parasite 2-Packs (+ contest!)

(stands not included)

In addition to the Eternian Guards and Superman, Mattel sent along samples of two of their newest 2-packs: Hawkgirl and Gentleman Ghost, and Superman & Parasite. Be sure to read to the end of the review for a contest!

I already own all of these figures, and Mattel didn’t make any major changes to them, so if you want to full reviews, let me direct you to these links:

Rather than full reviews, I’m just going to talk about the packs a bit.

The packaging is similar to what we’ve seen on these packs for a while, but I like them. The action poses, while often dangerous for warping, do look pretty good on these particular sets.

For the most part, the figures are identical to their original versions.

Superman: At first, I thought this figure was more or less identical to the same Superman figures we’ve been seeing since the long-haired version, and is theoretically the same as the one from the He-Man vs. Superman 2-pack, which is the one I used for the comparison photos.

However, as you can see, the “S” symbol on the chest is a bit smaller on the Parasite Supes. And on closer inspection, I thought perhaps that the Parasite Supes had the more narrow Nightwing-style torso, but after two or three minutes of staring I couldn’t tell anymore. What do you think? Parasite Supes is on the left in the comparison pics.

In addition, Parasite Supes’s cape is glued on much better and while his eyes have more detail in their paint work, he’s also a tad cross-eyed. Finally, the belts are clearly different.

So what’s going on here? I’m not sure. But it does seem like this is a slightly different Superman figure.

Parasite: This figure is identical to the original DC Super Heroes version, with the exception of a slightly messier wash on the white portions. (The 2-Pack Parasite is on the right in the comparison pics–sorry for mixing that up relative to the Supes pics.)

Hawkgirl and Gentleman Ghost: I should point out that Hawkgirl also comes with her spear, but I didn’t notice it taped to the package until after I took the pics.

Both of these figures are, again, more or less identical to their previous versions, at least as far as I can tell (my own figures are in storage and not available for comparison pics). I noticed that Gentleman Ghost seemed a bit looser in the joints, and his gun was made from a lighter plastic that made it feel a bit like soap, but nothing too problematic.

Of course, the main reason most collectors wanted Gentleman Ghost from wave 8 is because he comes with Giganta’s head, so I’m not sure how in-demand this two-pack really is. Thoughts?

These sets sell for $32 apiece at Toys R Us, which is pretty steep these days. That said, I think it’s good that Mattel uses these two-packs to get some of the older DCSH and harder-to-find figures into collector’s hands. Now all we need is a reissue of the DCSH black-and-gray Batman…

Oh yeah–I mentioned a contest. A pal has already laid claim to the Gentleman Ghost and I like the Superman, but I’m going to raffle off the Hawkgirl and Parasite. To win, all you need to do is post a comment below. I’ll take the names of all the commenters, toss ’em into a randomizer and pick a winner. I use the email address you use for the comments to contact you, so be sure to use one you actually check (and that actually exists).

International fans are welcome to enter–only family, friends and Power Pals are excluded. We’ll end the contest, let’s say this Friday at midnight.

Keep scrolling for more pics!

Toys R Us


Pic of the Day


Bastards of the Universe > “Voting for Royalty”


  1. Nice review.

    The Superman is definitely different, but not in any major way. It'd have been nice to get a lighter blue version…

    These packs were at my local Wal-Mart over the holidays and I thought they might be exclusives. They were around 30 bucks each.

    *Poe, you can leave me out of the contest as I already have these.

  2. De-Man

    Nice quick overview. I think the Gentleman Ghost figure is kind of cool to have even without the Giganta pieces.

  3. Mr.G


  4. The Flash III

    I think the Gentleman Ghost/Hawkgirl pack is pretty pointless without the C&C piece, though I think both figures were hard to find in their initial release.

    I picked up a DCSH Parasite on ebay, but now I kind of wish I'd got the different (and in my opinion better) Supes.

    Both these packs are at my local Walmart and show no signs of selling.

  5. Fengschwing

    Well, I want the Parasite but don't need another Superman, so I guess I'll hit ebay for him…or try to win this contest!

    It's a real shame that there's no sign of that Giganta head. I wonder if they'll do a CnC Elasti Girl that has an interchangable head, so at least you could pop that on Giganta. Of course, folks might clamour for that set and then cause another head shortage.

    Still, as De-Man said, GG is a lovely figure and worth the price of admission alone.

  6. George

    Has anyone noticed, that lately the biceps on the DCUC have been dented/squeezed? They seem to have a silt, and has only occurred in new figures. I wonder if its from using the same mold a million times.

  7. Kyle

    Nice review, I haven't seen these around the walmarts around here. But they are still loaded with old junk. One literally still has 20 Powergirls.

  8. Mecha-Shiva

    I bet Supes is thinner because his power is absorbed by Parasite,good one ,Mattel!Not collecting DCUC but Hawkgirl would be a cool little sister for Stratos.Sweet itty-bitty reviews,Poe!

  9. Barbecue17

    I've noticed these at Walmart a few times, as well. I don't have a clue what they were priced at, however.

    I still think Gentleman Ghost is one of the coolest DCUC figures released. Such a fun character. I'd love to see a MOTUC pack with him and Scareglow, although after rereleasing GG here, that seems less likely.

  10. Lazulu

    I think the Hawkgirl/Gentleman Ghost 2-pack is still in demand because the Ghost is a very innovative design. I bought this set because I wanted these hard to find figures. I would have, of course, preferred to get the original releases but distribution is rarely on anybody's side these days. (and yes, I still need the rest of Giganta 🙁 )

  11. jackstatic

    The two superman figs definitely look different to me, unless my eyes are deceiving me, but i doubt that.

    I like the figures, and gentleman ghost is a great figure to have for those who need him – originally i found my loose on ebay for $13 with all accessories and i got him as i am just collecting batman and bat villians, and gentleman ghost KINDA falls into that category.

    otherwise id have picked up this 2 pack

  12. Heli

    They seem to have changed up the red and blue parts of Superman, too; the new version's trunks are unpainted red plastic, while the older one has painted red and is, presumably, molded all in blue.

    The head looks different, too.

    Weird to think they'd make a new mold for one of these two packs, though, so I'm guessing he was used (or planned to be used) somewhere else that just happens not to be the version from the He-Man pack.

  13. I have yet to see either pack on shelves in a store. I did see the Hawkgirl/Gent Ghost 2-pack at the flea market though, the guy running the booth wasn't selling it or anything, it just happened to be out amongst his personal things.

    It was still in the packaging and the lighting may not have been optimal, but The Hawkgirl looked like she had more of an orange-ish wash to her, especially on her armor and mask.

    I think this pack was a good idea actually. Granted, those who are looking for the Giganta C&C pieces are SOL, but for those who need Hawkgirl or Gent Ghost, it presents a great opportunity. Speaking of opportunity, I think the Supes/Parasite set is a wasted one. The LAST thing we needed was yet another Superman, albeit slightly retooled; it really doesn’t offer anyone anything we haven’t seen with the last six repaints. I don’t own Parasite, and I’m not all that interested in owning him either. For someone who didn’t collect DCSH or who missed out on Parasite, this is an okay deal, but I know I’d be just looking for him on the cheap single carded or loose.

    @Kyle: My WM’s are the same: a few wave 13 and a dozen Powergirls! What really pours salt on the wound is the one WM with two full pegs of PG from Wave 10, and THEN there is a single PG from WGSH… like, WTF?!

  14. Poe

    @PrfktTear: If they'd just given us a brighter blue Supes, the 2-pack would have been completely justified. But they didn't.

    I'm starting to wonder if it's DC vetoing that color scheme. Same goes for a bright-gray, dark-blue Bats. Given DC's love for Super Powers, we really should have seen those paint schemes by now.

  15. Nik

    I could use a parasite, have everyone else.


  16. Reverend Ender

    So I think I know what is going on with the two Supes. Parasite supes has his shoulders connected to his torso PROPERLY, whereas older supes has them sitting (i believe one notch) too far away from the the torso. This gives the effect of his torso being different or larger. I had the same issue, albeit to a greater extent, with the Ultraman that I got from Mattycollector. There is a huge gap between his shoulders and his torso. I actually emailed Matty about this, and they sent an entire replacement pack, but sadly, the replacement Ultraman had the EXACT same problem. I'm guessing it's an assembly thing, and not differently constructed torsos, but I can't be sure.

  17. ero

    If that Superman is different, then that stinks, only because Toy Guru said they can't make paint changes, etc., without going through product testing and the like. If that's not actually the case, then people should have gotten their light blue Superman in this pack (I actually don't care about the light blue).

    And you're right, Poe. Without Giganta pieces, this set is a bummer. I won't say pointless, because I have neither figure, but I'm less inclined to buy it because I know someday I'm going to have to go the eBay route for the Wave 8 GG anyway.

  18. Mountain-man

    always down to win some figures…

  19. TripleM

    I bought a light blue Superman from an ebay dealer in China. I am still trying to get used to the look of it. His face has much better paint detail in the eyes and hair, but a bit too much blush…not that he really should have any blush at all. Perhaps that's why he was for sale on ebay. What's the real deal with these Chinese dealers? Are they selling stolen goods? Or factory rejects? I have gotten several figures from a couple of these guys. The figures aren't 100% perfect, but usually close enough to it.

  20. naugem

    I think the Hawkgirl-Gentleman Ghost 2-pack is great. 2 demanded characters re-released. Now if only I could find it…

  21. Templar

    Hmmmm, just wondering about that spear accessory with Hawkgirl – is it a totally new sculpt ? Also, if DCSH Black & Grey Batman will be re-issued in a two pack, what would be a nice DCUC reissued figure to pair it with at this point?

  22. Mecha-Shiva

    A DCUC Harley Quinn and Joker 2-pack would be great.

  23. Izdawiz

    Here's my post!

  24. MldMnrdReporter

    Superman does look better. I might have to see if I can find one of these two packs.

    I cherry pick the DCUC line as they're 1) Hard to find and 2) Overly expensive.

  25. Kevin B

    Contest Entered

    Thanks Poe

  26. Dankone

    Nice review! Nice to see you getting some free shwagg from Matty. They could also learn a few things from your reviews. I have to say it's disappointing for the folks who have headless Giganta's, to not have the head. Could it have been that big of a deal to toss it in the pack that sells for $32?

    One thing that could help out this Pack out is a new head sculpt on Hawkgirl! I would have picked up it up, for a different version of her. Maybe a head closer to the one she had on the Justice League? Or a removable version?

    But I guess that would destroy the business model for these packs. 😉

  27. Dankone


    Raz a Ghul! or Black Mask which would be a really easy figure to do. Since they have many versions of the suited body… Add black skull head and Bam! A two pack that might sell better than the last offerings!

  28. dayraven

    there's definitely a softening of the details on the para-supes… but i can't tell if the torso is different or just a "copy of a copy" or perhaps just natural aging of the mold… i mean, seriously, how many times have they poured molten PVC into that mold now? maybe the mold is just aging… but it does appear to me that the torsos are different.

  29. 3B

    I spotted the Hawkgirl/Ghost 2pk at my local Walmart last week. I was surprised to find the same two sets still sitting on the shelf there yesterday.

    Like many fans, I wanted GG for the Giganta parts more than anything. I would like to have Hawkgirl, but the $32.97 Walmart is asking for these is keeping me (and I assume most collectors in my area) at bay. Oddly, single DCUC figures are still priced at $14.97, but I'm guessing that will soon change.

  30. Busterhighman

    Thanks for the mini review Poe. Was happy to read that you are planning more content and weekend updates for 2011!

  31. Snarf! Snarf!

    It's a bit pointless to toss Gentleman Ghost without the Giganta head… While it's a nice figure, Half of the point for people wanting him is to give some closure to their headless Gigantas.

  32. Fengschwing

    @PrfktTear: Maybe they should of packed Parasite with the DCSH Braniac? Or maybe Steel? Although I guess that's a stretch.

    I suppose they're trying to target the 'moms' again by sticking Supes in there…

  33. Poe

    @Templar: How about throwing the long Question coat on the Joker to make a more modern Joker? That way you've got "modern" Batman vs. "modern" Joker.

    Oh, and it's the exact same spear that came with the regular wave Hawkgirl.

    @dayraven: I'm now pretty sure they're two different chest sculpts…check out the section directly between the two pectoral muscles. On the Parasite version there are some muscular ripples that are completely absent from the DC vs. MOTU 2-pack version. I think ParaSupes may have the Nightwing torso. If the ParaSupes were a "softer" version of the same sculpt, you'd expect to see those ripples even more defined on the DC vs. MOTU version.

  34. It's been brought up here and at other sites numerous times, but, WHHHHYYYYYYY can't Mattel make a "true blue" Superman?!

  35. Thanks for saving me the anxiety of trying to figure out whether there were sufficient differences. You know, if I were to win the Parasite (the only one of the four who is not on my shelf so far), I wouldn't have to be stuck with another Supes. Hint hint. 🙂

  36. Nicholai

    Yay for contests! I definitely need to add Parasite to my collection. I agree with everyone though that they really should release Supes in a lighter blue. It would be the best way to keep people from being angry about yet another Superman figure. I do think the GG/Hawk pack is lame without the Giganta head since that is what everyone wants. The head alone fetches huge prices online. I wish they'd just decide already which old DCSH figures they want to remake for DCUC and which ones they don't plan to and just put out two packs of the ones they don't plan on putting out in updated fashion.

  37. @Feng: Yeah, you're right, they probably figured random kids/moms would be more apt to pick up a set with Superman instead of someone they don't konw. I guess they already "threw us a bone" with the Hawkgirl/Gent Ghost 2-pack.

  38. Tom-Tom

    Here's hoping I get Parasite. If not, someone will enjoy him I'm sure.

  39. Yeah, the chests and neck look different based off the comparison picture you posted.

    At least Mattel is re-releasing some of the harder to find figures. Even though they seemed to miss why people wanted them.

  40. alright! I'm wanting a Hawkgirl for a long time!

  41. Henry

    These packs feel lazy. I appeciate that they're trying to get hard to find stuff out there, but there is no reason they couldn't get creative with some minor but reasonably significant variants. Superman especially is guilty of this.

  42. Crap balls, I'd kill for that Gent Ghost. Unlike everyone else, I didn't care about what he came with.

  43. I like how they posed the figures in the Hawkgirl vs' Gentleman Ghost set. The Supes vs' Parasite one looks boring in comparison. I also wonder if we're gonna see a Silver Age Parasite one day.

  44. Kenan

    I never came across Hawkgirl in all my hunts. I did stumble upon GC though. I ended up putting the Giganta head on ebay, which funded more DCUC purchases 🙂

  45. thegoon3423


  46. nerdbot

    At first, I was thinking along the lines of dayraven – it really looks like the same sculpt, but just softer. But after a second look, I think Poe's right. Also look between the pecs, in the shield area near the bottom of the S. It looks to me like there are some sculpted folds there, where the earlier figures has none. And is the neck line sculpted and not just painted? It's pretty different.

  47. AJ

    It's good to see Mattel trying to re-release the "in demand" figures, but in some instances (especially GG and his lack of Giganta C&C piece), the reasoning seems to be a bit flawed.

    Still, I hold out hope that Giganta (perhaps with a slight repaint – pink costume instead of leopard print) will be re-released as a "complete" figure at some point in the future.

  48. nerdbot

    Oops- I thought we were looking at different areas. I thought Poe had said "below" the pecs – not "between" the pecs. Hence my redundancy.

    (I've been staring at this computer too long…)

  49. misterbigbo

    It's hard to tell on my monitor, but is the new Superman chest softer in detail? Did that chest mold age too much?

    I'm not a DC fan per se, but I'd still like to get a nice Superman someday. I'm not too concerned about the color details, but have always felt certain figures had really terribly boring head sculpts, and Supes and Batman just seem to be the most pedestrian to me. Along with a brighter blue let's get a better face.

  50. FakeEyes22

    Wow, I was wondering why there were 50 comments!

    These things will continue to bug me. I don't have Parasite, for example, so it's cool to see them rerelease some of the tougher DCSH figures. On the other hand, can't an original be had for $32.99? Of the options, an extra Supes is a more valuable extra than the old comic pack in I suppose.

    Did everyone see that the DC/MOTUC 2 packs are $34.99 now? And Hasbro's Marvel Legends TRU 2 packs are marked up to the same price? My collection shall remain devoid of a 6" Deadpool for now.

    Gentleman Ghost is out of the question for the moment. Strangely, I found the single Hawkgirl at my Target this past month, but I missed the Ghost! Arggghhhh…he is truly my semi-translucent white whale. Assuming whales include the heads and crotches of giant naked ladies.

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