Are we going to see an accessory pack for the 6" Ghostbuster line? Now that we know proton streams and PKE meters are being made, we'd like extras for our existing figures.
Any idea if/when we’ll see a new DCUC All-Star Assortment and are there plans to include Hawkgirl? She’s ideal as the first release was a tough find and she was heavily featured in the JLA/JLU series.
can we relate to meddlor or whomever the exec is who mandated the millenium heads getting scrapped that WE uy the product, not him… when he's sitting for an hour to buy 5 figures, he can start making arbitrary decisions about the product. until then, the CUSTOMER is the one who's right, remember?
can we see a decision in mattel press to stop referring to customers as fans? we're customers, fans watch, customers consume.
I will give you your "answers" like last time AFTER I get the OK from Poe.
Now here's my question for Matty:
Is there a chance that we can get Power Swords (the whole sword and the sword halves) AND The Sword of Protection closer to their vintage toy designs?
The Vintage Power swords had an additional piece of Plastic similar to the one in Triklops' sword that allowed figures with open hands to hold it. The Vintage Sword of Protection looked NOTHING like its MOTUC counterpart.
So next year, subscribers are looking at having a monthly figure, quarterly bonus figures, and quarterly large figures/2 packs, plus non-subscription weapon packs, reissues, rumored diorama pieces/vehicles, and now the royal guards which have been pushed into 2011. That isn't even factoring in other Mattycollector lines. Is Mattel making any effort at all to attempt to balance out release dates so that too much product doesn't hit in a given month? Obviously, a month with a regular figure, quarterly bonus figure, and a large figure would definitely not be a good month for customer's wallets to also release the royal guards or a vehicle. My question is, is there a limit of Masters product that will be released in a monthly period?
Are there any plans to make a MOTU video game? I think it would be great as a platformer along the lines of The Legend of Zelda. Being able to have He-Man cruise around Eternia on Battle Cat would be epic!
Why did Mattel not make the Classics Evil-Lyn’s staff Glow in the Dark?
Will we ever see the Book of Gozer as an accessory in the Ghostbuster line?
Now that Mattel is making the Green Lantern as a DCUC sub-wave, will we ever see a DCUC Lantern Corps vs the MotUC Cosmic Enforcer 2-packs?
Some of Mattel’s competitors have interactive websites (with games and movies, etc.) for their product lines. Has Mattel considered this for the mattycollector toylines?
Have the Toy Story and Avatar toylines been discontinued?
It has been rather quiet on the Voltron front – is there anything that can be disclosed to the public at this point in time for Voltron?
@Zach: zach, if you're interested, i posted an idea for a motuc game on the horsemen's motuc page here…
about halfway down the page… give that a read and see if it doesn't sound like a good start! i totally agree man, bring on the video game!!
MOTUC: In the original line for New Adventures, there were two completely different swords that came with the figures: Original NA He-Man's sword, and the sword that came with Battle Punching He-Man.
When you get to NA He-Man, is it at all possible we'll get both of these designs?
As you know, eBay sellers in Hong Kong have been selling loose DCUC figures for a while now, including a number of new figures prior to their being offcially released (like GL 5-pack and Wave 15). The Superman repaint that was going to be a Walmart exclusive is described by these Hong Kong sellers as "Secret Origin" Superman. What is the concept behind the DCUC "Secret Origin" line? Is it strictly A-list repaints, hero/villain 2-packs, another nod to Super Powers?
Yours sounds cool, although I'd honestly much rather a semi-linear Hack'N'Slash. Something simple, where you play as He-Man and can call the other Masters/Battle Cat as assistants depending on power-ups or levels. You could still have an attack skill-tree ala the Spider-Man games.
The different levels are different environments in MOTU canon and of course, the boss of each level is one of the Evil Warriors (until you finally get to the epic battle outside Greyskull where you have to fight each of them in succession or all together).
And if the game were to do well, you could move on to the Snake Men / Horde the next game.
@Zach: That would be so Awesome! While Playing Twilight Princess the whole Link Transformation thing made me think how Awesome it would be to play as Adam and He-Man in a game like that.
I could also play a Soulcalibur Type of Game redressed with MOTU characters.
Soul Calibur and Soul Edge remind me of the half sword thing… Unleashing Demo-Man as a final boss…
Does Mattel plan to stick to the obviously "cartoony" style of the Ghostbusters' likenesses, or will there be a future attempt to better capture more realistic actor likenesses?
Why release a new head sculpt for the Peter Venkman Ghostbusters figure so soon after the first figure was released? why not just have the one head sculpt?
Is there any chance we can get the Whiplash forearms on BA Skeletor? This would not only make it accurate to the cardback art but also to the original vintage toy.
Warning: The following answers are not Official Matty answers (duh!) They are not to be taken seriously and are done for fun's sake. Unlike the big Head from Mattel I will ANSWER ALL your questions. <del>Hopefully they'll be just as good as Matty's</del>
1. toyman2581 asks:
Are we going to see an accessory pack for the 6″ Ghostbuster line? Now that we know proton streams and PKE meters are being made, we’d like extras for our existing figures.
It would be a nice idea to make an accessory line for the Ghostbutsers, but they will be repaints of the exsisting accessories.
2.FakeEyes22 asks:
Any idea if/when we’ll see a new DCUC All-Star Assortment and are there plans to include Hawkgirl? She’s ideal as the first release was a tough find and she was heavily featured in the JLA/JLU series.
We cannot comment on any unreleased products. We may re-release her someday on the All-Star line, but we cannot comment anything right now at this moment.
3. sammybj asks:
I know you can not comment on unannounced figures but have you ever talked about doing a SMALLVILLE Blur costume Superman?
As you said we cannot comment on unannounced product. While we have the licesne to do ALL DCU characters, but the Blur is a Smallvile creation and we do not own rights to the character.
4.dayraven asks:
can we relate to meddlor or whomever the exec is who mandated the millenium heads getting scrapped that WE uy the product, not him… when he’s sitting for an hour to buy 5 figures, he can start making arbitrary decisions about the product. until then, the CUSTOMER is the one who’s right, remember?
can we see a decision in mattel press to stop referring to customers as fans? we’re customers, fans watch, customers consume.
We do not have an executive named Meddlor who hates 200X but I cannot comment anything on the matter accept that that style is retired. We buy the product as well as you guys and we understand the frustrations with digital river that's why we upgraded their servers and some new imporvements will show up in October-ish.
We call you guys fans, because here at Mattel we consider you part of the family. Calling you customizers or customers as you said makes us look like we're a soulless evil corporation trying to take away your money. You guys are fans, your love for He-Man kept him alive when he wasn't profitable to us and we thank you for that even if TWO fans in particular from an insignificant fansite stepped way out of line multiple times. We want your money and your love, just like family. To us you're our Cousin Oliver.
5. Snarf! Snarf! asks:
Is there a chance that we can get Power Swords (the whole sword and the sword halves) AND The Sword of Protection closer to their vintage toy designs?
The Vintage Power swords had an additional piece of Plastic similar to the one in Triklops’ sword that allowed figures with open hands to hold it. The Vintage Sword of Protection looked NOTHING like its MOTUC counterpart.
We leave all design decisions to the 4 Horsemen, but it's a nice idea for a refresh. Let's put it this way would you rather have these swords or Ram Man and Catra? We have a VERY LIMITED BUDGET on the line.
6. Novelty asks:
Why did Mattel not make the Classics Evil-Lyn’s staff Glow in the Dark?
Will we ever see the Book of Gozer as an accessory in the Ghostbuster line?
Now that Mattel is making the Green Lantern as a DCUC sub-wave, will we ever see a DCUC Lantern Corps vs the MotUC Cosmic Enforcer 2-packs?
Some of Mattel’s competitors have interactive websites (with games and movies, etc.) for their product lines. Has Mattel considered this for the mattycollector toylines?
Have the Toy Story and Avatar toylines been discontinued?
It has been rather quiet on the Voltron front – is there anything that can be disclosed to the public at this point in time for Voltron?
Evil Lyn's staff glowed in the dark? That's a nice way to refresh Evil Lyn down the line. Let's put it this way would you rather have these swords or Ram Man and Catra? We have a VERY LIMITED BUDGET on the line.
We leave all the sculpt decisions to the 4 Horsemen.
We cannot comment on product past King Hsss. That is a nice idea and we might pass it along.
We cannot do that due to logistics (I know how you feel about that word.) Besides would you prefer better figures or a website with games.
They did not have as much support as MOTUC or DCUC, but there might be some surprises.
We might be able to show something by SDCC but we cannot comment on unreleased product.
7. barbecue17 asks:
So next year, subscribers are looking at having a monthly figure, quarterly bonus figures, and quarterly large figures/2 packs, plus non-subscription weapon packs, reissues, rumored diorama pieces/vehicles, and now the royal guards which have been pushed into 2011. That isn’t even factoring in other Mattycollector lines. Is Mattel making any effort at all to attempt to balance out release dates so that too much product doesn’t hit in a given month? Obviously, a month with a regular figure, quarterly bonus figure, and a large figure would definitely not be a good month for customer’s wallets to also release the royal guards or a vehicle. My question is, is there a limit of Masters product that will be released in a monthly period?
fans wanted more products and we are giving them more product. They go on sale on the same day in order to save money for the fans on shipping costs. We are trying to please you, honest.
8. Zach asks:
Are there any plans to make a MOTU video game? I think it would be great as a platformer along the lines of The Legend of Zelda. Being able to have He-Man cruise around Eternia on Battle Cat would be epic!
That's an interesting idea but maybe in a movie year.
9. Captain Zero asks:
What are the chances of Mattel re-considering releasing the SUPERMAN/BIZARRO, GOLDEN AGE HAWKMAN/HAWKGIRL 2-PACKS??
A lighter blue Superman, a discolored Bizarro, a yellow-hooded Hawkman, and a Hawkgirl with better head articulation is REALLY wanted…and “NEEDED”!!
Oh, and by the way, thanks for all the wonderful DCUC figures.
Can you re-assure us,collectors and fans, that the DCUC line is “profitable” …and has “life”??
Or is it in “trouble” and there is concern for its survival??
We cannot comment on unrealeased product. While those are great ideas there was no real interest on them.
The line is profitable on retail, but there was not enough support for the 2-packs on mattycollector. We might be able to put some DCUC items for SDCC, but beyond that we can't do anything.
10. Damien asks:
MOTUC: In the original line for New Adventures, there were two completely different swords that came with the figures: Original NA He-Man’s sword, and the sword that came with Battle Punching He-Man.
When you get to NA He-Man, is it at all possible we’ll get both of these designs?
The Battle Punching He-Man sword is the same sword as the Normal NA He-Man sword but with battle damage. Think of it this way There is a machine with two buttons one is 'Classics' and the other is 'NA' when we put the NA sword and push the 'Classics' Button you will get the sword or swords that we'll use in MOTUC.
11. TripleM asks:
As you know, eBay sellers in Hong Kong have been selling loose DCUC figures for a while now, including a number of new figures prior to their being offcially released (like GL 5-pack and Wave 15). The Superman repaint that was going to be a Walmart exclusive is described by these Hong Kong sellers as “Secret Origin” Superman. What is the concept behind the DCUC “Secret Origin” line? Is it strictly A-list repaints, hero/villain 2-packs, another nod to Super Powers?
We are well aware of the situation and we are working with our vendors to stop the theft of our products. That superman was part of a rejected 2 pack idea. We cannot comment anything about it.
12. Nik asks:
Does Mattel plan to stick to the obviously “cartoony” style of the Ghostbusters’ likenesses, or will there be a future attempt to better capture more realistic actor likenesses?
We leave all sculpting decisions to the boys in Jersey.
13. Zach asks:
Why release a new head sculpt for the Peter Venkman Ghostbusters figure so soon after the first figure was released? why not just have the one head sculpt?
We leave all sculpting decisions to the boys in Jersey. They thought they could do a new different Peter Vankman head for a new figure and they did it.
14. bobshumway asks:
Is there any chance we can get the Whiplash forearms on BA Skeletor? This would not only make it accurate to the cardback art but also to the original vintage toy.
Battle Armor Skeletor is too far in production to do a change like that. We did change the paint opps on him to match his classic toy version. Changing his forearms would create a chase variant and fans voted agaisnt them. We could implement that change on Dragon Blaster Skeletor or Terror Claws Skeletor. I am using them as an example they are not coming anytime soon.
I know it's too late for this round, but this seems like a question that's worth asking at some point:
With the very nice-looking Raven body/skirt mold available, are there any chances of doing a classic Catwoman figure in DCUC using that body? With the character's recent 3-season stint on Brave and the Bold in that original costume with the skirt and cape, it seems like a good idea, even if only as an exclusive somewhere!
Are we going to see an accessory pack for the 6" Ghostbuster line? Now that we know proton streams and PKE meters are being made, we'd like extras for our existing figures.
I know you can not comment on unannounced figures but have you ever talked about doing a SMALLVILLE Blur costume Superman?
Any idea if/when we’ll see a new DCUC All-Star Assortment and are there plans to include Hawkgirl? She’s ideal as the first release was a tough find and she was heavily featured in the JLA/JLU series.
can we relate to meddlor or whomever the exec is who mandated the millenium heads getting scrapped that WE uy the product, not him… when he's sitting for an hour to buy 5 figures, he can start making arbitrary decisions about the product. until then, the CUSTOMER is the one who's right, remember?
can we see a decision in mattel press to stop referring to customers as fans? we're customers, fans watch, customers consume.
Snarf! Snarf!
I will give you your "answers" like last time AFTER I get the OK from Poe.
Now here's my question for Matty:
Is there a chance that we can get Power Swords (the whole sword and the sword halves) AND The Sword of Protection closer to their vintage toy designs?
The Vintage Power swords had an additional piece of Plastic similar to the one in Triklops' sword that allowed figures with open hands to hold it. The Vintage Sword of Protection looked NOTHING like its MOTUC counterpart.
@Snarf! Snarf!: You can do your answers after the expiration date in the post.
So next year, subscribers are looking at having a monthly figure, quarterly bonus figures, and quarterly large figures/2 packs, plus non-subscription weapon packs, reissues, rumored diorama pieces/vehicles, and now the royal guards which have been pushed into 2011. That isn't even factoring in other Mattycollector lines. Is Mattel making any effort at all to attempt to balance out release dates so that too much product doesn't hit in a given month? Obviously, a month with a regular figure, quarterly bonus figure, and a large figure would definitely not be a good month for customer's wallets to also release the royal guards or a vehicle. My question is, is there a limit of Masters product that will be released in a monthly period?
Are there any plans to make a MOTU video game? I think it would be great as a platformer along the lines of The Legend of Zelda. Being able to have He-Man cruise around Eternia on Battle Cat would be epic!
Why did Mattel not make the Classics Evil-Lyn’s staff Glow in the Dark?
Will we ever see the Book of Gozer as an accessory in the Ghostbuster line?
Now that Mattel is making the Green Lantern as a DCUC sub-wave, will we ever see a DCUC Lantern Corps vs the MotUC Cosmic Enforcer 2-packs?
Some of Mattel’s competitors have interactive websites (with games and movies, etc.) for their product lines. Has Mattel considered this for the mattycollector toylines?
Have the Toy Story and Avatar toylines been discontinued?
It has been rather quiet on the Voltron front – is there anything that can be disclosed to the public at this point in time for Voltron?
Amen! Meddlor, LOL! You know, I don't even use the 200X heads but you couldn't be more right. If the fans (customers) want 'em, keep 'em coming.
Captain Zero
What are the chances of Mattel re-considering releasing the SUPERMAN/BIZARRO, GOLDEN AGE HAWKMAN/HAWKGIRL 2-PACKS??
A lighter blue Superman, a discolored Bizarro, a yellow-hooded Hawkman, and a Hawkgirl with better head articulation is REALLY wanted…and "NEEDED"!!
Captain Zero
Oh, and by the way, thanks for all the wonderful DCUC figures.
Can you re-assure us,collectors and fans, that the DCUC line is "profitable" …and has "life"??
Or is it in "trouble" and there is concern for its survival??
@Zach: zach, if you're interested, i posted an idea for a motuc game on the horsemen's motuc page here…
about halfway down the page… give that a read and see if it doesn't sound like a good start! i totally agree man, bring on the video game!!
MOTUC: In the original line for New Adventures, there were two completely different swords that came with the figures: Original NA He-Man's sword, and the sword that came with Battle Punching He-Man.
When you get to NA He-Man, is it at all possible we'll get both of these designs?
As you know, eBay sellers in Hong Kong have been selling loose DCUC figures for a while now, including a number of new figures prior to their being offcially released (like GL 5-pack and Wave 15). The Superman repaint that was going to be a Walmart exclusive is described by these Hong Kong sellers as "Secret Origin" Superman. What is the concept behind the DCUC "Secret Origin" line? Is it strictly A-list repaints, hero/villain 2-packs, another nod to Super Powers?
Yours sounds cool, although I'd honestly much rather a semi-linear Hack'N'Slash. Something simple, where you play as He-Man and can call the other Masters/Battle Cat as assistants depending on power-ups or levels. You could still have an attack skill-tree ala the Spider-Man games.
The different levels are different environments in MOTU canon and of course, the boss of each level is one of the Evil Warriors (until you finally get to the epic battle outside Greyskull where you have to fight each of them in succession or all together).
And if the game were to do well, you could move on to the Snake Men / Horde the next game.
God…I really want that now.
Snarf! Snarf!
@Zach: That would be so Awesome! While Playing Twilight Princess the whole Link Transformation thing made me think how Awesome it would be to play as Adam and He-Man in a game like that.
I could also play a Soulcalibur Type of Game redressed with MOTU characters.
Soul Calibur and Soul Edge remind me of the half sword thing… Unleashing Demo-Man as a final boss…
Does Mattel plan to stick to the obviously "cartoony" style of the Ghostbusters' likenesses, or will there be a future attempt to better capture more realistic actor likenesses?
Why release a new head sculpt for the Peter Venkman Ghostbusters figure so soon after the first figure was released? why not just have the one head sculpt?
Is there any chance we can get the Whiplash forearms on BA Skeletor? This would not only make it accurate to the cardback art but also to the original vintage toy.
@dayraven: That does sound like a good start! If done properly, I'm sure the title would be a pretty good seller.
Questions for the October 15 round have been submitted.
Allright Snarf, time to give us some great Matty answers!
Snarf! Snarf!
Warning: The following answers are not Official Matty answers (duh!) They are not to be taken seriously and are done for fun's sake. Unlike the big Head from Mattel I will ANSWER ALL your questions. <del>Hopefully they'll be just as good as Matty's</del>
1. toyman2581 asks:
Are we going to see an accessory pack for the 6″ Ghostbuster line? Now that we know proton streams and PKE meters are being made, we’d like extras for our existing figures.
It would be a nice idea to make an accessory line for the Ghostbutsers, but they will be repaints of the exsisting accessories.
2.FakeEyes22 asks:
Any idea if/when we’ll see a new DCUC All-Star Assortment and are there plans to include Hawkgirl? She’s ideal as the first release was a tough find and she was heavily featured in the JLA/JLU series.
We cannot comment on any unreleased products. We may re-release her someday on the All-Star line, but we cannot comment anything right now at this moment.
3. sammybj asks:
I know you can not comment on unannounced figures but have you ever talked about doing a SMALLVILLE Blur costume Superman?
As you said we cannot comment on unannounced product. While we have the licesne to do ALL DCU characters, but the Blur is a Smallvile creation and we do not own rights to the character.
4.dayraven asks:
can we relate to meddlor or whomever the exec is who mandated the millenium heads getting scrapped that WE uy the product, not him… when he’s sitting for an hour to buy 5 figures, he can start making arbitrary decisions about the product. until then, the CUSTOMER is the one who’s right, remember?
can we see a decision in mattel press to stop referring to customers as fans? we’re customers, fans watch, customers consume.
We do not have an executive named Meddlor who hates 200X but I cannot comment anything on the matter accept that that style is retired. We buy the product as well as you guys and we understand the frustrations with digital river that's why we upgraded their servers and some new imporvements will show up in October-ish.
We call you guys fans, because here at Mattel we consider you part of the family. Calling you customizers or customers as you said makes us look like we're a soulless evil corporation trying to take away your money. You guys are fans, your love for He-Man kept him alive when he wasn't profitable to us and we thank you for that even if TWO fans in particular from an insignificant fansite stepped way out of line multiple times. We want your money and your love, just like family. To us you're our Cousin Oliver.
5. Snarf! Snarf! asks:
Is there a chance that we can get Power Swords (the whole sword and the sword halves) AND The Sword of Protection closer to their vintage toy designs?
The Vintage Power swords had an additional piece of Plastic similar to the one in Triklops’ sword that allowed figures with open hands to hold it. The Vintage Sword of Protection looked NOTHING like its MOTUC counterpart.
We leave all design decisions to the 4 Horsemen, but it's a nice idea for a refresh. Let's put it this way would you rather have these swords or Ram Man and Catra? We have a VERY LIMITED BUDGET on the line.
6. Novelty asks:
Why did Mattel not make the Classics Evil-Lyn’s staff Glow in the Dark?
Will we ever see the Book of Gozer as an accessory in the Ghostbuster line?
Now that Mattel is making the Green Lantern as a DCUC sub-wave, will we ever see a DCUC Lantern Corps vs the MotUC Cosmic Enforcer 2-packs?
Some of Mattel’s competitors have interactive websites (with games and movies, etc.) for their product lines. Has Mattel considered this for the mattycollector toylines?
Have the Toy Story and Avatar toylines been discontinued?
It has been rather quiet on the Voltron front – is there anything that can be disclosed to the public at this point in time for Voltron?
Evil Lyn's staff glowed in the dark? That's a nice way to refresh Evil Lyn down the line. Let's put it this way would you rather have these swords or Ram Man and Catra? We have a VERY LIMITED BUDGET on the line.
We leave all the sculpt decisions to the 4 Horsemen.
We cannot comment on product past King Hsss. That is a nice idea and we might pass it along.
We cannot do that due to logistics (I know how you feel about that word.) Besides would you prefer better figures or a website with games.
They did not have as much support as MOTUC or DCUC, but there might be some surprises.
We might be able to show something by SDCC but we cannot comment on unreleased product.
7. barbecue17 asks:
So next year, subscribers are looking at having a monthly figure, quarterly bonus figures, and quarterly large figures/2 packs, plus non-subscription weapon packs, reissues, rumored diorama pieces/vehicles, and now the royal guards which have been pushed into 2011. That isn’t even factoring in other Mattycollector lines. Is Mattel making any effort at all to attempt to balance out release dates so that too much product doesn’t hit in a given month? Obviously, a month with a regular figure, quarterly bonus figure, and a large figure would definitely not be a good month for customer’s wallets to also release the royal guards or a vehicle. My question is, is there a limit of Masters product that will be released in a monthly period?
fans wanted more products and we are giving them more product. They go on sale on the same day in order to save money for the fans on shipping costs. We are trying to please you, honest.
8. Zach asks:
Are there any plans to make a MOTU video game? I think it would be great as a platformer along the lines of The Legend of Zelda. Being able to have He-Man cruise around Eternia on Battle Cat would be epic!
That's an interesting idea but maybe in a movie year.
9. Captain Zero asks:
What are the chances of Mattel re-considering releasing the SUPERMAN/BIZARRO, GOLDEN AGE HAWKMAN/HAWKGIRL 2-PACKS??
A lighter blue Superman, a discolored Bizarro, a yellow-hooded Hawkman, and a Hawkgirl with better head articulation is REALLY wanted…and “NEEDED”!!
Oh, and by the way, thanks for all the wonderful DCUC figures.
Can you re-assure us,collectors and fans, that the DCUC line is “profitable” …and has “life”??
Or is it in “trouble” and there is concern for its survival??
We cannot comment on unrealeased product. While those are great ideas there was no real interest on them.
The line is profitable on retail, but there was not enough support for the 2-packs on mattycollector. We might be able to put some DCUC items for SDCC, but beyond that we can't do anything.
10. Damien asks:
MOTUC: In the original line for New Adventures, there were two completely different swords that came with the figures: Original NA He-Man’s sword, and the sword that came with Battle Punching He-Man.
When you get to NA He-Man, is it at all possible we’ll get both of these designs?
The Battle Punching He-Man sword is the same sword as the Normal NA He-Man sword but with battle damage. Think of it this way There is a machine with two buttons one is 'Classics' and the other is 'NA' when we put the NA sword and push the 'Classics' Button you will get the sword or swords that we'll use in MOTUC.
11. TripleM asks:
As you know, eBay sellers in Hong Kong have been selling loose DCUC figures for a while now, including a number of new figures prior to their being offcially released (like GL 5-pack and Wave 15). The Superman repaint that was going to be a Walmart exclusive is described by these Hong Kong sellers as “Secret Origin” Superman. What is the concept behind the DCUC “Secret Origin” line? Is it strictly A-list repaints, hero/villain 2-packs, another nod to Super Powers?
We are well aware of the situation and we are working with our vendors to stop the theft of our products. That superman was part of a rejected 2 pack idea. We cannot comment anything about it.
12. Nik asks:
Does Mattel plan to stick to the obviously “cartoony” style of the Ghostbusters’ likenesses, or will there be a future attempt to better capture more realistic actor likenesses?
We leave all sculpting decisions to the boys in Jersey.
13. Zach asks:
Why release a new head sculpt for the Peter Venkman Ghostbusters figure so soon after the first figure was released? why not just have the one head sculpt?
We leave all sculpting decisions to the boys in Jersey. They thought they could do a new different Peter Vankman head for a new figure and they did it.
14. bobshumway asks:
Is there any chance we can get the Whiplash forearms on BA Skeletor? This would not only make it accurate to the cardback art but also to the original vintage toy.
Battle Armor Skeletor is too far in production to do a change like that. We did change the paint opps on him to match his classic toy version. Changing his forearms would create a chase variant and fans voted agaisnt them. We could implement that change on Dragon Blaster Skeletor or Terror Claws Skeletor. I am using them as an example they are not coming anytime soon.
If Mattel's answers are any different than these (or any better) I'll be surprised. Great job, Snarf!
I know it's too late for this round, but this seems like a question that's worth asking at some point:
With the very nice-looking Raven body/skirt mold available, are there any chances of doing a classic Catwoman figure in DCUC using that body? With the character's recent 3-season stint on Brave and the Bold in that original costume with the skirt and cape, it seems like a good idea, even if only as an exclusive somewhere!
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors?