First off, it appears we won’t be getting Grizzlor’s extra Millennium face. Scott Neitlich:
Many of you may have picked up the latest Toy Fare magazine (check out the cool Legion cover!) and have seen an image of Grizzlor with a second head as an accessory.
To clarify, the Grizzlor shown at SDCC was final. It was there in package. He only has one head as officially announced at SDCC.
Magazines often need images well in advance and many times the only images we have available are the first pics of the Horsemen sculpts.
Because the Horsemen sculpt more then we ask for ( a good problem to have), sometimes these PR images wind up having extra parts pictured that do not get tooled. This happened with Batman Beyond’s wings and Lex Luthor’s skirt pieces as well.
Our tooling budget is finite and we can’t always afford to tool everything the Horsemen sculpt (especially when they throw in unrequested parts not accounted for in the budget – not that we want them to stop! A lot of things the sculpt wind up getting used later. The Kandor they sculpted for Superman in DCSH wound up getting used in JLU in 2010!)
Back to the point: Because we did announce Grizzlor in full at SDCC, hopefully this image was not too misleading. But to be clear, Grizzlor has one face only. The figure is tool’d and in production so no changes are being made at this point.
Sorry for any confusion gang!
I–hmm. Well…hrm. Forget it. I’m not even going to bother.
Neitlich also posted a lengthy update on the MOTUC figures seen at SDCC. There’s some good news and some not-so-good-news.
Hey gang,
Finally through the work that piled up while I was at SDCC. I wanted to give a few quick updates to the figures shown at the con.
Battle Armor Skeletor: He will indeed have three chest plates just like BA He Man. The Horsemen just had not finished sculpting them in time for the show. He will also come with the standard “He-Man” battle axe in purple, just as fans have asked for. Finally, we will paint his feet purple with black toe nails also per fan request. I know some fans also asked for the Hordak feet, but this was not possible this time around.
Grayskull: The pain job is final. We know some fans are asking for other paint schemes, but quite frankly we really like this one. The red cape with flocking and silver highlights on the armor and chest piece really pop. The cape also references the vintage art on the package. This does not mean we can’t do another color scheme of Grayskull down the road, but for now we are set. Also, his boots will be the same as the original release. The kit bashed model for the show had the wrong boots.
Preternia Disguise He-Man: We spoke to the Horsemen and we are going to change the wrist bands to the Tri-Klops wrists to be more accurate to the comic design.
Roboto: We are looking into the possibility of making both hands removable. It my be too late on this go around, but we are looking into it.
Palace Guards: The guards will indeed have the Keldor boots as the Horsemen designed. The kit based version used for SDCC was incorrect. Also, we bumped up the gold highlights a bit on the chest piece. It looks really great! The guards have also moved to December due to the boot change.
King Hssss: His jaw will be hinged and the Snake heads will be articulated (sorta like Clayface’s arms or Plastic Man’s neck).
As far as a few other issues, I know a lot of fans are asking about the “lack of females”. While we did not show any females at SDCC, there will be more females in 2011 then we did in 2010. We just did not have any slotted for Jan – March. There are still plenty of monthly figs to go and A-list variant slots as well. A lot more of 2011 is left to reveal! Stay tuned.
Fans are also asking about “200X” elements. I will tell you that after the Marzo head, management asked us specifically to pull back on the amount of “anime hyper detail elements” in the sculpts. Also, after the second Whiplash head, we were asked to pull back on second heads that are purley 200X inspired. That “look” and interpretation” is retired.
We will continue to do second heads when there is a compelling reason (like for Mer-Man or Man-At-Arms), but we will be pulling back from extra heads simply to add in 200X elements (like with Whiplash).
The Horsemen often sculpt extra heads and accessories then asked for(they actually did three heads for Bow) but with the direction from management to move away from 200X elements and the general high cost of extra heads (due to all the paint ops) we will only do second heads when it is really compelling. You won’t see second heads just to do a 200X homage. This line is all about the “classic” vintage look. You’ll see some 200X elements (like Webstor’s arms) but not a second 200X head as that interpretation is retired.
A lot more great toys are coming, we’re only getting warmed up!
Hope all this helped clarify!
He later followed up on with this:
You will still see 200X characters and 200X versions of characters (i.e. Sorceress, Randor) but they will be in “Classics” style, similar to Carnivus or Grayskull (or Marzo minus the flowing hair).
We’ll also still do second heads for characters like Moss Man or Stinkor who’s vintage head was a repaint. Really, the only character to have a true “200X” head was Whiplash. So there really wasn’t a huge trend we are breaking here. A trend of one.
Predictably, some fans are upset by the fact that this news of fewer Millennium heads was dropped after the subscription deadline. It’s also already wrong, since we’re getting the Millennium Grizzlor face. I suppose, however, it means we won’t be getting any Millennium Buzz-Off or Clawful faces, as an example. Which is dumb and doesn’t make any sense to me, since those heads were different enough from the originals that you could still do them in “Classic” style, minus the dreaded Anime Hyper Detailâ„¢. (I just thought about starting my own podcast with that name, but I’d get too many angry emails from misled fans of One Piece and Cowboy Bebop.)
Who are these executives who, on the one hand, are allegedly so uninvested in MOTUC they’ll kill the line at the slightest sign of failure, yet want to micromanage it at the same time?
As for the rest of the news:
- Skeletor’s boots: I’m happy with this. It matches the vintage art and makes BA Skeletor a little more distinct.
- Grayskull: Personally I really dislike this repaint, and I think it’s a bummer for those who don’t have the original Grayskull, but that’s only my opinion.
- Preternia He-Man: This isn’t something I was concerned about, but it’s cool, I guess.
- Roboto: Getting a removable regular hand would be great, but I suspect we’re too close to production for it to happen.
- Guards’ boots: I actually don’t think the Keldor boots make any sense–those boots definitely have more of an “evil” feel, and what’s more, the shin guards don’t fit over them as well. Anyone else notice Mattel has been using the “It was the Horsemen’s idea!” CMA line a lot lately? Even if it was the Horsemen I still disagree with it.
- King Hsssss: We already knew this, but good news.
- Females: More females in 2011 than 2010? Get ready for Sweet Bee and Perfuma, folks!
Harlan Rosen
What a shame.
Now he's using "Classic" to mean two fucking things. I was fine when "Classic" meant "Classic style," but now it means "Classic figures"? I used to be able to defend characters like Chief Carnivus, but I guess now I can't. These terms mean whatever they need to mean at any given time.
Also, why did you say Grizzlor is getting a Millennium head, Poe? Looked like the Classic head to me.
Snarf! Snarf!
Will the .org be able to sell the "their killin teh lien" shirts once more? Cause I might need one of those.
These news make me one sad MOTU fan.
Classics = Whatever the fuck we need it to mean at the appropriate time.
@RageTreb: As Neitlich notes in the first quote, this week's ToyFare shows a pic of Grizzlor with an alternate Millennium head (face, really) on the ground next to him. Apparently this was made for the prototype but will not be included with the production figure.
When the image showed up in ToyFare, fans–including me–assumed this was a surprise reveal that they'd kept under wraps at SDCC (the assumption was that, in the package, the extra face was hidden behind the paper insert).
Yes, but you quote the part on the top that says the millenium face isn't coming, and then later say "[The news is] also already wrong, since we’re getting the Millennium Grizzlor face.
Honestly…I'm still satisfied with most of this news.
It's not the paint on Grayskull I think is ugly, so much as the flocking. But I'll live with it to have one.
Regarding the heads–I guess I can see where it would bug some people, but it doesn't really bother me. It only really effects four characters that I can think of (Buzz-Off, Grizzlor, Clawful, and Stinkor).
Buzz-Off's 200X head design is too gaunt and angular to look good with the MOTUC body type.
I've always thought that Grizzlor looked stupid with the extra head bands and loin cloth.
Stinkor they've said is getting one (he was the only major one for me).
Clawful is kinda wierd because his 200X is SO drastically different from the original figure. I don't think the more heavily crab oriented face would look good on the original style body I'm sure Mattel will go with.
So…long story short? They're doing Stinkor so I'm happy.
@RageTreb: . . .You seem to be misunderstanding. `Classics`means using Vintage style. You can still justify characters like Carnivus, provided they`re offered in a vintage style of sculpt. 200x characters will continue to be made, just no more 200x-heavy elements or unique 200x headsculpts as extra heads.
Aye…forgot about the Snakemen I guess.
Still…not that big a deal to me. But I guess I can see where others would be upset. Especially if you ordered two subscriptions to display two heads.
Oh god. We are going to get a lot of mileage out this one. huAHAHA
Don't care one way or the other on boots and wristbands, good news on King Hsss, more females is cool, Roboto should have removable hands, King Grayskull looks awesome!
As far as the 200X stuff, I'm glad they are "pulling back" on the amount of anime detail. That being said, before anyone jumps my case, I don't think they should get rid of the 200X extra heads. I personally take em and throw em 'cause I like the "classic" look but it seems that most fans want them so why not just keep including them so both types of fans are happy and have the choice?
I just love the stabs at more of the 200X figure heads. If they wouldve announced it BEFORE the subscriptions went on sale, I wouldnt have bought 2 of them.
Sadly I actually enjoy this line and they are taking the little extra bits I love out of it. Its not like im not paying the small 20 dollar amount for a figure.
Mysterious Stranger
I'm a bit conflicted on the two heads issue. On the one hand it gives people like me who are dabbling in customizing these figures more fodder. But I also feel like I need to buy two figures to display both heads on some of them. I have two Optikks and will be trying to get two Whiplash and Trap-Jaw figures on Monday but only one Mer-man (the vintage head does nothing for me). So not having two heads included means one less decision I have to make every month.
Grayskull – I'm just glad to have the chance to get one.
Guards boots – Personally I think the regular "good guy" boots fit in better with the look of that side of the line. But I don't mind the armored boots either. And they stated at SDCC that the shin armor would fit so if it doesn't there'll be hell to pay.
Skeletor – while I'd really have liked to see the Hordak feet on this one I'm okay with them just painting the Skeletor feet. And including the battle axe is a no-brainer.
Grizzlor heads – I'm not getting him anyway so it doesn't matter if they issue two heads or not.
More females? I'm all for it as long as they don't have the bobble-head problem.
@toyman2581: Which is why this kind of upsets me. Sure Marzo and Carnivus got some complaints, but at the same time Marzo still sold out in an hour. Chances are Carnivus won't sit online to long either.
I highly doubt a bonus 200x head really throws the budget off that much when most of the figures have been getting bonus heads anyway. From what I understand (I wasn't able to get one sadly) Teela got a second head that seems completely pointless when the Snake could have been just a simple slip on like the original figure. How was that okay and acceptable but faceplate for Grizzlor with what seems to be no new tooling is to expensive. Now if they said they were cutting down on second heads in general, that would be one thing, but they specifically target the 200X heads.
I love the Vintage style(Well with the exception of classic Buzz-Off, Clawful, and King Hiss.), but I'm a bit bias towards the 200x versions. It just kind of rubs me the wrong way when the He-Man series I grew up with is the one they're proclaiming as a retired and dead style. I'm fine with the lack of anime-like details on the bodies, but extra heads that exist for fans who like them? I think you can draw the line and say its okay for those guys.
Also they use that no hyper anime detailed excuse WAY to much. In one Ask Matty they used it as the reason Battle Lion won't be done in his proper size when we get him… Size has NOTHING to do with the style. It's just his size.
They use it as an excuse for detailed weapons too despite us getting detailed weapons every now and then. To say Skeletor's 200x swords won't be made due to the style being dead, but yet make Whiplash's 200x weapon, Teela's 200X Sword, and the 200x Power Sword, it's a really empty, broken, and quite honestly hypocritical arguement to say that it's okay with Teela and Whiplash, but not okay with someone as important as Keldor or Skeletor.
The line is doing well, with figures currently selling out in around an hour(thanks to the constant increases in production runs. At one point they were selling out in less than ten minutes), yet they don't seem interested in raising the budget. And recently Toy Guru said that they contacted the Barbie team about doing a few She-Ra Barbies for the anniversary and they weren't interested. Why not? The Barbie team has done plenty of similar anniversary figures. Do the people at Mattel, outside of the people at Matty, just look at He-Man and associated series in general as some kind of old shame?
I didn't expect to write such a long rant… I'll just stop here for now.
Reverend Ender
More crappy news from Matty. I guess it's a good thing that I think soft goods Grizzlor is hideous and wasn't planning on buying him. Of course since I generally prefer the 200X heads, had they included one I might have WANTED Grizzlor. Way to go Mattel.
@Scott: Haha, you're right. That's because I wrote my response to the bottom quote before I came across the news in the top quote, then forgot to go back and edit it.
I'm glad BA skeletor will have the purple feet and axe, but I think that I read somewhere that he won't have a sword, which sucks because my TRU skeletor really needs a purple sword.
I actually like the repaint of grayskull more than the original, but I'm not too excited about the flocking. Luckily we already know that a little bit of water will remove that.
Preternia he-man is a big reason why I decided not to get a subscription, so I don't care what goes on with him.
I'm still iffy on roboto, but whether or not he has two removable hands will not be a deal breaker for me if I decide I want to try to get him.
My excitement over the palace guard set may have just rapidly declined, but it will depend on what they actually look like with keldor boots (also I love how they keep saying that they want to go with the four horsemen's ideas in one area, but ignore them because of "management" in others."
King Hsss, just looks disappointing, but if I get him I'll be glad to have the bendy snakes.
Unfortunately I have no faith that mattel will actually up the production numbers enough to meet demand. I'm sure they're thinking to themselves "surely everyone who buys this line would have purchased a subscription this time around, although half of the figures from 2011 that we showed at SDCC looked really crappy, so lets only make ten extras to sell online."
February is going to stink, because I really want BA skeletor (I just received my BA he-man today, and I only ordered him because of my anticipation of skeletor) and because I've been reading all the old Conan comics I want Vikor, but I'm sure I won't get either one without going the ebay route.
I'm not upset about this really, although I do think it is very foolish on Mattel's part to do away with things like extra heads simply because they're too 200X inspired, who cares what inspires it if its a viable accessory?
I understand they're not going to make 200X figures anymore, and I don't blame them if they're irritated at constantly getting the question when they've said since day one of MOTUC that the 200X line is over, but why does that now extend to anything that was inspired from that line? Wasn't MOTUC supposed to represent all elements of the franchise?
@Valo487: I'm with you.
The first statement is dissapointing. They say over and over again that this is a srs bsns adult collectors line, yet skimp out on the things that you would expect on a collectors line.
Statement number two is kind of dull, since I'm not collecting the line, but this hyper anime detail thing is hilarious. They sound like a teenager looking back on stuff they made and did when they were 9 and decaring it stupid because they're soo mature and better than that now, denying any positive aspects and the context in which the product was made.
Oh mattel, I may not buy any of your wares (woo, hasbro!), but you're very good at making me laugh. Even if you mascot looks like a smug git.
The Flash III
DCUC fans have been begging for more females forever, but I guess Toy Guru is too busy customizing paint and boots to MOTUC fan specifications to listen.
Leonardo T Dragon
Sweet– some exec at Mattel just saved me a lot of cash. Thanks, Faceless Matty Exec for removing as much of the 200x influence as possible and leaving this line as dated as possible.
More money for HALO, Marvel Universe, and Joes apparently.
C'mon: You know Joes are always supposed to be first, followed by everything else. 😉