A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Second Tuesday book recital club meeting.

Second Tuesday book recital club meeting. by Karf Oohlu


Review > Classic Predator (Predators, NECA)


MOTUC Bio Discussion #23 > Evil-lyn


  1. Barbecue17

    Ok, so is this a creation of the photographer or is this one of those new lego action figure sets that is kind of like a Bionicle, but not?

    Either way, it is awesome. It reminds me of Cthulhu visiting a Harry Potter fan convention.

  2. It's a "made it all myself" thing, I like a bit of humour : ))

    P.S. – Thanks for the blog

  3. Barbecue17

    It looks awesome. If this were a manufactured set, would pick it up immediately. It would be the first Lego set I would have bought for at least 2 years.

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