A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

ToyGuru on the “MOTUC style”

ToyGuru posted the following missive on the Mattycollector forums regarding the ongoing 200X controversy. Text after the jump.

He-Fans and She-Ravers,

So there has been a lot of info flying back and forth on the “style” of the Classics line compared to the style of say the 200X or vintage lines as well as just who/which characters we have access to. Let me see if I can do a catch-all and clarify as much info as possible.

The Masters of the Universe Classics line (available every month on Mattycollector.com!) is a new interpretation of the vintage MOTU toys.

The 200X line was also a new interpretation of the vintage line. The 200X line’s style or “reinterpretation” included taking the vintage figure and adding flared hair and extra hyper details (which we’ve called Anime Hyper Detail, but “200X style” may work best going forward, for some reason some fans found this description offensive!).

The Classics line takes the same approach and also “reinterprets” the vintage line. When we pitched doing an online MOTU line, the request from management was to retire the 200X line and create a new interpretation for MOTU. So for the Classics “style” we applied “modern detail and modern articulation to the vintage designs”.

Basically, the design question we asked was, “what if the vintage line had today’s technology in toy making? What if today’s toy technology was around in 1981?” or maybe said as: “Vintage toy look, modern collector articulation and detail”. This would define the look of the line much as hyper hair and detailed defined the look of the 200X line.

There were a few other edicts we had. Such as with action features. If they required a lever or button that broke the design of the figure, we would lose it. But if we could find a way to make an action feature work with the sculpt in tact (like with Roboto or Tri-Klops), then more power to the line!

A lot of fans still ask about 200X “elements” in the line. To be clear, as has always been the creative direction, all parts of of the Classics line will be done through the “Classics style” not 200X style. So if we are doing a figure from the 200X line/series (like Carnivus) or new weapons or body parts from the 200X line/series (like with Hordak’s staff or Webstor’s arms) all would be done in “Classics style”.

This is why you don’t see 200X style head sculpts in the Classics line. When you are changing the actual face look/interpretation or hair style of a character into 200X style you are no longer reflecting the Classics style. Right now we’re not doing 200X style figures, we are doing Classics style figures.

We will add 200X elements into Classics, but not in 200X style. Right now the 200X style is retired. Marzo and Whiplash had a bit more of 200X style, but since then we have pulled back a bit.

So you will still see plenty of characters, weapons, armor and design elements from the 200X line, but all will be done through the “lens” or creative style/interpretation of the Classics style (meaning vintage design, modern collector articulation and detail interpretation, not flared hair and hyper detail interpretation).

And I should add, this does not mean 200X redesigned heads are gone forever from Classics. It just means now for the current Mattycollector.com line they don’t fit the creative direction to retire the 200X look/style. We’d love to find a way to get to them some day, perhaps if the line ever goes to retail we could find a way to work this in. Maybe a box set or mutltipacks of “then and now”. Who knows? But for now, the 200X style/interpretation is retired for the online Classics line. Nothing like that is on the drawing board, I’m just speaking off the top of my head.

Okay, hopefully that helps clarify some things. As for which characters you will see, MOTUC is all about creating the largest world possible including all of the vintage toys from Masters of the Universe, Princess of Power, New Adventures and the “modern” 2002 line. Personally I’d love to get to every vintage figure in time!

You will also see characters from the vintage mini comics, DC comics, concept toy art, package art and other vintage toy sources.

Currently, we do not have access to the Filmation characters, various children’s book libraries or the 1987 film (outside of the three figure in the vintage line!).

Going forward you will see figures from all of the areas we have access to. We’ve worked the line out (give or take) for a few years, to ensure each year has a good mix of characters from all eras, teams and recognition level (i.e. A-list characters). So if you are not seeing your favorite character next month, it doesn’t mean he or she won’t be along in time! Hang in there, we promise one great ride!

Finally, once again to comment on the bios. They are not intended to be a all definitive cannon to the MOTU world. The toys have always been avatars for the imagination. Fans have always made up their own stories and these are just as valid as any movie, cartoon or comic book story.

Our goal was to create a world that would let us make the greatest number of characters (i.e. toys) possible, delivering fan requests like the Goddess, Wun-dar and He-Ro along with mainstays like He-Man and Skeletor in one universe (which proved more difficult then you know, there is lot of contradiction between different stories!).

If the bios are not for you, make up your own! Every adventures is just as valid.

The line is doing great and we can’t wait to reveal what else is coming in 2011. We’re just getting warmed up!


My thoughts, whether you want ’em or not…

And I should add, this does not mean 200X redesigned heads are gone forever from Classics. It just means now for the current Mattycollector.com line they don’t fit the creative direction to retire the 200X look/style.

What does that second sentence mean? There’s a typo in there somewhere, but the import seems to be that for now, we won’t be getting any new 200X heads because, apparently, they went a little too far with Marzo and Whiplash and then got burned by TPTB.

What are your thoughts on all this? Or, more to the point, exactly how far has the 200X thing been blown out of proportion by all sides of the debate–for, against, and by Mattel themselves? My guess is it’s been blown at least 137.46 km too far.


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  1. Snarf! Snarf!

    I bet that half the internet is celebrating these news (those who claim that MOTUC is Vintage Line 2.0 with small servings of the "Non-MOTU dregs" that are the "frou frou girlie line, the "lame Demolition man repaints" and the "anime Hyper Detail MOTU wannabe")

    The Other half is tying to explain that MOTUC is not/should not be Vintage 2.0 and that 200X elements CAN BE DONE IN "Classics Style" without turning automatically in VINTGAE STYLE, while avoiding the snide comments from Team Vintage.

    MOTU: More in common with Twilight than people might think…

    I'm with Team TheOtherEras…

  2. RageTreb

    It still sounds incredibly contradictory and/or nit-picky. Like management doesn't know what exactly they want. "We're sick of this 200X stuff, oh but hey, that 200X Power Sword does look kinda cool!"

    Really I don't expect any less of Mattel. Give us info that can be interpreted two different ways so the arguments and debates can continue ad nauseum.

    Personally, the only 200X elements I want the most are 200X Evil-Lyn (at least a purple/pale Evil-Lyn, if not one with a new helmet-less head), and Clawful's 200X head (which seems like it isn't happening). Beyond that, I'm sick of worrying about this.

  3. dayraven

    matty sure knows to how to rochambeau a good idea, don't they?

  4. Jason

    All I have to say is that if you only like the 200X then don’t buy these toys or just buy the figures that have 200X characters or the ones with the 200X influences.

  5. Dlia

    Its amazing how much people can't seem to understand the simple English language. At first I was taken aback by the criticism of the fans but its just getting out hand now.

    They've already set the next year (most of it in anyway) in stone with the selections and the line goes for 6-7 years. TG managed JLU for many years after the show ended and it is STILL going. He knows what he's doing.

    The Org is also afire. Everyone wants to play Amateur Toy Manager Hero. Why not just make this the next Xbox/PS3 game? Will this make them happy?

  6. toyman2581

    I'm glad a clearer statement was made about this whole mess. It seemed, to me anyway, that many people didn't understand the idea of the line from day one.

    I loved the 200X line and was sad to see it go but this line more than made up for it. 200X was a cool reimaging but I'm glad that MOTUC gets back to the vintage direction. That being said, I still think they should include the 200X heads for those that want them.

  7. Harlan Rosen

    What does TPTB mean?

  8. Poe

    @Harlan Rosen: The Powers That Be.

  9. Well, I can just say that Matty saved me a lot of money. In the case of Whiplash and Merman, I bought the figures to use the 200x head specifically. Now that those aren't coming there are quite a few figures I won't be picking up. (Buzz-Off, I'm looking squarely at you.)

    Much like McFarlane changing the scale of the HALO: Reach figures, Matty has found a way to curb my spending on their products all on their own.

  10. FakeEyes22

    I'm also curious about this TPTB. I do think the initital announcement of no 200X heads was done in anticipation of the disappointing Grizzlor news.

    The way he lays it out here makes more sense to me by pointing out that both lines attempt to update classic stuff in different ways, and the styles clash because they're doing a similar thing but not in thw same way, not because "200X is crap."

    I'm not sure if everyone is aware, but apparently the 200X issue is minor compared to a sudden outburst of Princess of Power anger, demands, and accusations of discrimination against PoP fans. The Horsemen even issued a statement in response to how ridiculous and impatient people are getting.

  11. It seems that basically Toy Guru, while admittedly a fan of the 200X series, is just trying to give a response other than "my boss is a douche". No one working for Mattel is gonna be able to criticize the decisions of their higher-ups regardless of how it seems to mismanage the property.

    Personally, I like the option that 200X heads and accessories give us, but my heart will always be with the vintage anyway. So no big deal here for me…unless this means we won't have a chance to get Ice Armor or Snake Armor He-Men. Bastards! 🙂

  12. Thrawn

    Lemonjuice McGee wrote:

    It seems that basically Toy Guru, while admittedly a fan of the 200X series, is just trying to give a response other than “my boss is a douche”.

    That's my take on it too.

    The entire issue has been blown way out of proportion by TPTB at Mattel. Extra heads sell characters. 200x has fans. Throw in an extra head here or there and you make extra money. The bodies are still reusing parts. It's still 95% vintage inspired.

    Whatever idiots in charge at Mattel that made that call seem to be trying to screw up a good thing.

  13. I kind of think he needs to stop answering this question.

    He's answered it dozens of times and he's never going to make a lot of the people happy. I think it was cool that we were seeing some 200X stuff, especially when a character's look changed drastically (like Whiplash's face) but in the end it's just more junk.

    I've said it before, but a large portion of the 200X fans are never going to be happy with MOTUC. I think Mattel was slowly being pressured into catering to them with MOTUC and Management was like, "cut that out".

  14. dean

    Mattel, why limit the line and alienate a portion of the fanbase? This should be the MOTU line that brings together ALL fans from the various eras.

    Just because somebody higher-up at corporate got burned in 200x and can't bear to see people with real talent and skill win with 200x is no reason to work against the fan-base. Let your damn pride go and follow the potential cash. Smell the Benjamins, Matty baby!

    "Wake up, Muhtel!" (in best Earl Pitts voice)

    P.S. 200x Evil-Lyn with a helmetless head…make it happen Matty.

    P.P.S. I'm 99% eighties MOTU so this isn't a 200x rant. It's a "Why limit the allmighty MOTU brand?" rant.

    Pitts off 🙂

  15. dean

    I think the 4H and Toy Guru are doing a great job with this line. Mattel would be wise to give them the slack/free rein they need to make the magic.

    I thought I wouldn't like Marzo or the 200x Whiplash head. Marzo is fast becoming one of my favorite figures. His sculpt is full of badazz character. I never liked Whiplash as a kid but this version kills. The extra head adds more play/display value to an already awesome figure. Kudos 4H.

    Matty, you got a good thing going here…don't muck it up, Fattel.

  16. monkey boy

    this is considered a "clear" answer?

    they really just need to say "look we have no idea what we're doing" and leave it at that.

  17. I like seeing an additional 200X head. It's something that makes me more inclined to buy a MOTUC figure.

    @Leonardo T Dragon: What do you mean McFarlane changing the scale of the Halo Reach figures? My Reach figures are standing next to McFarlane's previous Halo figures and they're all the same size. Or do you mean McFarlane's Halo figures in general, being a different size than the Spawn and/or Joyride's Halo figures?

  18. FakeEyes22


    My thoughts exactly. If a figure has next to no accessories, Mattel has often included something to add value. Why limit the creative sources the Horsemen can pull from?

    Whiplash didn't need an extra head, but a little extra effort makes my $20 and WSOD time spent seem a bit more appreciated.

  19. Wyngarde

    The moment I saw the ad for Skeletor, I knew what this line would be about. And I LOVED the idea.

    Really? It took this long for people to get that? And have someone explain it?

    I am glad to see the original figures get another chance in the sun. The 200X line, tragically looks very dated now. I actually just sold all my 200X stuff.

    Keldor and the upcoming cat guy are not things I like being a subscriber. I don't mind the nods. And I don't want Mattel to be discouraged to have fun with the line. But this stuff makes me feel like I have to be for or against it.

    In 20 years, they can do 200x classics. As for now, let's enjoy this awesome line pay tribute to the classic that is He-Man.

  20. dayraven

    @Wyngarde: "Keldor and the upcoming cat guy are not things I like being a subscriber."

    ok, but are you willing to concede that for some subscribers, they are desired figs? the issue i see, about this whole thing getting blown out of proportion, is one side being unwilling to concede that they aren't the only side. i like motuc because the horsemen are blending a heavy dose of influence from the various incarnations of motu into one line that while definitely heavily nods vintage, is most definitely not just a "vintage redux" and i don't want a vintage redux! mer-man getting both heads and both weapons was COOL and made him slightly more worth that surreal 20 dollar price tag. moss man got both heads, COOL! i favor motuCOOL over any othe rnotion of division.

    on the concept of perceived value vs price tag, i think the millenium heads & weapons need to be available for characters who may be gear-lite. bottom line, no matter which era of he-man i prefer, i want a value for my dollar.

    and really, isn't this whole vintage vs millenium thing pretty stupid anyways… mattel said they were stopping adding in the 200x heads as extras… that could just mean that from now on, the fig comes packed w/ the millenium noggin as the standard and the vintage head will be the bonus item. wouldn't THAT piss some people off!

    (besides, we can read between the lines, right? some bean counter figured out that the millenium heads/weapons were a steal for us, and they'd rather release the millenium update characters as their own releases to gouge us for an extra fig… as a subber, that would piss me off. but as a motu fan, is it really that hard to hand off a millenium head to a friend or customizer, or just toss it out? i don't believe in deliberately asking a company to scale back on pack-ins for an item that's already overpriced, that goes against every principle of frugality i was taught.)

  21. Too-Man-E-Faces

    Could someone please explain to me, in which particular way the Count Marzo figure is a bit over the top as regards the overall MOTUC design? I mean, I really do not see why his sculpting is said to be hyperdetailed…

  22. Henry

    Marzo's hair is too hyper anime movement detailed11!!1! according to middle management. Because every figure must be designed to look completely lifeless in a neutral pose.

  23. Heli

    Millennium schmillennium. When are we going to see another NA-based figure?

  24. I hate the 200x style, so I got no problems. I agree with Newt though, they've got to stop answering this question if the answers aren't going to change. This is the way it is, whining about it won't help.

  25. Mark

    I love both vntage and 200x figures but its MOTUC, they should just stick to the vintage figures as that is the whole purpose of the line and forget all about 200x…(adding 200x bits just reminds that a lot of 200x characters never got released as proper action figures and that is a bloody crime).

  26. MegaGearX

    A 200X head on a Classic figure doesn't make that figure into a 200X design.

    Mattel and fans need to understand that. People automatically assume that the inclusion of 200X heads is a full scale return to the 200X line.

    It isn't.

  27. Crixus

    I love how Toy Guru keeps mentioning having to cut corners and not spend as much on this line. So basically Mattel knows MOTU fans will buy anything they put out so now they are just gonna keep spending less and less to make more and more profit.

    $20 is way too much for these things. They all use the same bodies so the tooling costs are minimal. More tooling goes into a 7.99 Star Wars figure then these.

    My biggest concern here is that we are not going to get the figures TG has previously promised. He confirmed at some point a 200x Evil-Lyn and Prince Adam, but with this new 200x ban are those going to happen?

  28. MegaGearX

    Unless another axe comes down, we'll still get entire 200X figures "but in the Classics style". 200X Evil-Lyn, Sorceress, Randor and Adam are still on the table.

    That decision only affects straight up 200X heads being included with the figures like Whiplash. The figures will still get 200X accessories and weapons, as well as brand new stuff too.

  29. dayraven

    @Crixus: as megegear says, the ban is BS… millenium elements aren't acceptable as pack-ins, but can be their own standard release (i.e. carnivus)

    no more free rides for those of us who want options!

  30. dayraven

    @Mark: dude, no offense, but this statement is patently stupid. you would rather remove all millenium references, like pack-in weapons, heads, slight modifications to design, than actually get characters that missed out on getting a figure? so you're skipping carnivus, and passed on whiplash, mer-man, moss man, man at arms, the weapons pak, tri-klops, trap jaw, zodak, evil lyn, whiplash, and keldor, right? all of these had non-vintage influence or pack-ins, and you're rather not have any of that at all, right? glad i'm not competing w/ you on grizzlor day either.

    hey, i know, it's america, everyone's entitled to their opinion… but part of that is having the god damned common courtesy to realize that 50% of the time, you're WRONG! opinions are like assholes, every one has one, and most of the time, they're full of shit! 😉

  31. Meh…

    While I applaud TG trying to keep the lines of communication open, trying to address this issue is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline. As with just about every other facet of this line, you're not going to make everyone happy.

    Everyone's got an opinion, and I don't think you can be wrong for having an opinion. Your opinion may disagree with the popular vote, but you're still not wrong for having it. I think the important part of having an opinion is to respect the opinions of others that disagree with yours.

  32. Mario

    *sigh* The simplest things often end up being the most complex. This horse has been flogged to death.

  33. americanhyena

    Aren't we talking about like two figures?



    Who else? He already said Stinkor would get his skunk ape head. None of the Snakemen are different enough from the neck up to warrant a different head sculpt.

    Seriously. Unless I'm missing someone obvious who got redesigned, all this is about head sculpts for two characters…

  34. Thrawn

    @ Americanhyena

    Actually Clawful's 200x head was the same as the vintage. The only difference was the paint extended to his arms and legs. I do hope Clawful gets more of a "shelled" armor look. That was pretty much the only thing "200x" about him.

    Buzz-Off also had insect hands and not crab claws.

    King Hsss' 200x head is very different.

    Tongue Lashor depending on how they handle the tongue could be a candidate with the split jaw.

    Squeeze could also have been a canidate.

    Possibly Fisto as well. He had a more Nordic look in 200x with a headband.

    I don't think there are that many beyond those.

  35. Too-Man-E-Faces


    Wow… I mean seriously. That's ridiculous…

    I like the hairsculpt. And it totally blends in with the rest of the line. I really cannot see a problem there…

  36. Damien

    TG just needs to realize that there's a certain, very small and vocal, segment of the collector audience that cannot be reasoned with. It seems absolutely to be that simple.

    Nothing he says is going to make a difference. They're going to whine, and bitch, and complain, and bemoan how THEY have personally been snubbed by Mattel because Mattel is choosing to do something they don't agree with.

    More importantly, those few people will totally ignore what is actually being said to them, take it entirely out of context, twist it to mean something else, and then get angry about the statement they have, in fact, created themselves.

    TG needs to understand that here's simply no point in even trying to engage those kinds of people. It's like trying to discuss theology with an illiterate, hillbilly Christian. You're not even on the same wavelength – they are blatantly blind and deaf to anything you are going to say, so just don't bother.

    Mattel can just keep making awesome toys in the style and design method they think is best. I think they would definitely revisit the issue if it were really affecting sales. But it won't, because the majority of collectors don't seem to be pissing and bitching over Mattel no longer making something they only made twice before.

    Fans did vote that they'd rather see extra heads and accessories over mini-comics. So I'm excited to see if Mattel will simply beef up the accessories, make other types of secondary heads (mini-comics, new designs, whatever), or both.

    It'll be interesting to see where they go with it. I'm guessing we'll see lots of extra heads where appropriate – just nothing that is nothing more than a direct-to-Classics translation of a 200x head. That makes perfect sense to me, so I don't get why it confuses some people so much.

  37. If Buzz Off didn't have the "crab claws" I would have been very put out.

    @MegaGearX: A 200X head on a Classic figure doesn’t make that figure into a 200X design.

    I completely agree. I still stand by the opinion that the 200X Whiplash head on top of the Vintage inspired body just does not look right. None of the pictures I have seen do it any justice, but still, even in person it looks off.

  38. I just found this confusing. Is Classics its own unique reinterpretation or it just the vintage toys if they were made today? We know the answer, but that post from TG seems to indicate the opposite of what we know to be true.

    The thing about the MO2k head issue is that we know the 4H wants the heads – they're sculpting them. We know TG wants the heads – he's said as much while pointing out his hands are tied by TPTB.

    But the truth is that this isn't about the heads (though, don't get me wrong, I'm mighty bummed about not getting Buzz-Offs and an extra bee dude for my shelves), it's about TPTB messing with the line. To the people wanting us to hush up and let Mattel do their thing? Um, what? Mattel knows what they're doing? Hello? Am I hearing MOTU Fans tell me to trust in Mattel management? Is this thing even on?

    I'm not trying to armchair the line, I'm saying that TPTB needs to let the MOTUC Design team armchair the line. I don't give a crap about what the TPTB want to do. They aren't responsible for this revival.

    The 4H sculpted MOTUC He-Man on their own. ToyGuru put together the plan to make He-Man DTC and took it to them. Why should I have any faith in anyone at Mattel beyond Design team? Screw that.

    So when TG tells us that someone is telling the Design Team no to stuff they want to do? Hell yes I'm going to be loud about it. And it blows my mind that other people don't feel the same.

    If you don't want the stuff TPTB is excluding, that's fine. But this overall issue isn't about those elements specifically. Just because you're okay with the subject of his edicts doesn't mean you should be okay with the edicts themselves. So this one didn't cost you anything. What if the next one does? What then? Are you going to want my help after rebuking me on this one? The irony is, even after being called a whiner, moaner, and bitcher, I’ll be giving it.

    I’m a consumer. MOTUC is a product I buy. If my favorite pizza restaurant changes the pepperoni, I leave feedback that I don’t like the new stuff. If I want Lego to make certain pieces in certain colors, I send an e-mail in. If Wal-Mart stops carrying my brand of soda, I call up to find out what happened and ask for it to return. This notion that we should shut up and buy what Mattel gives us is as asinine as the all-in subscription.

  39. Mark

    @dayraven: Your post is stupid trying to mock my post man. You didn't even have the common courtesy to read my post and intelectually understand what I was saying, the last part was a joke as some of us are still bitter about the 200x figures.

    I stand by my opinion that if its classic it should be classic, that would be like doing a Classic Optimus Prime and giving him Armada parts…pointless.

    Dude take my advice, if as you say most of us are full of shit, you seriously need to go out and buy A LOT of toilet paper :p

  40. dayraven

    @Mark: do yourself a huge favor and spell intellecutally correctly before trying to snap off a quick jab.

    if you're bitter about 200x, you need perspective. it's not worth bitterness. for some of you, it might be the first time you got screwed over by a corporation, but it certainly won't be the last.

    classics, as in motu classics, was stated from the very beginning to be a revival of motu to bring it up to modern standards, but at no time did it state or even insinuate that if was a slave to the vintage line/look/creative choices, or the line wouldn't have started with king grayskull.

    that intellectual enough for you? i accept praise in the form of unbridled ass kissing, and we're starting with YOU.

  41. dm

    "@Mark: do yourself a huge favor and spell intellecutally correctly before trying to snap off a quick jab"

    this may be the funniest spelling crit i've ever seen online 😛

  42. dayraven

    @dm: if i hadn't done it, i'd be laughing. 🙂

  43. rainboy

    @dayraven: I think the term "Classics" in the title was enough to imply that it was going to stick pretty darn close to the vintage look and style. Much like DCUC started out, it was basically the 4H modernized version of the Super Powers line. The 200X fans can argue all they want, but we were NOT led to believe that there would be much, or any for that matter, 200X design style in this line. KG proves that…he looks pretty far off from how he did when in toon form. And with the exception of maybe Marzo, they have stayed on course. I'm glad TPTB made sure that it won't stray away at all anytime soon.

  44. Mark

    @dm: @dayraven: What exciting lifes you two lead,.

    Dayraven I canot help my keyboard not being responsive to fast typing….I didn't bother re-reading what I had wrote as it shows how little I care about you and this pointless conversation.

    You are in the wrong and you had no need to reply to my first post in the first place just because it does not agree with your Fan Boy opinion.

    If you don't like my opinions YOU can kiss my ass!

  45. Mark

    Oh and yes I know it should be 'cannot' so before you start laughing just look in a mirror LOL.

    I am done with this post and site, it used to be cool but over the past while some have become real asswholes.

  46. Poe

    What's going on here? Man, you stop paying attention for a mere two or three days and everything falls apart…

    Seriously, let's remember to be civil, people. You're free to disagree with someone's opinion, but there's no need for rudeness. Most of you are practically on the same page anyway–you're fighting over the nittiest of picks.

    OK, is that enough annoying lecturing? 'Cause I can do more.

  47. Damien

    More! I want a seven paragraph Poedaddy speech. I think it would make us all feel warm and cuddly inside.

  48. dm

    though it's true that my life is very exciting, i wasn't laughing at you Mark, i was laughing at the perfect storm of irony in dayraven's own mispelling. love the site Poe, have a great day everyone! 🙂

  49. Mark


    Yes I know, 'intellectully' LOL :p

  50. Poe

    Did anyone else see this crazy explanation by TG? The guy is trying–he's trying his ass off–but man:

    Think of it this way. You have a machine. On one side you place a vintage MOTU figure in. Then you have two buttons: "200X style" and "Classics style".

    When you put He-Man's original vintage hair into the machine and press "200X style" you get the flared "anime, McFarland" hair. When you press "Classics style" you get the current MOTUC head.

    The 200X hair style is just the 200x interpretation of the vintage hair cut with longer curls and flared style. The Classics style is also based on the vintage look, but just with a different style.

    This is why you will not see the '200X" hair style for He-Man in the Classics line.

    The others are much more possible as they are unique vintage designs that put through the "machine" and applied with "Classics style" would yield unique result.

    The same applies BTW for the Keldor sword. You put the vintage half swords through the machine and press "200X style" and you get the 200X Keldor swords with added detail and anime/mcFarland look (as you put it). You put the same vintage half power sword through the machine and now press "Classics style" and you get the half Classics sword. Get it? It is all about the Classics interpretation of the vintage toys, not the 200X interpretation of the vintage toys. That interpretation/style is retired for now.

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