A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Toy Aisle Trolls > Bait ‘n No-Switch

Toy Aisle Trolls is a feature highlighting acts of vandalism to in-store toy items. If you find a ruined package, a stolen figure, a swapped-out figure, or any other such acts, take a photo (cell phone photos are fine if they’re not blurry) and email them to poe AT poeghostal.com. Also, please note: I’m deliberately being over-the-top with my condemnation of these people–I don’t actually wish bodily harm upon them. Just severe mental anguish.

Reader 3B sends in this T.A.T. from his local Walmart.

Seriously–someone wanted Nightcrawler that badly? I mean, no offense to Kurt, but…well, offense to Kurt, I guess.

Anyway, insert your preferred “bamf” joke here. (Also–get it? Bait? Ugh, never mind. I hate myself.)


Pic of the Day


Pic of the Day


  1. How did that even get put back on the shelf where there are clearly TWO figures on the box art?

  2. Heli

    I'd guess somebody just shoplifted Kurt, rather than taking the trouble to buy the set and return it.

  3. Replicant

    I love that Nightcrawler figure but how could anyone pass up on Storm with a mohawk? LOL

  4. I swear this wasn't me. Really.

  5. Megatherium

    I really hope this is the work of some misguided child rather than an overstuffed nerd…

  6. The Flash III


    I don't know…"she" kind of creeps me out, haha!

  7. americanhyena

    I found half of the DCUC Trigon wave in my local Walmart the other day –all gutted of the actual Trigon pieces. I debated telling the manager because I wasn't sure if someone might still be willing to buy them since new DCUC are like dragon's teeth at retail but eventually told them and they assured me it wouldn't be reshelved . Hopefully it won't cut down the stores orders on the line.

  8. JediCreeper

    yeah.. that's just good old fashioned thievery..

  9. FakeEyes22

    I have yet to see that wave in stores. Not trying to defend the thievery, but the price is outrageous for the 2 packs that reuse too many of the crummier sculpts and have even worse paint than the single carded MUs. The new Target 2 packs impressed me with the newly sculpted parts in thw SDCC pics. The toys themselves are painted like ass and each new head sculpt requires the purchase of a metallic painted nightmare. Kinda sucks for poor lonely Storm up there.

  10. Dlia

    Rather unremarkable piece of X-vandalism compared to this beauty;


    either way its all good

  11. Supermanjunkie78

    Hasbro's MU are just too expensive especially since the cost of those 2 packs are more than what the ML used to go for…

    Anyway whoever did that belongs to jail!

  12. 3B

    Yeah, this was a straight "smash and grab", or "rip and dip"?

    They tore the bubble off the card along the side and snatched NC. Personally, I think Storm is the cooler figure.

  13. tool486

    @Dlia: Do you know how much that toilet bowl sold for??

  14. Brainlock

    we should all start carrying a marker (sharpie, Big black, etc) and write on these "PIECES MISSING! DO NOT BUY!!"

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