A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Spy Monkey Creations announces the Dark Arsenal of the Space Pirate

I know a lot of you have been interested in Spy Monkey Creations stuff, but have held off for one reason or another. Well, I predict many of you are about to cave in like a Twinkie with no filling:

That’s right. New arm attachments for Trap Jaw, from right out of the cartoon. And not only that, you also get a hilt for the sword/swatter and a handle for the energy bow, so any figure can use them. Oh, and you can get silver versions for the upcoming Roboto. Yeah, you know you already want to know when you canorder these. Read on.

The Dark Arsenal of the Space Pirate/The Tools of the Master Strategist sets are ready for use with your 7″ Fantasy Action Figures!  Each set includes the following:

1x  Hilt
1x  Pistol
1x  Photon Crossblaster
1x  Scimitar Blade
1x  Pest Pulverizer

The hilt, pistol and 3 weapon attachments that are all fully interchangeable via a universal plug system, allowing you to create a variety of weapon combinations!

These sets are cast in black/silver resin and include metallic blue paint highlights.

Both The Dark Arsenal of the Space Pirate/The Tools of the Master Strategist will go on sale for $15.00 U.S. on Aug 20th, 2010 at 12:00PM PST in our online store.

Note: this is not the PGPoA exclusive I’ve talked about. That’s in development, but it’s going to be a less flashy item than this–fun, but less flashy.

And don’t forget, the Dread Axe of Darkness is back on sale.This may be the last production run of this color scheme, so order yours soon!


Pic of the Day


Toy Aisle Trolls > 2-Pack Shaker


  1. Thomas B

    these are pretty awesome and i think that spy monkey finally has created something that is going to make me cave and make a purchase.

    Now all they need to do is start making heads. they can be generic heads and i'd be fine.

  2. Yeah, SMC has been knocking it out of the park. Oh and if anyone wants a Dread Axe, I've got one on offer as a prize – check out the contest details on my blog on at Poe's forums here.

  3. FakeEyes22

    Just when I decided not to get a second Trap Jaw. I'm assuming a DC 2 pack's going to have a filmation colored Trap Jaw, so I may hold off since SpyMonkey would likely offer a matching maroon version of this set for my baseless prediction.

  4. FakeEyes22

    Oh wait, I didn't realize how brilliant the system is! Each piece can be made into an arm attachment or handheld weapon? I love that. I want that.

  5. What's the retail on them?

  6. dayraven

    this is literal perfection. SMC FTW!!

  7. dayraven

    @Stephen: read the blue boxed content above.

  8. Dead Man Walking

    Maybe it's the picture, but the sculpts look really rough on them–not nearly as precise as the other, albeit simpler, designs SMC has done before.

    No interest here, but I'm glad other collectors are getting something they want.

  9. Snarf! Snarf!

    Awe and Some!

    Those are MUST have accessories.

  10. Mysterious Stranger

    I've held off on the SMC stuff due to a few things. One I don't particularly care for the axe design, they just aren't my taste. And two the price. $10.00 for one accessory is a bit steep for me to justify. Yes I know these are hand made and it takes a lot of work to put these out. I have friends that run similar stores for 4" figures so I know all about the ins and outs. The price may be worth it for the finished goods but for me its a bit out of my budget.

    But this set of 5 accessories for $15 is a steal! I'll be getting one for sure and maybe two depending on my mood in a few hours.

  11. FakeEyes22

    Will the final product have the metallic aqua paint detail I wonder. No big deal to do it myself. The swatter option and Buzz-Off will be popular.

  12. Poe

    @FakeEyes22: It's right in the description:

    These sets are cast in black/silver resin and include metallic blue paint highlights.

  13. Mysterious Stranger

    @Poe: We don't read your posts man, we just come here to look at the pretty pictures and rant about Matty. 😉

    Actually I missed that part about the paint too. Now I definitely want to get this set.

  14. JediCreeper

    ok.. you're right… THESE I really want… and I'm likely to order the GL attachments also when these go on sale..

  15. FakeEyes22

    Yep, I can't read. I think I can see the highlights now that I'm in better light. Great stuff. $15 is getting close to the price of a figure, but this is a case where I believe orders have a very significant impact on seeing more fun stuff like this. I'm really hoping for that 2nd removable Roboto hand now.

    I think I've got an idea about the next Poe exclusive.

  16. Mysterious Stranger

    4 minutes til and the WSO- oh wait, this isn't Mattycollector.com … my bad.

  17. I was excited about this, but none of these attachments interest me in the least.

  18. Harlan Rosen

    Yessssssssssssssssssssss the energy crossbow!! At long last!

    And now I am thirty dollars poor-er.

  19. Reverend Ender

    Yeah, the price is right. I'm sold.

  20. Magneto76

    I'v ebeen waiting for the 1 thing that really made it impossible to resist buying from SMC, and this set was it. I caved and bought the Trap-jaw set and also the Demon blade swords for skeletor and Hordak. I'll give ya pics when they arrive.

  21. JimPansen

    Bought. Now we need a more suitable Weapon for Tytus please!!!

  22. PrfktTear

    I haven't put in my order yet, but what sells this for me is the energy bow. I was really hoping Matty would have included some extra accessories with Trap Jaw initially, but alas, no such luck. This is where SMC comes into play!

    If Matty ever makes a Filmation accurate Trap Jaw (which I hope to heaven almighty they do) SMC will have to make the appropraite colored attachments.

    For Gygor, they should make a giant banana! And the Sprite bottle from which he was concieved from.

  23. Mijet

    I didn't read through the comments so if I mention something someone else said, sorry. As much as I like SMC stuff they messed up on making a silver set for Robot, TG said Robot would have female attachments while TJ has male attachments, so these won't work for Robot. He also said in the same vein they might remake the Robot pieces to fit TJ and cast in black in a future weapons pack, just adding to the fact they attach differently.

  24. GrtEternal

    Can someone pst a pic of Trap Jaw with these attachments. I want to see what they look like! 😀

  25. I was ordering these and stopped when I hit the checkout process. I expected to be able to just click through to Paypal and be done, but the system immediately wanted me to create an account.

    Is there an option I missed that allows me to shop _without_ forcing me to join yet another website?

  26. Mecha-Shiva

    Wow,these look awesome,when I saw the hilt i thought it was a Peg-leg.

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