A blog about action figures and the toy industry in general by writer and collector Poe Ghostal.

Pic of the Day

Roboto - Masters of the Universe

Roboto – Masters of the Universe by cobra.creations


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MOTUC Bio Discussion #21 > Battle Cat


  1. Dead Man Walking

    One of my favorites from the original line.

  2. Poe

    I have to say I've never been totally into Roboto. The original version–and the MOTUC version–have an extremely toy-ish, Playskool look to me. He reminds me of a corn popper.

    This is the rare case where I completely prefer the Millennium version of the figure (although if the MOTUC version does turn out to have two swappable hands, that will be pretty awesome).

  3. orionpax636

    Ah yes, one of my favorites.

    I love both versions of him, and can understand why the MO2K version is preferred as more "serious." That said, while the MOTUC version in absolutely closer to the original, I think the larger lower jaw is a nice alteration to make him look more aggressive.

    I would have preferred if the gears were done facing to the sides, however. It might have given the Horsemen a chance to keep the moving gears while preserving the ab hinge.

  4. FakeEyes22

    Playskool is a perfect description. The colors and clear plastic with colorful stuff inside are also quite reminiscent of a Fisher Price corn popper push toy!

    Still, I've always thought he was one of the cooler figures that came out after I was done with He-Man, just for being a robot and somewhat of an anti-Trap Jaw. This one here is the only loose one I've seen without the purple wear/discoloration on the silver. I at first thought the Classics version had goofed by forgetting it!

    He's among my most anticipated Classics, probably because he is a little silly. He had a touch time being truly awesome back when Valkries and Transformers were hitting big.

  5. Snarf! Snarf!

    @Poe: You are not alone… but he looks pretty sweet EVEN if he has that huge duck bill… Now to figure out how to make a custom plate to have a hybrid Roboto…

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