Spy Monkey Creations has unveiled their latest item, an exclusive with Action Figure Insider–Toast-Orr the Bread Shield!
Forged the Forbidden Oven of Sourdozia, Toast-Orr’s impenetrable crust makes him a powerful weapon in the eternal struggle against evil!
Each Toast-Orr is hand crafted by the good people at SpyMonkey Creations. They will be $10 + shipping and handling.
Toast-Orr with be on sale on AFi starting August 17th. Look for the button on the front page to order.
What do you think, sirs?
That is fantastic! I definitely need a toast shield for Wun-dar.
That's one rye sense of humor they've got there.
Wow, I may just have to get this.
I can't wheat!
Dead Man Walking
I'm down with Mo-Larr, but this is a bit too half-baked for me.
Cute but I'd never buy one.
It's funny–I actually went into SDCC expecting to drop a pretty penny on Spymonkey stuff and unfortunately the Mattypalooza panel happened before I found them. The new weapons pack with Faker's gear in it made me totally forget to hunt them down.
Since then my enthusiasm for their stuff has waned some. It's nice to be sure, but most of the figures are so stocked with accessories that more seem redundant.
Though I may still pick up the Skelly axe for his battle armor version.
I like how it emphasizes that the figure is a fun novelty. It's well done and gives Wun-Dar a bigger push towards WTF, which is cool. I find the Wun-Dar concept a bit more funny and obscure than Mo-Larr
I do wonder how many of these will sell, when its so character specific for what will be one of the rarest figurea in the line, but I assume SpyMonkey doesn't have to worry about factory costs.
Leonardo T Dragon
Philip Reed
@FakeEyes22: As resin-cast bits there are no factory costs, but there are time and materials costs so these need to sell at least a few dozen copies to succeed. (At least, a few dozen would be my measure; they may be happier at fewer.)
Thomas B
this is pure win!!!
@PrfktTear: that's almost as brilliant as the idea itself! "i can't wheat" HA!!
this is spectacular. have the horsemen seen this?
I would say, yes:
I'm now realizing that Toast-Orr is a sentient being.
"Toast-Orr’s impenetrable crust makes HIM a powerful weapon"
That just gave me brain damage without all that inconvenient head trauma. I may need one.
d. verburg
you know, i love all of the spy monkey stuff i have and maybe this is funny to a lot of people… but man i'd never buy it.
i'm not going as far as calling it crumby though
Haha,what a neat idea,next we need Wun-Darr with a Toasted bread Scent with bread flocking!
Personally, this is not something I'd purchase, but man, what a fun idea. Such great sculpting & paint too.
Enuff w/ the stale jokes already. These really jam and are high quality so you won't have to worry about getting burnt if you buy them. These releases are getting butter and butter. Too bad you have to be a member of the upper crust have enough bread to buy them all.
@Dead Man Walking:
I see what you did there @_@
That is a really cool accessory
@dwaltrip: Is Cornboy subliminally flipping us off?
Mysterious Stranger
@Heli: Forgive me for not knowing these guys on sight but if he's the one on the left he's throwing up "The Shocker". If you don't know what that is, google it… from home cuz its kinda NSFW.
@Mysterious Stranger: Not to be confused with Shocka or Shocker Toys! 😉