Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to poe AT Also, please note: I’m deliberately being over-the-top with my condemnation of these people–I don’t actually wish bodily harm upon them. Just severe mental anguish.
Poester The Flash III found this jackass’s magnum opus:
I was at Target today and noticed this new BB&TB set. There were 3 of them, but one seemed to be missing something. The package had clear indications on the sides that it had been opened, so I’m not sure if it was a return or someone just took old Plas and put him in his purse.
Maybe Mattel is shipping them this way to keep Plastic Man rare! That way it is a special gift to reward the fans who find sealed packages.
Just kidding. This is ridiculous. I hate this especially with a line marketed towards kids because some parent or grandparent will buy this for their child and not suspect anything.
This is just plain shoplifting,not troll class swapping.
I think what is even worse is that they try to still sell these at full price.
@Barbecue17: Lol. Seems like something Mattel would do.
But in all seriousness, why would someone do this? As Barbecue17 said chances are now that some parent will buy this for their child and not suspect anything. The only thing you can hope for is that said parent is observant enough to notice something’s not right. It’s downright pathetic that there are people out there that are stealing from a toy line aimed at kids.
Thomas B
it isn't mattel trying to sell it at full price. it is target….booo target.
i have seen target(and walmart) both restock things after i personally brought them up to the counter to tell them they were opened and things out of them were stolen.
@Thomas B:
That was a (bad) joke that fell flat.
Up here I've never seen this sort of thing. We have more of a scalper problem though. The TRUs finally started to bring in the MP Grimlocks but sold out in a few minutes because some jackass bought them all.
By the way Poe, you never said what his punishment would be.