Mattel has dropped a whole load of previews–well, a few anyway–on us via their News page on Info and links after the jump.
Toy Fans, Are You Sitting Down?
I hope so, because what follows is the biggest preview of products to come since SDCC! So get yourself a comfortable chair and prepare to be wowed…
Green Lantern Classics – Wave 2
Here’s your first official look at the second wave of dedicated Green Lantern comic-style figures! Includes interchangeable heads and hands on the two Green Lantern characters (Nautkeiloi and Medphyll), as well as the two Red Lantern characters (Skallox and Night Lik). Night Lik is an all new character created by the Four Horsemen and named by Geoff Johns. He will appear in an upcoming issue of Green Lantern, but appears first as a Mattel toy in the Green Lantern Classics line! This wave also includes a 3-pack of mini-characters: B’dg as a Green Lantern, Dex-Starr the Red Lantern, and Despotellis the Sinestro Corps member. The sixth and final figure is a Green Lantern movie preview figure, in movie style. For now, we can only show it in shadow… look for the full reveal in January in an issue of Toy Fare magazine!Panthor® – March 2011 Club Eterniaâ„¢ Monthly Figure
Back at SDCC, we showed a helmet in the display case. We can finally reveal that this spectacular large-scale beast is its owner! Includes saddle, newly sculpted head, and an all-new vintage style removable mask.Ghostbustersâ„¢ Courtroom Peter
This new 6″ scale Peter Venkmanâ„¢ figure is our first single-carded Ghostbustersâ„¢ 2 figure! Comes with a brand-new Scalari Brother Ghost figure with swappable feet (flying feet and standing feet). NOTE: This figure will be released in January and Ghostbustersâ„¢ 2 Winston with Slime Blower has been moved out (release date TBD).Walmart-Exclusive DCUC 2-Packs from Wave 1
All new 2-packs of best-selling, previously-released DCUC figures available only at Walmart! Just like all other previous 2-packs, these packs contain figures and accessories only, not the Collect and Connect™ figure parts. Packs include Gentleman Ghost/Hawkgirl, and Superman/Parasite.MOTUC vs DCUC – Wave 2
Originally shown at SDCC, the next two MOTUC 2-packs feature original art from DC Comics and a collectable poster of both characters fighting it out! Packs include Hawkman vs Stratos® and Aquaman vs Mer-Man®.MOTUC Weapons Pak Great Wars Assortment
The product was shown at SDCC and now here’s the package. It’ll be available November 15th 2010, so click here to see the full description.MOTUC Weapons Rack
Coming spring 2011! Please note, this item will not be included in 2011 Club Eterniaâ„¢ subscriptions.
My thoughts, unwanted or otherwise:
- Panthor looks…like Panthor (not that that’s stopped the inevitable complaining thread). A much cooler photo of Panthor, where he’s wearing the helmet, can be found on the Mattycollector Facebook page.
- The Green Lantern Classics Wave 2 look awesome. I’m not really even a GL fan, but those are some great action figures.
- Courtroom Peter – Pass, I’m afraid. I only need the core ‘Busters and maybe GB2 suited versions (w/ slimepack Ray and Winston). And why are we seeing him and not Slimeblower Winston? Winston comes out in January, CP’s next March. Never mind, I didn’t read the press release and am an idiot.
- Walmart-exclusive DCUC 2-Packs: I’m glad people who want Gentleman Ghost are finally get him again, but holy crap, did Mattel actually just pass up another chance to release a light-blue Superman? They hate Superman fans, don’t they?
- MOTUC vs. DCUC – Are the Hawkpeople really popular and I was just unaware?
- Weapons Rack – I’m almost shocked to admit this, but I don’t know if I’m on board for this thing. Will it include any exclusive weapons? If not, I may have to think about it.
Snarf! Snarf!
I'm in for the MOTUC stuff and maybe the Gentleman Ghost/Hawkgirl 2 pack… that is assuming that my local Wal-Marts WILL carry the 2 packs…
On Panthor: The new head does not look THAT Panthery… I love that he is not flocked, BUT they should release a flocked version for those who love flocking.
Might need to figure out how to do casts cause that Helmet minus horns is as close as I can get to a 200X Battle Cat Helmet…
Hate to be the "didn't you read the press release" guy, but the reason we're seeing Courtroom Peter is explained right there in Matty's message – Slimeblower Winston has been pushed back and Pete's taking his place. Hopefully the delay is indeed for the additional parts to make Winston film accurate.
Mysterious Stranger
I LOVE Panthor! The paint wash brings out the subtle detailing in the fur sculpt adding some depth to the figure that flocking would cover up.
Not interested in the Wal-Mart 2-packs.
GL Wave 2 – … I just pooped myself with anticipation. Though I'm not really crazy about the 2 heads in 1 figure pack (I'll be buying 2 of each to display all 4 characters) I'm glad they're getting out as many different characters as they can.
Oh and if Star Sapphire uses the Black Canary legs I'll be very upset. There is NO reason SS can't have the side to side articulation.
Courtroom Peter – PASS
I've already stated my feelings on the MOTUC/DCUC 2-packs so I won't repeat myself here.
And I'm with Poe. If that Weapons Rack doesn't come with at least some of those weapons I'll have to think long and hard about getting even one let alone more than one.
@Sledgehama: Mattel said in a Q&A right on this site that Winston wouldn't be getting the football pads, but I suppose they may have changed their mind since then. I hope so, anyway.
•Panthor: Cool, pretty much what I expected. The paint looks really good though, does it give the illusion of flocking, or is that just me? I'm not a violent person, but I feel compelled to track people who start those complaint threads down and bitch slap 'em all
•The Green Lantern Classics Wave 2: I'm impressed, I'm with Poe, not a GL fan, but they look great!
•Courtroom Peter: Yaaaaaaaaaaawn.
•Walmart-exclusive DCUC 2-Packs: Cool, great news for those who want Gent Ghost. Hawkgirl seems like an odd pack-in, but perhaps there are a lot of people who want her too. I can't get over the fact that they've packaged yet ANOTHER Superman… why not Brainiac or Clark Kent even? LAAAAAAME.
•MOTUC vs. DCUC: I am still going to pass on Hawk Man and Stratos, but I'm still interested in that Mer-Man.
•Weapons Rack: I'm going to go out on a limb here and ASS-U-ME that the weapons shown WILL be included. If NOT then it will be a hard sell for me. I'm kind of a sucker for the nostalgia, and those weapons are ace!
Hawkpeople are pretty popular.
Hawkgirl was part of the same revision case in the Giganta wave as Gentleman Ghost. She sells for quite a bit for being the "display stand" figure of the wave. I missed both of these figures, so this set is a brilliant idea in theory. But….
Gentleman Ghost sells for $150 because of the Giganta head!!!!! Argh!!
I haven't even checked out Panthor yet since I'm pretty irritated. It's a nice gesture, but the fan service is misguided. People would be willing to pay the $30 2 pack price for the head alone, not to mention the mini Atom. I like GG, but tons of people couldn't care less and only want the head. That's why he's been in half the Q & As!
So yeah…I'm frustrated because it is a great way to acknolwedge and compensate for a short run assortment, but I still have to feel like a jerk by being unhappy with it. Seems like my option now is still a $150 GG and a $30 Hawkgirl with a spare GG I won't need.
With you on the Superman shout, would of been an excellent opportunity to give us a battle-damaged Supes too, the Parasite is just the villian to give him enough of a pasting.
I missed out on Parasite the first time around and there's no way I'm going to pay over the odds on shipping him to the UK with another Superman I don't need.
Also, glad to see folks are going to be getting Gentleman Ghost but I bet a lot of them are going to be sore about the lack of Giganta head.
The Lantern figures are REALLY rocking the house here, hope the finished products are as good as the prototypes, also the head switching figures give you a lot of scope for play the more you buy, you can easily make Sinestro Corps versions of the good guys and vice versa.
To be fair, I checked the rest of the stuff, and it's all pretty great.
The GL wave is very impressive with a nice amount of unique tooling. I love the small character 3 pack! The CnC guy…am I the only one who kinda sees a 200X Roboto head on him?
Panthor's shading is fantastic. I love flocking, but I'm afraid to handle MossMan, so I'm happy with it.
I'm glad to finally have a chance to pick up Parasite…with another identical Superman. Ugh. Why not use the abandoned light blue version?
I love how some people still think Panthor needs flock. Its hilarious. The thread starters seem like they're baiting though, waiting for a response. Same thing with the missing Giganta piece. You know its coming..
I love Panthor!! Freaking awesome. I was sort of torn. I love my vintage and 200x Panthors. The flocking sort says Panthor to me. However, since we were given the choice, I wanted an unflocked Panthor.
I agree 100% with FakeEyes22. I'm sort of afraid to handle my Mossman too much for fear of scraping off some of the Flocking.
Besides Mattel has said they would more than likely to a flocked version later. Which I will buy too. It's sort of selfish, but I'm having to wait on my damn 200x Evil Lyn and instead got the crap yellow vintage repaint, so let the flocked fans wait this time.
I don't give a crap about that stupid helmet either. It's going in the little ziplock baggie. I find it pathetic, infuriating, and hypocritical that they are calling that a "Vintage" Panthor helmet, when going by their own stupid self serving logic a "Classicized" vintage Panthor helmet would be nothing more than a repainted Battlecat Helmet.
I'm still waiting on my damn 200x Keldor swords Mattel. A Panthor helmet I'll never use is not a consolation prize.
Panthor is awesome. Can't wait. The helmet is a great touch. I'm really glad we're getting it. It adds a level of personality to what is just a Battle Cat repaint, after all.
Love it. Can't wait!
I'm 99% certain that the silver weapons come with the weapons rack. So I'll definitely get it. Actually, I'll probably get two. I love getting extra weapons in USEFUL colours, so a set of silver weapons is pretty great, to me.
I still need a Parasite, so if I happen to see the two-pack, I'll probably end up getting it. Don't care a whit about GB stuff. Or GL stuff, for that matter.
Snarf! Snarf!
The collect and connect is a slap in the face to 200X MOTU Roboto fans…
Hmmm… Night Lik… funny…
Megaduce Flare
Panthor: For me, the figure looks great. I can live without the flocking. The "Tim the Enchanter" helmet looks a little silly, but I'll reserve final judgment until I have it in hand.
GLC Wave 2: Between Star Sapphire, the Squirrel GL, & Broccoli-Man, this looks like a good looking wave.
Courtroom Venkman: I'm not collecting the GB line, so this is an easy pass for me. … How many reuses of this mold does this make, 4, 5?
MotUC – DCUC 2-packs: I'm grabbing both, even though this'll give me a 2nd Hawkman.
Wal-Mart DCUC 2-packs: Pass. Not that I'm going to see them at retail to begin with.
MotUC Weapons Pak #2: Looks good to me. Assuming the servers haven't been destroyed by the Zerg rush at noon that day & they're still around, I'll pick it up.
Weapons Rack: If it doesn't come with all the gear in the picture, then it better be 2 to 3 a pack, come with MotUC Greyskull figure stands, or something. Otherwise it's a pass for me.
I can't believe Dex Starr the Red Lantern cat has a snap on accessory to simulate his blood vomit. That's absurd and amazing.
What's more bizzare is that Night Lik is far more disturbing with his tongue whips and tongue bandolier with his victim's bones. Sometimes you get that rare reminder that these guys worked at McFarlane Toys.
Since that CnC head does resemble a 200X Roboto, I'm hoping that it is to scale to MOTUC, as some CnC heads have been, and that the head piece is included with one of the convertible figures that I wouldn't mind having 2 of.
I'm not sure about that weapons rack including anything, since most or all of those weapons are included with the Guards. I'd think with both items hitting withing months of each other, they'd have given the Guards orange versions or something, and if they were included I'd expect a proclamation of it. I'd be fine if it was empty as long as it was cheap since I'll hopefully have all the weapons already.
Dark Angel
Those .org folks kinds make me want to stab myself in the eyes so I don't have to read any more of their incessent whining and carryings on. Just sayin'.
Panthor looks great, love the over-the-top helmet. Weapons Pack is what it is (unecessary to me) and the rack, while neat, I need to know more about. Also, at the risk of sounding like a .orger, um…so much for the "all-in" sub for 2011, eh? Yeah, I never actually believed that, so I suppose I cannot complain.
The rest have no interest for me as I don't collect the respective lines.
I wonder if Night Lik was named as a homage to Scott "Toyguru" Neitlich?
Panthor looks pretty cool. The head could definitely look more like a panthor, but oh well. Not a big fan of the helmet, that's definitely going to end up in a bin of loose parts.
I think Mattel was pretty smart with the interchangable GL figures. I think both red lanterns would sell great on their own, but the green lanterns would be a tougher sell. Had these been individual figures I have a feeling pegs would be clogged with unwanted brocolli/carrot head guys forever.
Night Lik…looks like something from Ben 10. How about a Bob Harras figure Horsemen? Make it happen Marty11!
@RocketPunch: You know what? I bet he was. Can't believe I missed that.
@FakeEyes22: I see what you mean, it does resemble Roboto.
@Dlia: Thats true, maybe they're just baiting people cuz they know there is going to be at least in some part a small backlash.
@Snarf! Snarf!: That would make one HELL of a custom repaint! Imagine Roboto towering over the rest of the heroes! That would be pretty badass!
@RocketPunch: Thats pretty clever!
Panthor is great, he looks just like the vintage art. That helmet is cool looking…Weapon rack looks neat too, especially those castle weapons.
Panthor looks amazing. I was super pissed when I heard he wasn't going to be flocked and I still hope they make a flocked one at some point, but this looks too awesome to be mad about.
GL Wave 2 is decent. Don't get me wrong, the figures look great but as a GL fan I'd rather see C'hp instead of B'dg, Vice instead of Skallox, and almost any other GL at this point besides Broccoli head and Fishbowl up there. Night Lik is cool looking but the name is pretty bad.
Courtroom Peter will get picked up just for the Scalari brother but if I don't start seeing some more non 'Busters then this line is gonna be a BUST.
The Weapons rack is nice. If it comes with the weapons shown hanging on it then I'm in.
Green Lantern Classics Wave 2 looks awesome! They all look great. Could of sworn Skallox had a larger body like Kilowog.
Night Lik (not crazy about the name) seems to be a shaman like Atrocitus. He’s either going to be Atrocitus’ disciple and second-in-command or a rival trying to take over command of the the Red Lantern Corps. He looks awesome none the less.
Panthor looks great and I’m happy that the sub takes care of him. The weapons rack I’m undecided on. As much as I would like to have it I’m sick and tired of having to go on their crappy site.
The MOTUC vs. DCUC and the DCUC two paks I never find up here so I’m indifferent of them.
As much as I like Ghostbusters I could care less for the line.
Overall I’m happy with what was shown.
–Panthor: I think he looks great! I don't really know if I'm going to be using the helmet but I dig the fact that he's not flocked (who am I kidding though? I'm going to buy the flocked version too probably). The unflocked Mossman pictured on the back of the first weapons pak looked great and I still kind of hope we may get it at some point.
–GL Classics 2: Stel, the CNC is pretty accurate to how he looks in the comics (at least to the way he looks now; in the past he kind of looked like Maximilian from the Black Hole with a bucket head). I'm thrilled we're getting Carol and the interchangeable Lanterns are cool. They're going through them really quick though as all Orange Lanterns are constructs, the Indigo Lanterns don't wear uniforms so much and there are only 3 or 4 Blue lanterns. Night Lik is kind of a goofy name but Geoff Johns is a busy man so I can't say I blame him. I'm THRILLED that there are no Black Lanterns though.
–MOTUC Vs. DCUC: Not that interested in these but I'm glad they're out there since they could help us get things like a fixed Hector Dr. Fate.
–DCUC 2-packs: Wow this light blue Superman is going to end up being the most demanded figure in the line if they keep holding out. The GG/HG pack is comically offensive as I'm pretty sure 80% of people don't care about Craddock as much as they wanted the Giganta parts.
–Courtroom Peter: I'm glad that they're taking time to fix Winston but this does mean that we're getting 2 Peter's, one after another. Still it's a cool enough look but I really hope Mattel realizes the longer they hold out on figures that aren't the 'busters, the more interest people are going to lose.
–Weapons Pak 2: I think it looks great. Hopefully the double sale dates in November won't give me heart failure.
–Weapons Rack: Where was it implied it wouldn't come with weapons? That's crazy but just crazy enough for me to be afraid of it actually happening. I sure hope it does have the gear though as I really want a Silver mace that doesn't have the vines on it.
monkey boy
i would think at least somebody would be happy that the ghostbusters line is actually beginning to include, y'know…ghosts…right?