The excellent folks at Orccacast had me on again a couple weeks ago, and after some technical difficulties, the podcast has finally made it on the air. Topics include the Mego revival, Mezco’s rough run of luck with their licenses, and general toy geekery. You can check it out at the link below (or get it via Itunes).
Be warned, this one is a long one–I gab with the Orccacast guys for about two hours. And yet, in all that time, I never once remembered to ask them where the heck their show’s name comes from. I’m going to guess/hope it’s not because they’re diehard fans of the 1977 JAWS rip-off. Or maybe it is, and now I owe them an apology.
I will answer that here Poe. You are verrrry close. Quint's (from the real Jaws) boat is called the Orca. But we also made an Acronym (its on our logo at that means Original Recordings Concerning Cultural Activity. ORCCA, see? Next time you are are, we will explain as well in case your readers miss this 🙂 As you could tell from our Top Ten Speilberg List, we are HUGE fans of his and Jaws. It's our homage, with out own spin 🙂