A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

The Glassy Eyes of Evil

The Glassy Eyes of Evil by Jack of Nothing


Pic of the Day


MOTUC Bio Discussion #29 > Eternia Poster


  1. Barbecue17

    Oh my gosh!

    Last night on Netflix instant watch, the movie Monkey Shins was suggested to me and I saved it to my instant play list. And today this pic shows up. Creeepppyyy!!

  2. Heli

    @Barbecue17: Monkey Shins! NOOOOOO!

    (They're even worse than monkey thighs. 🙂 )

  3. Mario

    You know, I really need to gets me one o' dem simians.

  4. Doc Thomas

    Mwahahahaha I've wanted one of these ever since Toy Story 3 – that was terrifying!!

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