Toy Fans,
When you’re too stuffed to get out to the stores, where better to shop than from the comfort of your computer? My biggest sale ever starts Monday, November 29th at 9 AM Pacific (Noon Eastern) and ends on Sunday December 5th at 11:59 PM Pacific (2:59 AM Eastern)!
We’ll have a total of 21 products ready and waiting to go home with you. Are these sloppy seconds that didn’t sell the first time? No! They’re delicious leftovers from customer service stock that were held back for returns and damages. However, because they’re leftover stock, that means quantities are EXTREMELY limited in many cases. If there’s something you missed out on before that you want, don’t wait. This could be a last-chance deal so get ‘em while you can!
So what are the 21 products? Well, I can’t spill all the details right off the bat, but I will tell you these three to start. They’re all from the second run (first time for Battle Cat®!), so they have “The Original†burst on the package.
Then, each week over the next 5 weeks, I’ll reveal more products:
- October 14th – 3 more products revealed
- October 21st – 3 more products revealed
- October 28th – 4 more products revealed
- November 4th – 4 more products revealed
- November 11th – final 4 products revealed
But hang on, there’s even MORE big news… on Monday, November 29th ONLY from 9 AM Pacific (Noon Eastern) till 11:59 PM Pacific (2:59 AM Eastern), we’ll give you 10% off the total price of any order over $100, excluding taxes and fees! All products must be purchased during the same transaction and shipped to a single address so not only will you save on products, you’ll save on shipping, too!
Speaking of saving, if you’ve still got a coupon for $8 off the purchase of a Battle Cat® figure this is your last chance to use it. Please note that you’ll need to have the original coupon code to take advantage of this offer.
So remember… the sale is on for one week only from Monday, November 29th through Sunday, December 5th, with November 29th being your super savings day. This is the perfect chance to get all your holiday shopping done for the toy fans in your life – and get a little something (or a lot of little somethings) for yourself!
— Matty
Oooh, this might be a great chance to get all the MOTUC figures I've missed. With 21 slots I'm sure they'll have a couple I need.
I can't wait to see why people are angry over this news. I can't imagine that anything MOTUC will get praise or a positive response.
Sounds all right. A lot of companies keep their Black Friday/Cyber Monday sales secret until closer to the sale date, so the secrecy is pretty typical (although that seems to also be in line with Mattel's corporate culture).
I just can't imagine how the site is going to handle folks shopping for 21 different items when it can't handle months with 3 items.
@Barbecue17: Oh yeah. Battle Cat alone will make it a mess.
Snarf! Snarf!
I smell MASSIVE WSOD on Cyber monday! I'm pretty sure that the MOTUC stuff will probably be gone in day 1…
The Flash III
Considering that if you order multiple items and one of them has sold out, your order won't process, this should be a total clusterflock for anyone trying to order more than one item. Plus a lot of them are going to be return stock from CS, so numbers will be extremely limited. Hopefully they announce the Color of Fear packs so people who need them can get them.
I'm crossing my fingers that there won't be anything I really want in that sale, because it's probably going to be ugly.
Seriously, who wants to guess that lots of Avatar stuff shows up?
Mysterious Stranger
It will be a mix of all their online product lines, some JLU, some DCUC, some Ghostbusters, etc. I'd love to get another Color of Fear pack but they won't offer anything else that I need so I can safely avoid the Mattypocalypse Holiday Cyberscrew Monday pillaging.
I can't imagine the frustration of trying to buy anything from mattycollector on a day with that much stuff. On the plus side, if you don't want MOTUC, you can probably wait a day and still get whatever you want without too much trouble.
It's nice that they included the 8 dollar Battle Cat coupon. I wonder if it'll screw people over this time like it did last time, or if they'll have fixed whatever problem they had before.
This will be an epic day for complaining here and on the .org. All of which will be completely justified.
Yeah, I fear the server on that day.
Well, those Mattel outlet stores have a bunch of items that "sold out" on Matty, so I'm guessing stock won't be as limited as they make out here.
I am sort of curious how they always have left over stock of stuff that supposedly "sold out".
Maybe this will give me a chance to pick up a few things I missed. Nothing MOTUC, because I haven't missed anything that I've wanted there.
This is leftover customer service stock that they kept in case of damaged items that needed replacing.
Philip Reed
@Newt: Mattel outlet stores? Explain, please.
Avatar! I bet we will see many of those left overs. That craze died quick.
As long as I get a chance at Scare-Glow and The Goddess…I'm good.
Battle Cat, here I come with my coupon…Computer, don't explode!
The Cyber Monday sale is going to be a cluster-fuck of epic proportions.
@Philip Reed: There are Mattel outlet stores in a couple of areas. Someone had photos. They sell a bunch of MOTUC figures there for $20.
Even if this is supposedly CS stock, then what is all that crap? Something screwy is going on with their numbers.
Wow… they've got locations in California, Texas, Wisconsin, and Canada!