So here’s the deal. You take the blank image of Matty, below, and you edit it, using your favorite image editing program, into some sort of costume (like my Joker version above). Then email your entry to poe AT
Rules & sample images after the jump!
The contest will end at 11:59 PM on Saturday, October 23rd. My only rules are that I don’t want to see anything overly violent, cruel, racist, profanity-laced, etc. Aside from that, all bets are off.
I’ll choose a winner, based solely on my own discretion, and post the rest of the entries as well, for fun. The winning entry gets a free Dread Axe of Darkness (still a few left!). International entries are welcome.
Here’s the image (and a direct links if you prefer). Good luck!
Andrew Davis
So putting a floating object by his head that was emitting a vile substance would be too far then?
Mysterious Stranger
Tried saving the image and it saves with a black background instead of transparent. Any way to fix that?
@Andrew Davis: Uh…not sure what you're getting at, to be honest…
@Mysterious Stranger: I added a couple more file types…hope that helps!
Can I enter some of 31 Days of Halloween Matty Q&A pictures or do you actually have to like, draw a mask on him? I really liked my Frankenstein Matty.
@Newt: I think, in fairness to the other entries, you need to have done something with the face image I provided. If you want to completely re-draw it that's fine, so long as it still resembles the image above.
multiple entries or no? this seems too fun to just do one.
What's the word on multiple entries?
I've made 2 so far… Not sure which one to submit. Have the Penguin and Orko…
Andrew Davis
A flying body part… Probably one located below the waist…
@Andrew Davis: Uh, yeah, maybe not 🙂
Regarding multiple entries: my ulterior motive for this contest is that I'm sick of having just the Joker Matty and I plan to use a number of these entries for my "Any questions for Mattel?" posts.
So yes, multiple entries are fine–the more the merrier.
yay! I have 3 so far…might be done lol
And here I am, a graphic designer with no computer. How does that happen?
Oh yeah…toys happen.
Perhaps if I punch out work early or illustrate by hand and touch it up.
Snarf! Snarf!
oh crap! So can I make more and resend them? Awesome!
Did 4. I think I'm done. One more I want to do, but may or may not get to it.
True story (hope this post doesn't get deleted as it's just an observation):
The Matty mascot is a dead ringer for a convicted child molester that used to live where I grew up. He had that same smug "I'm smarter/better than you" look.
No I'm not calling Matty a kiddy diddler…I'm just saying he could have been this guy's twin.
Monty Prime
Would it be against the rules to draw an entirely new picture of Matty?
Yeah, would it?
Where do we send them?? Do u have a contact e-mail?
@Monty Prime: Poe said if you want to completely re-draw it that’s fine, so long as it still resembles the image above.
@VENENOR: email your entry to poe AT
Forgive my ignorance, but how should we submit entries? Emails, comments, what?
@Bill: Email it to me:
When can we expect a winner?
@Nik: Soon.