Spy Monkey Creations & AFI Toast a New Accessory

Spy Monkey Creations has unveiled their latest item, an exclusive with Action Figure Insider–Toast-Orr the Bread Shield!

Forged the Forbidden Oven of Sourdozia, Toast-Orr’s impenetrable crust makes him a powerful weapon in the eternal struggle against evil!

Each Toast-Orr is hand crafted by the good people at SpyMonkey Creations. They will be $10 + shipping and handling.

Toast-Orr with be on sale on AFi starting August 17th. Look for the button on the front page to order.

What do you think, sirs?


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1 Comment

  1. PrfktTear

    @Mysterious Stranger: Not to be confused with Shocka or Shocker Toys! 😉

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